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Collaborative Analysis and Application of Assessment Results


Students have different academic needs and should all attend to ensure excellent performance. Collaborative analysis and assessment of results are used to enhance transformative professional learning. Teachers engage in small groups to study groups to analyze specific students’ work samples that help increase their understanding of how such students construct the meaning of complex content (Supena I. et al., 2021). This paper explores the present level of academic achievement, functional performance, and collaboration that promote the well-being of students with moderate to severe disabilities. Collaborative analysis and assessment of students’ results enlighten teachers on how to help their students.

The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

Students have variations in understanding different academic topics depending on the environment that they were up in. Students brought up in urban centers have more knowledge of modern technology since most of them are exposed to many technological devices than students that grew up in rural areas. Students have weaknesses such as poor understanding of some topics as they may have no prior information about them, or the topics bring sad memories. Some students need more focus on their studies due to stories about the lack of jobs after completing education. Fear of failure has hindered students” ability to reach their full potential because of negative attitudes (Saqr, M. et al, 2018). Students with special needs can have some weaknesses such as speech impairment, inability to complete academic tasks, poor understanding of concepts, poor social specialization, and lack of motor control. Students with special needs may have some strengths such as strong interests in educative activities such as watching videos, the relationship with peers, and these increases the chances of learning more.

Evaluation of all students has led to the identification of students with more needs than others. Teachers evaluate students’ performance to ensure every student benefits from every lesson taught. Teachers need to evaluate the vernacular language, culture, and family background of every student to know the method of teaching that would favor all students in particular situations. Students have more interests in the nonacademic areas and teachers ensure they include nonacademic activities to enhance better understanding of the concepts they teach. There are also medical issues such as mental health illnesses that may affect the understanding and performance of students. Teachers are required to develop mechanisms for handling such students.

Collaboration to Promote the Well-Being of Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities

Collaborative analysis and assessment of student performance require special members as outlined. Parents of the students should be involved to provide information concerning the family background and behavior of the student. Information provided by parents helps teachers have a view in which students can understand some concepts. Special needs teachers should be available to learn and analyze students’ issues that parents and other teachers have little knowledge of. The regular education teacher is required to provide information about the performance of the students over a given period (Pascacio, P, et al,. 2021). The representative of the school system should be part of a collaborative analysis union to know the resources that students need to foster better performance. There is a little information that may be needed from the student so when appropriate the student should be involved to provide a clear picture of the needs required.

All the information gathered from the collaborative team needs to be organized, analyzed and evaluated. An individual is needed to perform the later duties and interpret the information to ensure the participants get to know how to support the students in their capacities. The parents and school may not be capable to provide full support to the special needs students. the team may not be in a position to provide all necessities so there should be an agency representative who intervenes to help the team to help students in their difficulties. Individuals who have better knowledge should be involved to ensure that supplement ideas are provided. Efforts put by this team generate perfect work that transforms learning progress.


Collaborative analysis and assessment of results are used to enhance transformative professional learning that helps in clearing obstacles that hinder students’ excellent performance. The present level of academic achievement and functional performance has helped in identifying student and teacher-related issues affecting the success of teaching (Yaniv, Z. 2018). Collaboration to promote the well-being of students with moderate to severe disabilities. Specific experts such as therapists and information are required to help students appropriately. The application of collaborative analysis and assessment of results from students has helped students exploit their academic knowledge.


Pascacio, P., Casteleyn, S., Torres-Sospedra, J., Lohan, E. S., & Nurmi, J. (2021). Collaborative indoor positioning systems: A systematic review. Sensors21(3), 1002.

Supena, I., Darmuki, A., & Hariyadi, A. (2021). The Influence of 4C (Constructive, Critical, Creativity, Collaborative) Learning Model on Students’ Learning Outcomes. International Journal of Instruction14(3), 873-892.

Saqr, M., Fors, U., & Tedre, M. (2018). How the study of online collaborative learning can guide teachers and predict students’ performance in a medical course. BMC medical education18(1), 1-14.

Yaniv, Z., Lowekamp, B. C., Johnson, H. J., & Beare, R. (2018). SimpleITK image-analysis notebooks: a collaborative environment for education and reproducible research. Journal of digital imaging31(3), 290-303.


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