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Class Struggle Essays

Parasite Movie Analysis

The movie “Parasite,” directed by Bong Joon-ho, expertly weaves a story that exposes the facades hiding societal inequalities. The film tells a compelling tale that delves into the complexities of social categorizations. The movie employs some masks to depict the closeness of relationships in various societies. Delving into Erikson’s mask concept, this observation demonstrates the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 650

The Impact of On-Demand Labor Enabled by Digital Platforms on Workers: A Marxist Perspective

The emergence of on-demand labor facilitated by digital platforms has revolutionized the way people work globally, particularly in the United States. This new form of work involves individuals performing specific tasks for various employers through digital platforms, ranging from labeling images to web design. Marxism: A Theoretical Lens Marxism, established in the works of Karl ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1350
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