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Chronic Pain Essays

Reiki for Chronic Pain and Mental Well-Being

Pain management and mental well-being are crucial goals of health care. Pain is an unpleasant sensory associated with tissue damage and is often linked to social and psychological components. Pain is frequently related to psychological issues such as anxiety and depression. Extensive research exists on interventions that can help alleviate pain and improve the well-being ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3378

Opioid Crisis and Its Consequences

The opioid crisis has been a devastating tribulation across nations, and it has caused many deaths over time. Situations have worsened concerning this crisis since it has been a high-rank catastrophe that needs urgent response. The opioid crisis has particularly affected the United States of America (USA) and Canada, primarily young and middle-aged adults. The ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 808
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In Adult Patients With Chronic Pain. Does the Use of Marijuana Compare to Conventional Pain Management Strategies Result in Improved Pain Relief and Better Quality of Life?

The pain management process is one of the essential medical practices. With the emergence of different diseases causing discomfort and pain to adults, scientists have dived into research to help find out the appropriate approaches to help relieve discomfort, make people feel better, and enhance their quality of life. The article by Shah et al. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1958

Herbal Medicine Versus Traditional Medicine in Treating Chronic Pain

It is undeniable that for centuries, herbal medicine has been used worldwide to alleviate pain. According to Luo et al. (2020), chronic pain is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The authors note that it is estimated that about 20% of adults globally suffer from pain, and about 10% are diagnosed each year ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1745

Cannabis for Pain Management

Pain, the unpleasant emotional or sensory experience that results from potential or actual tissue damage, is a major cause of human suffering and one of the main manifestations of disease and injury. In the United States (US), an estimated 25 million adults live with chronic pain (Bigand et al., 2019). Despite the various types of ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1755

Concept Analysis, Chronic Pain

Abstract Chronic pain causes are not the same for every patient. Many individuals worldwide suffer from chronic pain, the majority of which is lower back or other discomfort caused by another disease. When dealing with chronic pain patients, nurses confront several problems. This study will investigate the idea of chronic pain related to nursing practice. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1629
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