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Chronic Diseases Essays

COPD in the Geriatric Population

 Brief Overview of the Health of the Geriatric Population The geriatric population comprises older adults 65 years and above (Wick, 2020). The population is usually characterized by the emergence of various complex health states commonly referred to as geriatric syndromes. Such health states are usually a result of various underlying factors. In the United States, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1476

Most Common Chronic Diseases of the Elderly

Permeable and enduring chronic diseases are more common in the senior population. These ailments raise the elderly’s chance of incapacity and death in addition to having a substantial negative effect on their quality of life. Heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease are the top five chronic diseases that affect the elderly, according to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1444
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The Impact of Nursing Shortages on People With Chronic Diseases

Introduction: A sufficient supply of qualified nurses is essential for delivering high-quality patient care since nursing is critical to providing healthcare services. However, there is a nurse shortage in the healthcare sector, which significantly impacts a number of patient care-related issues. This essay investigates nursing shortages’ historical and quantitative implications on patients with chronic illnesses. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1453
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