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Childhood Sexual Abuse Essays

DF1: Childhood Sexual Abuse

Introduction Childhood sexual abuse involves indulging children in sexual activities that they do not fully understand, which can include oral-genital conduct and non-touching abuses, such as exhibitionism, applying the child in pornography, and voyeurism (Betchel et al., 2019). Healthcare providers are required to provide education services and advice to parents and guardians on sexual abuse, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 646

Childhood Trauma Affects Career Choices

Nowadays, high school students have classes similar to career courses, and even at university, there are advisors to help students find the right career and employment path. This is one of the challenges students need to address, as high school and university students often do not know how to choose their career paths. Due to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1809
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