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Characteristics of Cartels and How They Apply to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)


Cartels, where firms cooperate to cheat their markets and manipulate market outcomes, often ruin fair competition. These are some of the market manipulation strategies which cartels apply to lower users’ welfare through the increase of the price and reduction of options. Here one can see cartel-like behavior in the centralized control of the NCAA’s athletic functions, in particular, the restrictions on athlete’s pay and eligibility. Hence, based on analyzing the structure, policies, and practices of the NCAA, this paper will try the reasons why this kind of behavior affects the pay of athletes, consumer welfare, and possible policy reforms in sport in college. Moreover, NCAA does not only focus on regulating sporting activities but it also covers the financial aspect such as distributing income among member institutions. Therefore, this centralized authority offers NCAA the tools to establish terms on finance and allocation of resources, which is much the same as the power captured by cartels in manipulating market outcomes.

Research Question

How does the NCAA show cartel features, and what are the consequences for athlete compensation, consumer welfare, and forthcoming policy changes?

Thesis Statement

The NCAA’s governance model resembles the traits of a cartel, which can be used to shape market results in college sports. This behavior does not only affect the athlete compensation and consumer welfare but also brings worry on the legal and economic issues.

Understanding Cartels

Cartels are known for uniting to set prices and production, which results is the distortion of market dynamics (Haucap & Heldman, 2023). In addition, the NCAA is able to exercise great power over collegiate sports due to the policies regulating the allocation of funding, drug testing, and athlete pay (McGuire, 2024). Through enforcement of rules that upholds the amateurism of athletes; the NCAA limits their earning potential and fosters a false market. Furthermore, the NCAA’s regulations usually go beyond financial boundaries to include drug testing and athlete eligibility. These policies, being seemingly intended as methods of protecting the integrity of college sports, could also lead to the formation of the monopolistic perception by the strict control of the athlete’s conduct and participation. The NCAA is able to maintain its amateur status definition and strict eligibility criteria, thus restricting athlete earning opportunities and controlling collegiate sports landscape.

The NCAA as a Cartel

NCAA’s authority covers all areas, athlete-agent relationships in particular (NCAA, 2021). NCAA regulations’ violations attract serious sanctions that further enhance the NCAA’s power over members and players (Romano, 2022). This centralization is a typical feature of a cartel, which limits competition and maintains the status quo. Through rigorous management of athlete representation and agent relations, the NCAA consolidates its dominance in the collegiate sports arena by hindering competition and preserving the sentiments of cartel behavior. Therefore, the analysis of the NCAA’s regulation and enforcement mechanisms should be carried out in order to get a better understanding of the organization’s resemblance to cartels and the consequences for athlete compensation, consumer welfare, and further policy reforms in college sports.

Moreover, the NCAA’s stringent enforcement structures, including severe penalties for violations, can have a chilling effect that makes the athletes to be risk-averse to seek representation or to exercise their rights. Thus, the regulation regime of the NCAA does not only violate the healthy competition between collegiate athletics but also raises concerns about students’ rights and their future prospects. These wider effects must be given due attention while assessing the NCAA’s cartel resemblance and moving towards the reform of the policy in college athletics.

Legal and Economic Implications

In addition to the legal aspect, the NCAA’s strong hold over college sports is accompanied by several economic dimensions. The revenue-sharing agreements and compliance regulations are imposed by the NCAA on the member institutions, which often lead to financial difficulties. This might hamper the ability of colleges and universities to support their athletic programs and infrastructure, hence, the quality of the collegiate sports experience for both athletes and fans. In addition, the NCAA’s monopolistic powers may result in higher ticket prices and reduced consumer choice, which could intensify the economic victimization of fans and spectators (Sun, 2022). Despite this, the NCAA’s dominance in the collegiate sports industry creates inefficiencies in resource allocation, which prevent market equilibrium and ultimately undermine consumer welfare in college athletics.

Through restriction of competition and innovation within the college sports market, the NCAA inhibits entrepreneurship and the growth of related industries. The small businesses that depend on college sports for their survival may face hurdles in entering or competing with the larger and NCAA-sanctioned enterprises. Besides, the NCAA’s monopoly may drive away investment into other sports leagues or entertainment options, leading to the consolidation of its market share.

Policy Considerations and Future Outlook

Reform proposals suggest relaxing the eligibility rules in order to ensure fair compensation for athletes and stricter enforcement of antitrust laws to encourage competition (Grow & Haugh, 2021). A transparent and accountable governance structure is vital for the NCAA to regain the trust of member institutions and the public. Stakeholders can create a truly level and fair playing field in college athletics through debate of these policy issues.

Additionally, the NCAA governance structure is to be made more transparent and accountable in such a way that member institutions, athletes and the public can trust it. The NCAA can make the processes of decision making more transparent and include the stakeholders in the governance of college sports so that it will be more trusted and credible. On top of this, when structures of accountability are put in place, the NCAA will be accountable for its actions and decisions that best serve the interests of the athlete and the college sports community as a whole. In the end, considering these policy issues and putting a premium on transparency and accountability, all parties can collaborate to achieve a fair field in college sports which will benefit the players, spectators and institutions.


The NCAA’s actions resemble that of a cartel’s by manipulating markets and athlete compensation in the world of college sports. Legal and financial problems like antitrust suits and funding shortages necessitate dramatic changes. By way of formulated and enacted policies that promote fairness, openness, and competition, stakeholders can curtail the negative impact done by cartel-like behavior within the NCAA and provide a fairer landscape for both athletes and consumers.

In conclusion, NCAA’s cartel-like activities cause a lot of concern about the compensations for athletes and consumers, and market forces. Solving these problems requires a wholesome transition that promotes impartiality, transparency, and sporting ethics in college sports. Collaborative efforts are the only ways the stakeholders can practice fairness and maintain integrity of the college sports.


Grow, N., & Haugh, T. (2021). Assessing the NCAA as a Compliance Organization. Wis. L. Rev., 787.

Haucap, J., & Heldman, C. (2023). On the sociology of cartels. European Journal of Law and Economics56(2), 289-323.

McGuire, C. (2024, January 11). DII Presidents Council approves supplemental distribution of $13,500 per school.

NCAA. (2021). Agents and amateurism.

Romano, R. J. (2022). The Concept of Amateurism: How the Term Became Part of the College Sport Vernacular. UNH Sports Law Review, 1(1), 5.

Sun, Q. (2022, December). Promoting Competition in Collegiate Sport: Why NCAA Should Allow Payment. In 2022 4th International Conference on Economic Management and Cultural Industry (ICEMCI 2022) (pp. 792-797). Atlantis Press.


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