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Changing Global Business Environment

In my previous job, a supervisor applied the precept of the four management principles to them. In frequent strategic planning, my supervisor precisely set the organizational goals and objectives that agreed with the company’s mission. The delegation of tasks and the efficient usage of the available resources, as well as the delegation of the assignments and the precise distribution of responsibilities, were the indicators of the organization’s emphasis. Furthermore, the supervisory role was defined by effective leadership, the master in charge of the team, enabling a good atmosphere for working and motivating the team for common goals. Moreover, a reasonable control mechanism ensured that progress and performance were tracked to identify what needed to be changed and where. The manager displayed a truly nuanced set of leadership skills as he was proficient in interpersonal communication, analytical qualifications, and flexibility, which are the crucial features that enable effective management within the world’s business environment.

The governance effect within the scope of the strategic planning and adaptability occurring globally has been worth stressing for the organization. Where a wide range of market volatility and geopolitical changes arise, anticipatory planning is crucial in helping the company exploit upcoming opportunities and minimize possible repercussions. The efficiency of communication skills that are appropriately developed and applied, as well as sound interpersonal cooperation, plays a vital role in building a unified team with a diverse cultural background and in enhancing the international competency of the organization. Apart from this, the tactician mindset of the manager not only offered a reasonable frame of reference but also facilitated insightful decision-making. The business enterprise could thus skillfully maneuver the challenges posed by global trade. Therefore, the integration of strategic foresight, efficient communication, and adaptability have defined the corporation’s skills for coping with the challenges of the globalized business environment.

The most specific company analysis requires a case study to be considered. When reading shareholder reports of Apple Inc., it becomes evident that the business is focused mainly on technology. The business-level strategy adopted by Apple Inc. is a layering of difference and cost leadership. Through ceaseless innovation and product differentiation, the company also tries to bag a competitive edge; continuous operational efficiency helps to manage the costs. Apple’s corporate level pursues a vertical integration strategy through the implementation of strategic acquisitions (Apple Inc., 2022). This strategy is necessary for broadening the range of products, winning a competitive edge, and realizing the economic scale. The evidence of the new strategy of the company, which is seen in reports to shareholders, suggests a shift towards a greater focus on sustainability and ethical business practices, which corresponds to the company’s ability to respond promptly to the changes in consumer preferences and worldwide trends (Apple, 2023).

The vertical integration strategy, which consists of strategic acquisitions that the company successfully implements, makes it more flexible and driven to achieve economies of scale. Like other global trends, Apple’s recent move towards sustainability corresponds to being responsible, meeting consumers’ changing consumer expectations, and preserving the environment. Ultimately, Apple Inc.’s strategy outline is aligned with the dictate of responding to the steadily evolving business environment coupled with the need to stay ahead in the technology industry.


Apple. (2023). Apple – Apple Investor News.

Apple Inc. (2022). Annual Report.


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