Myocardial infarction, commonly referred to as a heart attack, is an acute and potentially life-threatening condition in which blood flow to a portion of the heart muscle is cut off, resulting in tissue damage and necrosis. It most often occurs in the context of coronary artery disease due to an unstable atherosclerotic plaque that ruptures and leads to intraluminal thrombosis formation and subsequent complete occlusion of the artery (Saleh, & Ambrose, 2018). Patients classically present with acute chest pressure or tightness often radiating to the neck, jaw, or arms, accompanied by sweating, nausea, dyspnea, and profound anxiety related to the sensation of myocardial ischemia. Immediate diagnosis relies heavily on electrocardiographic evidence of ischemic injury patterns in contiguous leads with concomitant elevation of cardiac injury biomarkers like troponin reflecting myocardial necrosis (Musher, 2019). Once myocardial infarction is confirmed, prompt restoration of blood flow to the affected territory using fibrinolytic therapy or ideally percutaneous coronary revascularization techniques is indicated to salvage viable myocardium and limit final infarct size. The purpose of this case analysis is to evaluate the acute management, highlight ongoing evidence-based secondary prevention strategies essential for ischemic cardiomyopathy post-MI, and explore opportunities for care optimization with attention to risk factor control and patient-centered integration. Relevant existing data as well as limitations and newer evolving concepts will be discussed. The overarching goals are improving the delivery of guideline-concordant care and ultimately patient outcomes for this prevalent, high-mortality disease.
Case Study
Mr. John Smith, a 52-year-old Caucasian male with a documented 10-year history of hypertension that had been poorly controlled on low-dose lisinopril, and a 5-year history of hyperlipidemia well-managed on atorvastatin 40 mg daily, presented to the emergency department with acute, severe, crushing chest pain that started 3 hours before arrival while he was doing yardwork clearing brush. He described the chest pain as a pressure-like sensation with a squeezing, vice-like quality localized to the middle of his chest, rating it 8 out of 10 in terms of pain intensity. The pain radiated from the middle area to his left jaw and the inner aspect of his left arm. Mr. Smith stated the pain did not ease with rest and was not relieved by three separate doses of 0.4 mg sublingual nitroglycerin taken 5 minutes apart as prescribed for chest pain episodes by his primary care physician.
On evaluation in the emergency department, his initial vital signs were notable for stage 2 hypertension with a blood pressure of 190/100 mmHg, tachycardia with a heart rate of 115 beats per minute, tachypnea with a respiratory rate of 22 breaths per minute, and an otherwise normal oxygen saturation of 96% on room air and afebrile temperature of 37.1 degrees Celsius. His physical exam was significant for diaphoresis, pallor, and reproducible chest pain with palpation. A 12-lead electrocardiogram obtained immediately showed 3 mm ST segment elevation in leads II, III, and aVF, as well as reciprocal changes in leads I and AvL, consistent with acute injury pattern reflecting inferior wall myocardial ischemia and a diagnosis of inferior wall ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) (Saleh, & Ambrose, 2018). Initial cardiac serum biomarkers drawn simultaneously with the ECG revealed a significantly elevated troponin level at 5.2 ng/mL (reference normal <0.04 ng/mL), confirming myonecrosis, along with an elevated creatine kinase MB level at 50 ng/mL (reference normal < 6.3 ng/mL), both consistent with acute myocardial infarction. Based on his presenting symptoms, electrocardiogram findings meeting STEMI criteria in two contiguous leads, and cardiac enzymes positive for infarction, Mr. Smith was assigned a Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) risk score of 4, indicating a high mortality risk from his acute coronary syndrome (Musher et al., 2019)
Given his diagnosis of an inferior STEMI with ongoing chest pain symptoms, he was immediately started on guideline-directed medical therapy including aspirin 325 mg via chewable tablet to inhibit platelet activation and aggregation, ticagrelor 180 mg orally as a potent P2Y12 platelet receptor inhibitor, and intravenous unfractionated heparin by weight-based protocol to prevent further coronary thrombus propagation (Musher et al., 2019). In addition, intravenous morphine was administered for analgesia to help relieve his anginal pain. Given his delayed presentation from presumed prolonged coronary artery occlusion and ongoing ischemia, Mr. Smith was admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit for initiation of immediate invasive measures and protocolized post-arrest therapeutic hypothermia to reduce final infarct size and preserve ventricular function. Emergent coronary angiography performed approximately 90 minutes after the initial STEMI ECG revealed a large, occlusive thrombus in his mid-right coronary artery supplying the inferior myocardial territory corresponding to his ECG changes and enzyme elevation. There was Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) grade 1 flow in the distal posterior descending branch with complete cessation of flow more proximally reflecting the total coronary occlusion. He subsequently underwent technically successful percutaneous coronary intervention including manual aspiration thrombectomy to extract the clot burden followed by placement of one drug-eluting stent to scaffold the arterial lesion and prevent re-stenosis. Repeat angiography after stenting now demonstrated brisk TIMI 3 flow throughout the entirety of the right coronary artery and its branches, indicating successful microvascular reperfusion at the tissue level. However, left ventricular angiography performed after the procedure revealed a new large inferior wall motion abnormality with akinesis, dyskinesis, aneurysmal dilation, and a visibly reduced ejection fraction estimated between 30-35%. Due to hemodynamic instability related to extensive myocardial injury and risk of malignant ventricular arrhythmias in the context of his aneurysm, an intra-aortic balloon pump was placed during the procedure for mechanical circulatory support. Therapeutic hypothermia was immediately initiated per institutional protocol to reduce metabolic demand in the infarcted myocardial territory and ultimately limit final infarct size through cardioprotective mechanisms.
Mr. Smith was subsequently transferred to the cardiac intermediate care unit on hospital day 2 for close hemodynamic monitoring, titration of guideline-directed medical therapies, and early rehabilitation with physical and occupational therapy. His initial recovery period was largely uncomplicated, apart from one run of asymptomatic non-sustained ventricular tachycardia detected on telemetry lasting under 30 seconds and terminated spontaneously. This was medically managed with a lidocaine infusion that was discontinued on hospital day 4 when no further ventricular arrhythmias were noted. A transthoracic echocardiogram was performed after transfer from the CICU that revealed new extensive wall motion abnormalities including akinesis of the mid to distal inferior wall segments with aneurysmal dilation, moderate mitral regurgitation secondary to papillary muscle dysfunction, and an overall left ventricular ejection fraction calculated by Simpson’s method of 35% indicating moderately reduced left ventricular systolic function compared to a prior baseline echocardiogram from 2 years ago. Repeat cardiac enzymes demonstrated a peak troponin T of 9.3 ng/mL reflective of a large infarction, and brain natriuretic peptide level was 1245 pg/mL on admission, reflective of myocardial injury with secondary demand ischemia. His medical regimen was optimized to adhere to guideline-directed management for all patients post-myocardial infarction, which included the addition of an angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor, beta-blocker with resultant heart rate lowering, high-intensity statin for LDL cholesterol lowering, and spironolactone 25 mg daily as mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist for synergistic mortality benefit in those with reduced ejection fraction (Saleh, & Ambrose, 2018). With the resumption of ambulation and physical activity by hospital day 3, Mr. Smith exhibited no signs or symptoms concerning heart failure including dyspnea, orthopnea, paroxysmal dyspnea, or edema. Hemodynamically, he maintained blood pressure greater than 100 mmHg systolic without any symptomatic hypotension, arrhythmias, or worsening renal function. After a complicated four-day hospital course, the absence of any overt congestion or hemodynamic instability with dual anti-neurohormonal therapy and high-intensity statins represented an excellent initial recovery and prognosis consistent with New York Heart Association Class I reduced ejection fraction heart failure for which guideline-directed management was advised (Musher, 2019).
On the day of discharge to home with his wife, Mr. Smith received extensive counseling regarding medication adherence, lifestyle modifications, signs/symptoms to monitor for at home, and indications to seek emergent re-evaluation. Specifically, he was advised to take his newly prescribed heart medications exactly as directed, including dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and ticagrelor for one year post-stenting, angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor, beta blocker, high-intensity statin, and aldosterone antagonist daily without interruption. The importance of adopting cardiac healthy lifestyle changes was emphasized, including adherence to a no added salt DASH diet, complete smoking cessation with avoidance of tobacco triggers, maintenance of physical activity goals with walking for 30 minutes daily, and abstinence from alcohol consumption given morbidity associations. In addition to a complete understanding of his discharge medications demonstrated by teach-back methodology, Mr. Smith also displayed and verbalized proper sublingual nitroglycerin tablet administration for chest pain recurrence. One week after discharge, he followed up as an outpatient at his cardiologist’s office reporting compliant daily intake of all discharge cardiac medications without any worrisome side effects, as well as adherence to walking 30 minutes per day. Notably, he proudly shared that with the assistance of a nicotine patch taper, he had quit smoking cigarettes, which had been a 40-pack-year habit, only using oral toothpicks for oral cravings. His Apple Watch ECG patch recordings obtained daily demonstrated normal sinus rhythm without ectopy. His cardiologist arranged to repeat his echocardiogram, functional stress testing, and cardiac MRI in three months to re-evaluate left ventricular function after healing and to screen for residual or silent myocardial ischemia. Referral to a specialist advanced heart failure cardiologist was also placed for long-term consideration of guideline-directed medical therapies and evaluation for implantable hemodynamic monitoring if symptoms of congestion developed.
Overall, the management of Mr. Smith was well-aligned with evidence-based practice guidelines for STEMI, including prompt reperfusion, optimal medical treatment, and secondary prevention strategies. The poster nicely highlighted the key concepts involved. However, there are areas of his care that merit further discussion. First, while Mr. Smith did well with his acute management, his underlying poor control of longstanding hypertension appeared to be a missed opportunity that may have contributed to his adverse presentation. Studies show adequate blood pressure control markedly reduces cardiovascular events, yet his compliance was suboptimal based on his initial severe hypertension (Saleh, & Ambrose, 2018). Earlier optimization of his antihypertensive regimen may have prevented his acute coronary event. Second, the role of cardiac rehabilitation could have perhaps been emphasized more during his inpatient course and at discharge. Cardiac rehab programs providing supervised exercise training, counseling, and peer support have clear mortality benefits post-MI, yet referral rates remain suboptimal (Fathima, 2021). Mr. Smith should be commended for initiating self-directed physical activity after discharge, but enrollment in a formal monitored program would likely further improve his outcomes. Furthermore, while Mr. Smith was appropriately prescribed aspirin and a potent P2Y12 inhibitor ticagrelor for dual antiplatelet therapy based on current guidelines, there are a few other antiplatelet agents that could be considered in certain patients. For example, the thrombin receptor antagonist vorapaxar was shown in a large randomized controlled trial to reduce ischemic cardiovascular events when added to standard therapy, suggesting it may offer further benefit in some post-MI patients (Musher, 2019). However, given its association with increased bleeding, vorapaxar would need to be used judiciously based on individual thrombosis versus hemorrhage risk.
In conclusion, while Mr. Smith remains at elevated risk given his ischemic cardiomyopathy, adherence to guideline-directed management and an integrated, patient-centered approach maximizes the probability of an improved long-term prognosis with reduced mortality and preserved quality of life. Key elements of his care plan moving forward should include consistent primary care and cardiology follow-up, medication and dietary compliance, home blood pressure monitoring, cholesterol management, smoking cessation, cardiac rehabilitation, arrhythmia surveillance, heart failure symptom recognition, and advanced care planning regarding wishes and goals. With optimal medical therapy and vigilant monitoring by his interprofessional team, Mr. Smith has an excellent chance of avoiding adverse outcomes like intractable heart failure, malignant ventricular arrhythmias, recurrent myocardial infarction, stroke, or sudden cardiac death. However, this will require active participation, motivation, and self-efficacy on the part of Mr. Smith himself. By providing unwavering support, patient education, prompt access, and state-of-the-art evidence-based interventions when clinically indicated, his healthcare providers can put him in the best position to enjoy meaningful longevity with an optimized quality of life.
Fathima, S. N. (2021). An Update on Myocardial Infarction. Current Research and Trends in Medical Science and Technology, 1.
Musher, D. M., Abers, M. S., & Corrales-Medina, V. F. (2019). Acute infection and myocardial infarction. New England Journal of Medicine, 380(2), 171-176.
Musher, D. M., Abers, M. S., & Corrales-Medina, V. F. (2019). Acute infection and myocardial infarction. New England Journal of Medicine, 380(2), 171-176.
Saleh, M., & Ambrose, J. A. (2018). Understanding myocardial infarction. F1000Research, 7.