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Biodiversity Essays

The Nuances of Rewilding: Striking a Balance for Sustainable Conservation

Introduction Rewilding has become controversial because extinctions and biodiversity loss are getting more severe. It caters to the imperative need for environmental restoration but recognizes societal issues, too. Such a level of complexity is a result of different views on rewilding. This essay discusses the pros and cons of letting nature take its course allowing ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1076

Sustainability: The Use of Cloth Bags Over Single-Use Plastics

Sustainability is an endeavour that everyone should adopt for the development and growth of society in a forward-leaning manner, which gives rise to my project on using cloth bags instead of single plastic bags. One way to ensure this is by reducing and eradicating single-use plastic bags. Countries across the globe have introduced laws to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1384
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Should We Stop Animal Experimentation?

Animal experimentation in supporting healthcare and medical investigations has been in use since the historical times of the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Erasistratus. In contemporary societies, most medical researchers have also adopted animal experimentation to check the viability of a drug before it is used in humans to treat various diseases (Clutton, 1933). For instance, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1074

Ecology and Environment

Part 1 It is Friday, December 30, 2020, and I am in my Pittsford, New York, backyard. It is 9:45 AM on a partly cloudy day with a temperature of 72 degrees and partly sunny skies. My backyard is typical of a suburban lot; it consists of a small grassy space enclosed by fencing and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 910

How Can Sustainable Consumption Lead to Major Environmental Change

Introduction Sustainable consumption uses a limited resource base to allow future generations to acquire the goods and services they need. Protecting the environment is very necessary if we want sustainable development. Greener consumption can make a big difference in the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving resources, and reducing waste. This essay looks at ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1429

Sustainable Agriculture in a Changing Climate-Enhancing Production and Minimizing Input

Introduction Sustainable agriculture is an approach to farming that involves the efficient use of natural resources, reducing inputs, and enhancing production. The goal is to maintain the health of the environment while also providing economic and social benefits to farmers and their communities. In a changing climate, sustainable agriculture practices are even more critical as ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1840

The Journey to Sustainability

Sustainability is one of the world’s most critical issues today due to the tremendous pressure our current lifestyles and practices place on the planet’s ecosystems and resources. The good news is that there is still time to make a change and build a world where people and nature can coexist peacefully. This essay will discuss ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1662

The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity in Shanghai

Introduction The worldwide issue of climate change has emerged as an increasingly urgent problem in recent years, with significant effects being started to feel in regions around the world. As a rapidly expanding urban center, Shanghai is not immune to the impacts of climate change. Changes in precipitation and temperature patterns caused by climate change ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1492

Challenges Facing Civil Engineering Field

Smart structures are the upcoming norm in the construction industry. These structures constructively allow for the detection and adaptation to environmental changes and stressors. This paper addresses the existing structural systems, their impacts on the industry and the future of the upcoming technology changes. The adaptive systems cannot function effectively with the traditional, outdated materials; ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1566
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