The debate surrounding organic food intake has become more intense, with most people choosing what has to be placed on the table. The introduction of organic food is one element that has led to the rise in food choices such that most people have started relying on chemically free foods. In most cases, the use of organic food has widely been considered of much benefit to the body as well as biodiversity; hence, the uptake of such food is what leads to prolonged stays in the world. However, critics think it is expensive to have an organic meal as most of this food is sold at an exaggerated price. Additionally, the lack of clear evidence in line with the nutritional values of organic food has led to a rise in debate on whether this type of food is healthy for the body. However, based on both sides, there is evidence that the uptake of organic food is quite beneficial compared to conventional food when looking at the health, nutrition, and biodiversity aspects.
The first benefit aligning with the intake of organic food is that when it is produced, there is a high avoidance of the use of chemicals commonly found in conventional foods. Most of these foods are produced on the farm without chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers. Besides, they do not grow using the solvents or chemical additives that go hand in hand with radiation. A study done by Rana and Paul, 2020, shows that in most cases, organic foods are free from cancerous cells that, in the long run, might damage the human body cells, hence leading to a rise in illnesses such as cancer, diabetes as well as high blood pressure. Organic food with animal origins comes from animals that produce dairy products and meat; hence, these animals are usually free-range or, in some cases, allowed to roam freely in such pastures. This shows that the animals are not given any steroids that might lead to the ingestion of chemicals at any given point. As per this, it is noted that the intake of organic food has been linked with the balancing of hormones in the body such that most of the people taking this type of food might not get any given abnormalities in the body, including body mutation as compared to those that take the genetically modified foods. In most cases, people always watch out for this type of food as this is one of the ways key to lowering health risks and issues as well as neurological disorders. Higher usage of the chemicals on the farm has been linked with higher rates of inhalation in the individual, which might pose some risk to some of the body parts; hence, in the long run, there can be a rise in other diseases that might endanger the life of the individual. Besides, the higher intake of organic foods has been linked to the controlling or even loss of unnecessary weight in individuals who suffer from illnesses such as obesity (Hansmann et al., 2020). The preservatives added to most foods might lead to gaining weight; hence, people have increased their intake of organic foods to ensure that they watch their weight and diet. This also aligns with the rise in reproduction rate, such that animals fed on organic foods have a higher reproduction rate than their counterparts, showing that one of the causes of infertility in animals can be linked to the high intake of chemically induced foods. Tandon et al., 2020, Assert that birds fed on organic food had high laying capacity as compared to those that were being fed the conventional way, showing that organic food has surpassed the use of inorganic food in both humans and animals, hence calling for the necessity to introduce laws that will assert the intake of this foods.
Additionally, eating organic foods has been linked to protecting the environment, such as in the aspect of pollution. In most cases, the conventional way of farming has led to a rise in environmental pollution due to the soil uptake of several chemicals that affect the soil biodiversity and aeration. Besides, some of the chemicals used in crops might kill the necessary microorganisms, rendering the plants weak and weak in the ecosystem (Rana and Paul, 2020). This goes hand in hand with the pollution in nearby rivers, which calls for environmental conservation. As far as organic food is concerned, there is high absorption of the microorganisms that store carbon in the soil, hence ensuring that a good global climate is maintained. Thus, organic farming has been helpful when considering the soil and the water. Besides, organic food intake has been linked to a rise in nutrition and good taste. Hannsman et al., 2020 assert that the intake of organic goods has natural flavor as they do not have any additives in them, which shows that the taste might differ from the conventional foods. According to scientific studies, it was found that organic food has more minerals than conventional foods due to the reduced chemical uptake in the plant system.
Critics believe that organic food intake comes with high expenditure, so it is costly to buy organic foods. The cost of production of organic food is much higher than conventional foods, which places most consumers at the crossroads on whether to take organic foods or go the conventional way. Besides, most of the farmers aim to maximize profits, which shows that many have gone the conventional way to meet the market demand. Others argue that another disadvantage of organic food intake is its limited storage time due to its lack of preservatives (Rana and Paul, 2020). Nonorganic food does not last longer than conventional food preservatives and helps food manufacturers store or save for a longer time. This aligns with a limited selection of organic products available in a locality, which calls for the intake of a wide variety of foods. This shows that even though some people can afford to buy this type of food, they might not find it in their locality; thus, though these factors have to be considered, the intake of organic foods has come with several pros as compared to the disadvantages they hold
In conclusion, eating organic foods is quite helpful Healthwise and when based on biodiversity build up. Thus, It is helpful for farmers and consumers to go the organic way to reduce the intake of conventional products that might result in life endangerment. This shows that organic farming has to be taken as a way of life while considering the critic’s point of view.
Hansmann, R., Baur, I., & Binder, C. R. (2020). Increasing organic food consumption: An integrating model of drivers and barriers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, 123058.
Is Organic Food Better for You.docx
Rana, J., & Paul, J. (2020). Health motive and the purchase of organic food: A meta‐analytic review. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 44(2), 162-171.
Tandon, A., Dhir, A., Kaur, P., Kushwah, S., & Salo, J. (2020). Why do people buy organic food? The moderating role of environmental concerns and trust. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, p. 57, 102247.