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Athletics Essays

Multicultural Issue Paper: There Are Not Enough Safe Spaces for Black Student-Athletes at Certain College Athletic Departments

Over the years, Black college athletes, particularly males, have often faced increased stereotyping and given unappealing labels within their institutions. Based on research, Black students are usually perceived as academically inferior and athletically superior to their white counterparts. It can be noted that most of the Black student-athletes are from single-parent families and low socioeconomic ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2087

Is Natural Grass Safer Than Artificial Turf for Athletes?

Several coaches have found success with what is known as a “transformational coaching” style. Instead of focusing on teaching specific skills or completing certain tasks, this method emphasizes assisting individuals in achieving development and change. Is natural grass safer than artificial turf for Athletes? This research subject may benefit from the transformational coaching approach because ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1032
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Administration of Athletics

Introduction Effective administration of athletics is built on a solid leadership approach that outlines the composition of the administration and the roles of different administrators. There are about 500,000 student-athletes that compete in NCAA collegiate sports each year (NCAA, n.d.). Each of the NCAA’s three divisions focuses on different goals (NCAAb, n.d.). Division I (DI), Division ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2416

Banning Caster Semenya From Competition

Introduction The case of Caster Semenya a South African athlete has opened a debate on whether certain attributes of a female athlete offer them an unfair advantage. It is believed that the athlete has higher testosterone level than her female competitors. The condition that the athlete has is known as hyperandrogenism; a condition where a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1024
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