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Articulate the Missio Dei Regarding These Theological Constructs

In “Surprised by God,” Chris E. W. Green offers a provocative definition of sin as “missing the mark” or falling short of our God-given potential. Green invites us to see sin as a failure to fully live out the image of God within us rather than a list of moral transgressions. This idea has far-reaching ramifications for how the Church should discuss, preach, and engage with sin.

Understanding sin as a failure to fulfill our God-given potential necessitates a loving and empathetic perspective. Instead of criticizing or condemning individuals for their transgressions, the Church should preach a message of love, grace, and salvation. This entails creating a secure atmosphere where people can openly admit their flaws and find support on their path to wholeness (Chris et al.,2018). Preaching about sin should emphasize the transformative power of God’s love and grace, inviting people to embrace their brokenness and seek recovery.

Furthermore, viewing sin as a missed opportunity broadens the scope of the discussion. It encourages the Church to address personal and structural sins that impede God’s creation’s thriving. The Church should address individual moral failings, injustice, racism, poverty, and environmental damage. With this broader viewpoint, the Church can fight for justice, participate in communal development, and actively work toward the reconciliation of all things.

However, the Church must avoid becoming complacent or relativistic in responding to sin. Green’s notion of sin does not deny the existence of ultimate moral norms but reframes how we think about them. The Church must continue to defend and proclaim a moral framework based on biblical teachings and Christ’s example. The message of sin should be tempered by a vision of God’s transformational power, urging people to pursue righteousness and holiness.

Finally, Green’s understanding of sin encourages the Church to see it as a failure to live up to our God-given potential. This understanding necessitates a sympathetic, sensitive, and all-encompassing approach to sin. The Church should preach about sin with love and grace, establishing a safe space for open confession and healing. It should also address both personal and institutional sins, as well as address issues of injustice and advocate for reconciliation. However, the Church must maintain moral standards based on biblical teachings while emphasizing God’s changing power.

This week’s readings have substantially engaged with my views of sin and questioned what I previously thought about sin in various ways. One of the most important takeaways from these readings was the emphasis on sin as a community and systemic issue rather than a solely individualized one. Green argues in Surprised by God that sin extends beyond personal actions and decisions to include social structures and institutions that promote inequity and injustice (Chris et al.,2018). This contradicts my earlier view of sin, which is primarily concerned with individual moral faults.

My grasp of sin and its ramifications for the Christian life and the Church has grown due to my participation in these readings. It has pushed me to think more critically about sin, moving beyond a narrow view of individual actions to recognize sin’s broader cultural and structural elements. This understanding promotes a more comprehensive and transformative attitude to sin, encouraging us to work for justice, reconciliation, and the repair of all creation.


Chris E. W. Green, Surprised by God (Cascade Books, 2018).


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