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Art Essays

Visual and Performance of the House of the Spirit

The paper discusses the House of the spirit a video which is composed by Isabel Allende. Isabel Allende explores the several meanings and history regarding the present. The play is the most prominent in the 20th century in Latin America unnamed country, during unrest in the world. The novel explores the aspects of the untold story, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1177

Robert Farris Thompson – “Aesthetics in Traditional Africa”

“Aesthetics in Traditional Africa” is an article written by Robert Thompson to show how literate people misinterpret the African sculptures, a form of civilization of the region, to the Africans. The article also talks about the various elements in a sculpture that make them beautiful and well-known by the African sculptures. The people who criticize ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 584
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The Impact of NFTs

In the article, Laurence explains how NFTs bring a positive change in the arts/cultural/creative economy. NFTs will ensure that artists and creatives will have their products copyrighted hence will eliminate the duplication and use of their work without consent. NFTs are transactions that take place under block chain technology, which offered a credible way of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 940

Psychology of Design

There is a rather strong intersection between architecture and culture. Architecture serves as a medium through which a society expresses part of their culture. The design of spaces is done in a manner that not only satisfies the needs of their way of living but also accents some qualities of this manner of life making ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 698

Contemporary Middle Eastern Female Artists

Rather than backing down from a historically patriarchal industry, Middle Eastern female artists have taken a significant stance against the asymmetrical hierarchy in representation in texts, images, and discourses about art. Contemporary approaches to tiny traditions offer new ways of thinking in a chaotic and unfair world. The imperialist white male subject’s dominance over the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1887

Compare and Contrast Essay: The Emperor Triumphant and the Justinian Mosaic

Throughout the history of humankind, art has remained one of the most effective methods of expressing different human experiences. Art is expressed in various forms, techniques, meanings and styles. Mosaic works and Byzantine architecture are some of the most impressive forms of art, given that they do not focus on traditional naturalism. Byzantine architecture is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 759

Art Comparison of Late Antique (Roman) and Byzantine Art

Introduction Art is independent since it represents the artist’s thinking, making all kinds and natures of artistic works unique. A notable contributor to art’s uniqueness is the internal factors influenced by the artist and the external factors. Consequently, the era and environment in which artists are born and life affects their delivery. As a result, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 988

A Comparison: The “Truth” in Realism and Altered Art

Artists use different methods to portray the truth about the world. Realists and altered art artists are an example of the different techniques that artists use to portray the truth. Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, a realist picture conveys a view of the truth while Picasso’s Bull’s Head depicts another view of the world. Da Vinci uses complex techniques in Mona ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 642

The Importance and Limitations of Insurance Industry Products, as Options for Controlling Risk via the Enterprise Risk Management Programs of Large Corporations

It is worthwhile for business corporations to have an insurance cover to protect them against costs arising from liability claims and property loss or damage. Businesses that do not have insurance coverage might be forced to pay costs for damages and legal claims if they materialize. If such costs are high, the company might become ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3223

Renaissance and the Age of Baroque

The Renaissance period refers to the period between the 1300 and 1700, that is, the period between the 14th and 17th century. It is the gap between the middle Ages and the Modern history. This began in the Late Medieval time in Italy as a cultural movement before moving to the other parts of Europe. Some of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1260

Guernica Painting by Pablo Picasso, 1937

Guernica by Pablo Picasso is a well-known painting representing the bloody episodes and tragedies of the Spanish civil war (Picasso et al., 1956). The painting shows the pain and suffering innocent civilians encounter in war. The painting has gained a significant monumental status, used as an anti-war symbol, and became a perpetual reminder of the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 646

Why Anime Is So Popular

Anime refers to Japanese animation. Television has been the largest influence on anime. A significant number of shows have been associated with boys, and others are for both boys and girls. The culture has been popular in Japan and the world for many years. Several factors have contributed to the rise of the anime culture. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1996

Virtual Exhibition and Curatorial Essay

Canada has produced some of the greatest artists the world has seen in the 20th century. The works of art of these great artists can be found in many art museums across the world. These artists use their talents to describe different aspects that have occurred around them. The art of the 20th century is ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2815

Art History and Theoretical Feminism

Following the developments in the feminist movement in the 20th century, women have become a renewed topic for both art and art history, creating a need for the analysis of artistic production and the discourse of art history [1]. Theoretically developed feminist activism and consciousness created the urge for the historical recovery of the contribute of women ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1710

Byways of Art Represent Cultural Diversity in Russia

Introduction Russia is a culturally art and architecture blessed country, from onion domes to stallion baroque, among many other arts. The cities in the country are decorated and beautified with different architectural designs with icons and various crafts that represent the country’s cultural diversity. From various research, the government is rich in performance art and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 588
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