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APA Paper: Nursing Theories


All aspects of nursing, from direct patient care to theoretical investigations, have made use of nursing theories. Most of the time, theory-guided practice in nursing helps bring the field into the next century while also improving patient care. These theories have led to better patient outcomes by promoting patient-centered care. Nursing theory seeks to describe, forecast, and explain the phenomena of nursing by laying the foundation for practice and guiding the growth of both knowledge and practice. Nursing theory aids research and encourages safe practice with the goals of providing patient-centered care, improving outcomes through best-practice care, and having an impact on patients’ lives outside of the hospital (Brandão et al., 2020). This paper explains why it is important to use nursing theory when caring for patients, what that theory means in practice now, how to apply it before planning and providing care, and which theory of nursing practice best reflects my essence of nursing.

Applying nursing theories to patient care

Patients benefit greatly from nursing theories, which are the basis for nursing practice. A variety of nursing theories are applied in the daily work of the vast majority of nursing homes and individual nurses. The theories are essential in bedside care in order to assess patient care and implement foundational nursing actions based on the findings. Applying nursing theory in bedside care provides an approach for nurses to assess patients’ needs, understand their conditions, and implement appropriate interventions. Nurses use theories to analyze patient data, identify priorities, and tailor care plans (Mudd et al., 2020). This ensures that nursing actions are aligned with best practices and leads to better patient outcomes. For instance, nurses apply theories like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to help them prioritize interventions based on patients’ physiological and psychological needs. This ensures comprehensive care delivery at the bedside. Furthermore, decisions that are pertinent to present practice are greatly assisted by nursing theories. For example, blood transfusions are not practiced by some faiths. Thus, in order to aid the patient, a nurse might employ Dorothea Orem’s theory of self-care, which empowers the patient to demonstrate autonomy and control over their care. A nurse in this situation would know how important it is to honor the patient’s decision. However, they are always ready to relate with other theories that guarantee patients are well-informed and that quality care is delivered using best practices.

Reason they are meaningful in current practice

Nursing theories are meaningful in current practice. They help educate nurses about their work in healthcare, advancing nursing knowledge through research and demonstrating to patients, managers, and other stakeholders the value of nurses’ specialized skills and knowledge. It is common for nurse educators, advanced practice nurses, and scholars to be well-versed in the most recent nursing theories and their implications for the field. This is due to the fact that healthcare changes. Continuous advancements in research, technology, and patient care practices drive the need for ongoing professional development in order to stay updated on nursing theories. Nevertheless, there continues to be a connection between nursing theory and patient care in the current diversified practice environment. For instance, the Environmental theory, with its factors of “pure air, pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness, and light,” which are necessary for health and well-being, continues to guide nursing practice currently. This theory proposes that a conducive setting is necessary for recovery. This idea is still applicable currently when providing actual patient care. This shows the need for educators to ensure that nursing curricula reflect current evidence-based practices, preparing future nurses to deliver high-quality care. There is also a need for scholars to contribute to advancing nursing knowledge by analyzing and expanding upon existing theories. This will shape the current and future direction of the profession.

Application before planning and providing care

Nurses frequently draw on theories to inform and improve the planning and provision of care in current practice in various ways. First, they use the theories to assess the patient’s condition by considering different theories that guide their understanding of the patient’s needs and the factors influencing their health status. In addition, nurses apply nursing theories to develop individualized care plans tailored to each patient’s unique circumstances. These care plans integrate theoretical concepts to address specific patient goals and promote optimal health outcomes (Rosman et al., 2020). Moreover, nurses utilize nursing theories to guide their interventions and decision-making processes throughout the care delivery. This makes sure that their actions are aligned with best practices.

Theory that reflects my personal view of the essence of nursing

Jean Watson’s theory of Human Caring reflects my personal views of the essence of nursing. This theory believes in the importance of forming authentic, caring relationships with patients and acknowledging their worth and dignity (Bagheri et al., 2023). Watson’s theory provides a nursing practice that values compassion, empathy, and therapeutic communication. This theory has been helpful in planning and providing care to my patients. For example, I recall once caring for a terminally ill patient, where I used Watson’s theory to create a supportive environment where the patient felt valued, respected, and understood. I did this by actively listening to the patient, offering emotional support, and engaging in meaningful dialogue. This helped me address the patient’s physical symptoms and their emotional and spiritual needs. Watson’s theory also guided me in incorporating complementary therapies such as therapeutic touch and guided imagery to promote comfort and alleviate distress. My aim was to use the principles of Human Caring to establish a therapeutic relationship built on trust and mutual respect. This empowered the patient and me as it led to healing for my patient through improved quality of care.


Nursing theories are used to improve patient care and drive professional development. They help in understanding patient needs, guiding care planning, and informing clinical decision-making. This allows for the delivery of high-quality, evidence-based care. Their application in current practice ensures that nursing interventions are patient-centered, promote better outcomes, and improve the quality of care. Furthermore, the continued exploration and use of nursing theories contribute to advancing nursing knowledge and in the evolution of the profession. According to me, Jean Watson’s theory of human caring reflects my understanding of the essence of nursing. It guides me to form meaningful connections with patients and deliver compassionate, holistic care. Through applying Watson’s theory, I have seen the impact of caring relationships on patient well-being. This has increased my commitment to patient-centered care and the principles of Human Caring in my practice.


Bagheri, S., Zarshenas, L., Rakhshan, M., Sharif, F., Sarani, E. M., Shirazi, Z. H., & Sitzman, K. (2023). Impact of Watson’s human caring-based health promotion program on caregivers of individuals with schizophrenia. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1).

Brandão, M. A., Barros, A. L., Caniçali Primo, C., Bispo, G. S., & Lopes, R. O. (2020). Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 72(2), 577–581.

Mudd, A., Feo, R., Conroy, T., & Kitson, A. (2020). Where and how does fundamental care fit within seminal nursing theories: A narrative review and synthesis of key nursing concepts. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(19–20), 3652–3666.

Rosman, J., Eriksson, J. W., Martinell, M., Lindholm Olinder, A., & Leksell, J. (2022). Individual goal-based plan based on nursing theory for adults with type 2 diabetes and self-care deficits: A study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 12(3).


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