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Analysis of the Montessori Method of Learning


The Montessori approach to education encourages a child’s freedom within reasonable limits to best support the child’s natural psychological, physical, and social development. Children can learn at their own speed and are immersed in an environment designed to foster their innate sense of wonder, independence, and originality (Montessori, 2013). The filmed production illustrates the Montessori pedagogy and its potential to facilitate academic success for learners (Montessori Academy, 2016). The video presents a Montessori classroom with a student-centered approach to learning, where students of varying ages are grouped and receive personalized attention. The approach encourages experiential education through the utilization of Montessori materials. The theoretical frameworks of constructivism, humanism, and developmental psychology inform the Montessori Method. The Montessori Method is founded on significant educational theories and can facilitate teachers in introspecting and enhancing their pedagogical approaches owing to its emphasis on child-centeredness and experiential learning.

Influence of Educational Theories on educational practices

Humanism theory

Humanism is an educational philosophy that prioritizes the individuality of each student. The theory underscores the importance of equipping children with a secure and nurturing educational setting that fosters their holistic development and facilitates their integration into the broader community as contributing individuals (Ryan & Deci, 2020, p. 1034). According to humanistic philosophy, individuals’ potential for growth, independence, and self-actualization is limitless. Hence, instead of assuming an authoritative and directive role, the educator’s responsibility is to act as a facilitator and assist the learner in their educational journey. In an educational setting guided by humanistic principles, the teacher assumes a facilitative rather than an authoritarian role (Bush, 2020, p. 208). The pedagogue establishes an environment favorable for implementing differentiated instruction through integrating structured and unstructured play. The pedagogical approach accords equal significance to learners’ cognitive, affective, and interpersonal growth.

Humanism is an educational philosophy that prioritizes the uniqueness and capacity of every student. This perspective advocates for granting individuals the autonomy to determine their paths toward achieving personal development and satisfaction (Riley & Aubrey, 2022, p. 198). The Montessori teaching method is a prime example of humanism, as it allows students to learn at their own pace and explore subjects of personal interest to them. Educators adopt a more facilitative approach instead of assuming a dictatorial stance over their students’ academic pursuits. If this approach can enhance a child’s self-confidence, it may yield favorable outcomes for their well-being and academic achievement.

The film serves as a primary example of the Montessori philosophy of education, which enables children to acquire knowledge at their own pace and participate in activities of their preference. The role of the instructor is that of a facilitator and observer rather than a sole authority on the curriculum (Montessori Academy, 2016). The instructor refrains from imposing specific tasks on individual students. Students can engage with classroom materials that align with their individual learning preferences while pursuing their unique personal interests (Montessori Academy, 2016). The underlying premise of this approach is that children if presented with the chance, would opt to participate in pursuits that are both valuable and conducive to their growth.

The Montessori Method is founded on a humanistic educational approach that prioritizes establishing an environment conducive to each child’s optimal growth and development. The primary responsibility of an educator is to facilitate the student’s individual progress and advancement by utilizing instruction (Meinke, 2019, p.02). Humanism is an educational ideology that prioritizes the significance of personal growth and advancement for every individual. The Montessori approach aligns with humanistic principles by tailoring to each child’s unique requirements during their developmental phases, including cognitive, emotional, social, and physical. The approach also underscores the importance of respecting every child and valuing their distinct capabilities and inclinations.

Constructivism theory

Constructivism theories refer to a set of perspectives that emphasize the active role of learners in constructing their understanding and knowledge. These theories suggest that learning is a meaning-making process involving integrating new information with prior knowledge and experiences (Faryadi, 2017, p. 45). Constructivist approaches to education emphasize the importance of hands-on, experiential learning activities that allow learners to engage with and manipulate the materials and concepts they are studying. This approach is often contrasted with more traditional, teacher-centered approaches that emphasize the transmission of knowledge from teacher to student.

The educational philosophy of constructivism espouses the notion that students should be encouraged to develop their interpretations of the course material. The underlying premise of this concept is that individuals acquire novel information by establishing connections between their pre-existing knowledge and cognitive processes (Marshall, 2017, p. 204). This pedagogical approach posits that students should be motivated to actively participate in their learning process instead of being passive recipients of knowledge imparted by their instructors. The pedagogical approach of constructivism is extensively employed in educational institutions, particularly in science and mathematics (Magpantay-Monroe, 2018). The implementation of metacognitive strategies has been demonstrated to have a positive impact on students’ attitudes toward learning and their metacognitive abilities.

The constructivist teaching approach emphasizes students’ active involvement in constructing their knowledge and comprehension of the world. The approach prioritizes self-reflective and practical education to facilitate learners’ personal and occupational development. The Montessori educational approach fosters a child’s inquisitiveness and inclination to acquire knowledge through practical engagement (Montessori Academy, 2016). For example, the children featured in the case study film engaged in activities such as pouring water, matching shapes, and sorting objects to acquire knowledge through trial and error and advancing their abilities.

The Montessori Method is centered on constructivist principles, which are demonstrated by providing autonomy to children to learn at their own pace. The Montessori methodology advocates for a pedagogical approach that prioritizes the learner’s needs and interests, emphasizing experiential learning through manipulating educational materials (Meinke, 2019). The film’s utilization of movable alphabet items, such as sandpaper letters, can provide children with a tangible and experiential approach to learning the alphabet and the associations between letters, sounds, and words.

The Montessori educational approach integrates the theoretical framework of constructivism, precisely the concept of scaffolding. Scaffolding is a pedagogical approach that involves a knowledgeable educator or a proficient peer providing a supportive framework to novice learners, enabling them to construct their knowledge and competencies (Duckworth, 2006, p. 68). In a Montessori setting, educators assume the role of facilitators and mentors, prompting and expanding upon their students’ pre-existing knowledge and abilities. The instructor may exhibit the application of a novel instrument or furnish a demanding inquiry to provoke cognitive engagement among learners; however, the responsibility of resolving predicaments lies solely with the students.

Development psychology

Developmental psychology studies human development and how it evolves over time (Beck, 2017, p. 108). Multiple theories and models about human development encompassing biological, cognitive, and character aspects are integrated. Jean Piaget formulated the fundamental theory of cognitive development, which posits that children undergo four distinct stages, each marked by a distinct cognitive pattern of thinking and reasoning. The sociocultural theory proposed by Lev Vygotsky is a significant paradigm that highlights the significance of social interaction and cultural context in the cognitive development of individuals (Beck, 2017, p. 105). Hence, the Montessori approach to education draws significant influence from developmental psychology

The film portrays a preschool influenced by the Montessori approach and effectively implements this methodology (Drigas & Gkeka, 2016, p. 14). The Montessori approach is based on the fundamental concept that children acquire knowledge at their individualized rhythm, aligning with the discoveries of developmental psychology. The fundamental principle of the Montessori methodology posits that a child’s educational setting should be customized to suit their unique requirements. The cinematic presentation portrays an educational setting that comprises various stations catering to specific subjects, including practical life, mathematics, language, and the senses (Montessori Academy, 2016). There exist diverse domains where children can play and acquire knowledge that caters to their unique requirements.

The fundamental tenet of Montessorianism developmental psychology is the imperative of incorporating tactile learning experiences into the educational process (Lillard, 2022, p.234). Optimal learning outcomes for children are achieved when they can investigate their surroundings by utilizing all of their sensory faculties. The film illustrates numerous topics for students to manage and analyze within the educational setting. Young individuals can produce artistic expressions within the sand receptacles or construct structures utilizing wooden building materials (Meinke, 2019). Experiential learning has been found to have significant advantages in developing cognitive and physical capabilities.

The Montessori approach is grounded in research from the field of developmental psychology, which emphasizes the importance of providing children with tailored resources and obstacles throughout their maturation process (Bavli & Kocabaş, 2022, p. 34). The presented film displayed a Montessori learning environment featuring materials tailored to the student’s age group, effectively stimulating and captivating their attention. The field of child development has significantly influenced the impact of the Montessori approach. The approach mentioned above recognizes the heterogeneity of children and the imperative of customizing pedagogy to suit the unique requirements of each learner. The significance of a comprehensive education that encompasses cognitive and physical growth is also emphasized.

Effectiveness of pedagogical practices

It has been demonstrated that the Montessori Method is effective in numerous educational domains, including language, mathematics, and social skills. The approach prioritizes affording children sufficient time to independently investigate subjects, which has demonstrated efficacy in enhancing their curiosity and drive to acquire knowledge. The motion above picture is a noteworthy illustration of the efficacy of the Montessori approach in educating juvenile learners. The Montessori methodology is a highly efficacious approach to education due to its emphasis on student engagement, prioritization of the cultivation of critical thinking skills, and promotion of a passion for learning.

Active Participation and engagement

The Montessori approach fosters student engagement by utilizing tactile learning materials and project-based learning, promoting student agency in the educational process (Montessori, 2013). The film depicts children participating in various activities, such as pouring water, sorting objects, and constructing towers, which enhance their fine motor skills, problem-solving aptitude, and concentration. The film contains many instances of active audience participation and practical implementation. For example, children can engage in playful activities with various puzzles and vibrant sensory bins that are made available (Montessori Academy, 2016). Empowering children to take charge of their learning by allowing them to organize their lessons has been shown to increase their motivation and engagement in the educational process.

The Montessori approach emphasizes student autonomy and self-directed learning to foster an engaged and participatory educational experience. The video employs tangible objects from reality as visual aids. The pink tower in the video was used as a pedagogical tool to illustrate the concept of proportion to young learners (Montessori Academy, 2016). The individuals actively participated in arranging the blocks and personally experienced the variations in elevation. The active involvement of students in their education enhances their likelihood of acquiring and retaining knowledge.

Cultivation of critical thinking skills

The Montessori approach, which prioritizes free exploration, facilitates the development of children’s inherent curiosity. Montessori classrooms provide children with materials designed to stimulate their curiosity and foster critical thinking skills (Basargekar & Lillard, 2022, p. 345). In addition, the Montessori approach promotes the development of analytical and deductive reasoning skills in children by providing multiple opportunities to resolve problems and make informed decisions. The pedagogical space is structured to foster critical thinking and facilitate self-directed exploration of individual interests among students. The motion picture depicts the children utilizing the resources and encourages them to inquire about the potential utility and rationale behind them.

The Montessori approach prioritizes the development of critical thinking skills in children (Tiryaki et al., 2022, p.56). The film demonstrated the aforementioned point using open-ended inquiries and various informational materials. The student was provided with “golden beads” and instructed to create an aesthetically pleasing object using them. The students discovered the pattern through their creative and thorough analysis. The Montessori Method prioritizes free inquiry and exploration, which contributes to developing analytical skills among its students.

Promotion of a passion for learning

The pedagogical approach of Montessori education cultivates an affection for knowledge acquisition, establishing men in a setting that stimulates investigation and revelation (et et al., 2022 p. 5 younger demographic is the 6). The intended audience for the video’s message of collaboration and graphics. The objective of the Montessori approach is to cuan an enduring perpetual passion for education in children by facilitating their inquisitiveness, investigation, and revelation. The meth considers children’s innate inclination towards education and their motivation to acquire knowledge. The film displays how the Montessori approach fosters a passion for education among children by offering them a stimulating setting that facilitates investigation and revelation through play.

The Montessori approach fosters a perpetual desire for learning by enabling students to concentrate on subjects that pique their interests. The concept was demonstrated in the movie via the students’ study schedules, enabling them to exercise autonomy over their education. A student can be observed engaging in a puzzle-solving activity while another student uses the “pink tower” for educational purposes (Montessori Academy, 2016). The Montessori approach cultivates a lifelong passion for learning by allowing students to concentrate on their areas of interest.

The Montessori Method is a successful pedagogical approach due to its emphasis on student engagement, promotion of critical thinking skills, and cultivation of a lifelong passion for learning. The Montessori approach to education allows children greater autonomy to explore and learn from their mistakes (Drigas & Gkeka, 2016, p. 345). The Montessori Method is an efficacious pedagogical approach that has demonstrated effectiveness across diverse contexts. It can facilitate children’s cognitive and socio-emotional development across different age groups and domains.


The advantages of the Montessori Method are apparent, as it facilitates children’s learning through inquiry and discovery while catering to their individual needs. Nonetheless, a compromise must be reached in subject-intensive disciplines such as history and physics. Educational institutions and educators should more widely implement the Montessori Method.

As per my readings, the Montessori approach aligns with specific theories regarding optimal learning modalities for children. The educational program integrates the principles of constructivism and humanism by encouraging participatory learning, analytical reasoning, and information acquisition. The enhancement of critical thinking, initiative, and educational investment among students is observed when they are allowed to learn at their own pace and conduct independent research on various issues. Montessori education is the most optimal choice. Tactile experiences and tangible objects facilitate comprehension of theoretical ideas among students. The customized approach additionally enables educators to adjust to the individual requirements of their students. Montessori educational settings offer advantages to a significant number of juvenile learners. The level of resonance may vary among different audiences or topics. An effective educator should possess adaptability and utilize a variety of instructional approaches to engage with their pupils.

The film presented the Montessori Method and demonstrated its congruence with constructivism, humanism, and developmental psychology. The Montessori Method promotes a pedagogical approach that emphasizes engagement in the learning process, the development of analytical skills, and cultivating enthusiasm. The cinematic production depicted the advantages of implementing the Montessori method in an educational setting. The humanistic perspective advocates for the promotion of self-determination and internal drive; thus, it is suggested that adolescents be allowed to select their pursuits. The efficacy of the Montessori Method is attributed to its assimilation of diverse beliefs and practices that enhance student advancement. However, it is essential to consider that the needs of children may require the implementation of distinct methodologies.

Teachers can enhance classroom engagement by providing opportunities for students to apply their learning, facilitating the exploration of novel concepts, and fostering an environment that encourages questioning and the expression of opinions. Engaging in the process of content creation facilitates better retention of information among students. Analyzing, evaluating, and applying acquired knowledge among children is instrumental in promoting critical thinking. Substitute the practice of rote memorization with activities that promote the development of problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Through the encouragement of risk-taking, acceptance of failure, and prioritization of student interests, educators can foster a passion for learning among their students. Prioritizing lifelong learning and allowing students the autonomy to select their learning pursuits and projects can facilitate this objective in conjunction with constructive feedback and appreciation.

Using constructivism, humanism, and developmental psychology in the Montessori Method was noteworthy. The utilization and application of tools for learning were particularly noteworthy. The Montessori approach is highly beneficial as it cultivates the innate inquisitiveness and desire for learning in young children. Tailored instruction and self-directed learning enable every student to achieve optimal learning outcomes.


Montessori uses constructivism, humanism, and developmental psychology to meet each child’s requirements. This technique improves student learning and may affect future instructional practices. We must alter our methods to meet students’ requirements while being aware of our limitations. Montessori education boosts motivation, critical thinking, and learning passion. The video case study proves Montessori works. Montessori encourages each child’s gifts, passions, and interests. I enjoy using Montessori Method tactics to teach and help my pupils. School activities and critical thinking and analyzing abilities can foster self-motivation, curiosity, and a lifetime quest for knowledge. The Montessori Method may benefit students and parents. The Montessori Method emphasizes individualizing training to foster lifelong learning.


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