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Analysis of “Dibs in Search of Self” by Virginia Axline


Child-centred play therapy is an effective way to help children heal from emotional and psychological difficulties. Play therapy can help children deal with various issues, including trauma, anxiety, depression, behavioral problems, and more (Axline, 1967). A play therapist must create a safe and supportive environment for children to play and explore. They must also be flexible and adaptable in their work, as children are often unpredictable. In addition, play therapists must have excellent communication skills (Brumfield, 2021). This essay will discuss the summary of the book “Dibs in Search of Self” by Virginia Axline, personal insight, qualities of a good play therapist and the techniques used in the child-centred book.

Summary of the Story

In “Dibs in Search of Self”, Virginia Axline tells the story of a five-year-old boy, Dibs, who comes from a wealthy and highly educated family. Dibs is extremely intelligent but has difficulty relating to other people (Axline, 1967). He is angry and withdrawn and has been diagnosed as schizophrenic. Dibs in Search of Self is a book about a boy named Dibs who is considered emotionally disturbed. Dibs can work through play therapy and find himself through his issues (Brumfield, 2021). The book discusses the theory behind play therapy and how it can be used to help children like Dibs. It is a fascinating read and provides insight into the mind of a child who is struggling emotionally (Axline, 1967). This book is eye-opening and has brought the concept of helping children who are going through similar struggles in life. It is recommended for anyone interested in play therapy or working with children with emotional difficulties.

Personal Insight

I believe that I have the qualities to be a successful play therapist. I am patient, nonjudgmental, and accepting. I am also good at reflecting on children’s words and actions (Axline, 1967). I think I would be successful at helping children to understand their own emotions and to make progress in their ability to relate to others. “Dibs in search of self” is a book about a boy who is considered to be “mentally retarded” and how he learns and grows through therapy (Brumfield, 2021). The book is full of insight into human behavior regarding how children learn and grow and how we, as adults, interact with and react to children.

One of the most striking things about the book is how it shows how adults often misunderstand children. Dibs is considered “retarded” because he does not speak and does not seem to interact with the world in the way other children do (Axline, 1967). However, as the book progresses, it becomes clear that Dibs is simply processing the world differently than other children. He is knowledgeable, and he can understand and communicate in his unique way.

The book also highlights the importance of relationships in children’s lives. Dibs has difficulty forming attachments with other people, but through therapy, he can develop relationships with his therapist and other children (Brumfield, 2021). These relationships are crucial to his development and growth, showing the importance of human connection in our lives. Overall, Dibs in search of self is a fascinating and insightful book that offers a unique perspective on child development and human behavior. It is full of wisdom and insight and will leave a lasting impression on anyone who reads it.


Axline uses child-centred play therapy with Dibs. This means that she allows him to lead the play and does not force him to do anything he does not want to do. She believes children can heal themselves if given the opportunity (Axline, 1967). Axline uses three types of play therapy techniques with Dibs: reflection, interpretation, and modeling.

Reflection Technique

Reflection is when the therapist mirrors back to the child what he or she is saying or doing. For example, when Dibs is angry, Axline says, “You sound really angry” (Schoonover, 2021). This allows Dibs to see himself and understand his own emotions.


The Technique of Reflection is a therapeutic technique developed by Virginia Axline. It is based on the principle that children and adults can heal themselves if allowed to do so. The Technique of Reflection gives children and adults the opportunity to heal themselves (Axline, 1967). It is based on the principle that we all can heal ourselves if given a chance. The Technique of Reflection provides a safe and supportive environment to explore our feelings and thoughts and make the changes we need to make to heal.


The reflection technique helps people understand and accept themselves. The reflection technique can help people understand and accept themselves by providing a space to explore their thoughts and feelings (Axline, 1967). When people are allowed to reflect on their experiences, they can better understand themselves and their place in the world. Additionally, reflection can help people to accept themselves by providing a safe space to explore their thoughts and feelings without judgement (Brumfield, 2021). People can learn to understand and accept themselves by providing a space for reflection, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

The reflection technique helps people make the changes they need to make to improve their lives. Reflection is a powerful technique that can help people make the necessary changes to improve their lives (Axline, 1967). This technique involves looking back on past experiences and thinking about what could have been done differently. It allows people to see their mistakes and learn from them to make better future choices (Bohecker et al., 2021). Reflection can be a complex process, but it is worth it because it can help people to grow and improve their lives (Brumfield, 2021). This technique can help people to become more aware of their choices and to make better decisions that will lead to a more fulfilling life.


The technique of reflection helps people to understand themselves better. It allows them to take a step back and look at their lives differently (Axline, 1967). It also helps them to see the connections between their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

The technique of reflection also helps people to accept themselves. It helps them see that they are not perfect and have flaws. It also helps them to see that their flaws do not define them.

The reflection technique also helps people make the changes they need to make. It helps them to see that they have the power to change their lives. It also helps them to see that change is possible.

The technique of reflection also helps people to heal themselves. It helps them to see that they are not alone in their struggles. It also helps them to see that they can overcome their challenges.


The Technique of Reflection is implemented by creating a safe and supportive environment where people can freely explore their feelings and thoughts. The therapist remains nonjudgmental and accepting and encourages the person to express their thoughts and feelings freely.


The Technique of Reflection is effective because it provides a safe and supportive environment where people can freely explore their thoughts and feelings. The therapist remains nonjudgmental and accepting, which creates an atmosphere of trust, which is essential for healing.

Interpretation Technique

Interpretation is when the therapist tries to help the child understand the meaning of his or her play. For example, when Dibs is playing with a doll, Axline might say, “It looks like that doll is mad at you” (Axline, 1967). This helps Dibs to understand his feelings and to see them differently.


The interpretation technique is a process of re-experiencing an emotionally significant event from the past to gain a new understanding of it (Axline, 1967).


The purpose of interpretation is to help the individual to understand the event in a new way, work through the emotions associated with it, and to resolve any unfinished business from the past. In her book “Dibs in Search of Self”, Virginia Axline discusses a therapeutic technique she called Interpretation (Axline, 1967). This technique involves helping the individual to understand an event in a new way, to work through the emotions associated with it, and to resolve any unfinished business from the past.

Interpretation can be a powerful tool in helping the individual to understand and work through a traumatic event. By helping the individual to re-frame, the event in a new way, they can begin to see it in a more positive light (Axline, 1967). This can help to reduce the negative emotions associated with the event and can also help to resolve any unfinished business from the past. Interpretation is just one of many tools that can be used to help someone heal from a traumatic event (Redfern, 2022). It is essential to work with a qualified therapist to ensure that the technique is used in a way that is helpful and not harmful.

Interpretation can also help the individual understand current events and experiences in a new light. The interpretation Technique is a method used to help individuals understand current events and experiences in a new light (Redfern, 2022). This technique is based on the belief that individuals can interpret their own experiences. By using this technique, individuals can better understand themselves and their current situation.

This technique can be helpful for individuals who are struggling to make sense of their current circumstances. It can also be used to help individuals who have experienced a significant life event, such as a divorce or the death of a loved one (Axline, 1967). Interpretation Technique can help individuals to understand their experiences in a new way and to find new meaning in their lives. This technique is based on the work of Sigmund Freud. Freud believed that individuals could use their own experiences to gain insight into their lives (Bohecker et al., 2021). He believed that by understanding their own experiences, individuals could better understand themselves and their current situation. The interpretation Technique is helpful for individuals struggling with mental health issues (Redfern, 2022). This technique can help individuals to understand their experiences in a new light and to find new meaning in their lives.


The interpretation technique is a powerful tool that can help people to understand and work through complex events from their past. This technique can help people see the event in a new light, work through the emotions associated with it, and resolve unfinished business from the past (Axline, 1967). With this technique, people can better understand themselves and their past and learn healthily to move on from the event.


Interpretation helps the individual to understand the event in a new way by allowing them to revisit it from a different perspective. This can help to shift the individual’s perspective on the event and allow them to see it in a new light (Axline, 1967). Interpretation also helps the individual to work through the emotions associated with the event. This can be done by allowing the individual to express their emotions openly and providing a safe space to do so.

Interpretation can help the individual to resolve any unfinished business from the past. This can be done by helping the individual identify any unresolved issues from the past and providing a space to work through these issues (Redfern, 2022). Interpretation techniques can be implemented in individual therapy, group therapy, or family therapy. It is typically used with other therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral or psychodynamic therapy (Axline, 1967). Interpretation can be adapted to fit the needs of the individual, group, or family being treated.


Evaluation of the interpretation technique is typically done by looking at the individual’s or group’s response to the interpretation. This can be done through self-report measures, such as surveys, interviews, or observation (Axline, 1967). Evaluation of the interpretation technique is typically done after the interpretation has been completed to assess its effectiveness.

Modeling Technique

Modeling is when the therapist shows the child how to do something. For example, when Dibs has trouble sharing, Axline might model sharing by giving him a toy and taking turns with him. This helps Dibs to learn how to share and understand the concept of taking turns.


Model therapy, also known as the modeling technique, is a type of psychotherapy based on social learning theory. This type of therapy focuses on helping individuals learn new behaviors by observing and imitating the behavior of others.


The primary purpose of modeling therapy is to help individuals learn new behaviors that can be used to cope with different life stressors. This type of therapy can also be used to help individuals change negative behaviors, such as drug use or aggression.


The functions of modeling therapy are to help individuals learn new behaviors and change negative ones. This type of therapy is typically used in combination with other types of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.


According to Issroff (2018), Model therapy is typically implemented through role-playing and modeling exercises. These exercises are designed to help individuals learn new behaviors by observing and imitating the behavior of others.


Model therapy effectively treats various psychological disorders, such as anxiety, mood, and substance abuse.

Qualities of Play Therapist

Axline’s child-centred play therapy is very effective. Dibs makes excellent progress in his ability to relate to other people. He becomes less angry and more able to express his emotions. By the end of the book, Dibs is a happy and well-adjusted child (Axline, 1967). A play therapist is a professional who is trained in using play to help children heal from emotional and psychological difficulties (Redfern, 2022). Play therapy can help children deal with various issues, including trauma, anxiety, depression, behavioral problems, and more.

Ability to Create a Safe and Supportive Environment

Many qualities are essential for a play therapist to possess to succeed in their work with children. One of the essential qualities is creating a safe and supportive environment for children to play and explore (Axline, 1967). This means that the play therapist must be able to create boundaries and limits that are respectful of the child’s needs and feelings. A play therapist must create a safe and supportive environment for children to play and explore (Cochran et al., 2022). This environment must be one in which the child feels comfortable and free to express themselves without judgement or fear of reprisal. The play therapist must be attuned to the child’s needs and provide the appropriate level of support, whether through active engagement in play or simply being present and available as a sounding board (Seyderhelm, 2022). The play therapist must also be able to set appropriate boundaries to maintain the therapeutic space’s safety and integrity.

Ability to be Flexible and Adaptable

Another important quality for a play therapist is being flexible and adaptable in their work. This is because children are often unpredictable and may need to change the direction of their play at any given moment (Axline, 1967). The play therapist must be able to go with the flow and be open to whatever the child needs at that moment. As a play therapist, it is essential to be flexible and adaptable to meet each child’s needs (David-Weill, 2020). Every child is unique and requires different approaches to facilitate their growth and development (Mahoney, 2019). It is essential to assess each child’s needs and tailor the therapy to meet those needs.

Play therapy is incredibly effective for helping children work through their issues and develop healthily. As a play therapist, it is essential to be flexible and adaptable to make the most of this tool (Axline, 1967). Every child is different and will require a different approach. It is essential to assess each child’s needs and tailor the therapy to meet those needs (Mahoney, 2019). This way, each child has the best chance of success in therapy and can develop healthily.

Excellent Communication

In addition, play therapists must have excellent communication skills. This is because they will need to be able to explain their work to parents and other professionals and understand and interpret the child’s play (Axline, 1967). One of the essential qualities of a play therapist is excellent communication skills. Play therapists need to be able to communicate effectively with children, parents, and other professionals. They must understand and interpret the child’s play (Mahoney, 2019). They also need to be able to explain the child’s play to parents and other professionals. Play therapists need to have a deep understanding of child development. They must understand the child’s play from a developmental perspective (Cochran et al., 2022). They also need to understand the child’s family and cultural background.

Create a Safe Environment for the Child

Play therapists must be able to create a safe and trusting environment for the child. They need to be able to respect the child’s privacy and maintain confidentiality (Axline, 1967). They also need to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for the child. They need to be able to adapt to the child’s needs (Scalone et al., 2021). They also need to be able to work with different types of children. Play therapists need to be able to work independently. They must be able to take direction from the child (Seyderhelm, 2019). They also need to be able to work collaboratively with other professionals.

Understanding of Child Development

Finally, play therapists must have a deep understanding of child development. This knowledge is essential to tailor the play therapy to the individual child’s needs and to understand the significance of the child’s play.


Many qualities are essential for a play therapist to possess to succeed. The ability to create a safe and supportive environment, be flexible and adaptable, and have excellent communication skills are just a few of the qualities essential for a play therapist. A play therapist must also have a deep understanding of child development in order to be able to tailor the play therapy to the individual child’s needs and to understand the significance of the child’s play. The book also uses modelling, reflection and interpretation techniques to assist its audience.


Axline, V. (1967). Dibs in search of self. New York: Basic Books.

Bohecker, L., LaMantia, K., & Wagner, H. H. (2021). Women Theorists of Psychotherapy and Counseling. Rowman & Littlefield.

Brumfield, K. A. (2021). Working With Parents in Child-Centered Play Therapy: Applying the Discrimination Model to Caregiver Support. In Techniques and Interventions for Play Therapy and Clinical Supervision (pp. 133-153). IGI Global.

Cochran, N. H., Nordling, W. J., & Cochran, J. L. (2022). Child-Centered Play Therapy: A Practical Guide to Therapeutic Relationships with Children. Taylor & Francis.

David-Weill, A. (2020). Models And Metaphors Of Play Therapy: The Role Of The Child Therapist.

Issroff, J. (2018). Winnicott and Bowlby: personal reminiscences. In Donald Winnicott and John Bowlby (pp. 13-70). Routledge.

Mahoney, M. (2019). The Great Brandoni: A Life of Creativity and Connection. Music Therapy Perspectives, 37(2), 102-109.

Redfern, E. E. (2022). In Search of Self. In Internal Family Systems Therapy (pp. 209-235). Routledge.

Scalone, A., Misbah, F., & Pennant, A. (2021). Child-Parent Relationship Therapy.

Schoonover, T. (2021). Child-Centered Play Therapy’s Impact on Externalized Behaviors of Children who Have Experienced Trauma: A Single-Case Research Design.

Seyderhelm, A. (2019). Helping Children Cope with Loss and Change: A Guide for Professionals and Parents. Routledge.

Seyderhelm, A. (2022). Helping Children Become the Heroes of their Stories: A Practical Guide to Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience in Every Setting. Taylor & Francis.


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