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American History X


American History X is a 1998 American drama movie directed by Tony Kaye that scrutinizes the complexities of bias, bigotry, and hate. The movie follows two brothers, Derek, and Danny Vinyard, as they cope with the realities of bias in their inner-city Los Angeles neighborhood (JexMovie, nd). The movie tells a powerful story of how hatred can be undone, and atonement can be achieved. This will discuss the significant questions about parents’ duty, the media’s power, and the nature of bias in the United States.

Racism in the United States

Racism is a prevalent problem in the United States, but many subtler fundamentals are at play daily. These fundamentals can manifest variously, such as microaggressions, discrimination, and exclusion (Krumholz, Massey & Dorsey, 2022). They can be found in our companies, our schools, our neighborhoods, and even in our own families. The movie shows the extreme bias, yet subtle fundamentals of bias still occur daily in the United States. This can be seen in police cruelty towards people of color and the systemic bias in the criminal justice system (JexMovie, nd). The movie also highlights the unequal access to resources, housing, and education that people of color experience in the United States.

Emotions Evoked

The move evoked a range of emotions in me throughout the session. One scene that particularly struck me was when Derek’s father, played by Elliott Gould, speaks to him in prison (JexMovie, nd). In this scene, Derek’s father certain his disappointment in Derek’s actions and tells him to think about the outcomes of his choices. This scene moved me because it highlighted the power of a parent’s words and showed how actions could have far-reaching results. I felt deeply sad for Danny, knowing his brother had passed his hateful views to him (JexMovie, nd). It made me think about the outcome of unchecked bias and how it can be damaging, even to those closest to us.

Racist Actions Today

Racist actions and behaviors have changed since the civil privileges movement. In the movie, we see the extreme bias, with white supremacists wearing Nazi symbols and engaging in hating Cro-Magnons. Today, bias is often subtler and more insidious, with people of color facing discrimination in various means (JexMovie, nd). This includes microaggressions, unequal access to resources, and implied bias in education and employment. There is also a wider discernment of the divergent forms of bias and how they are palpable in everyday life (JexMovie, nd). This has caused extra open conversations about race and permitted greater racial justice and equity opportunities.

Attitudes Toward Marginalized Groups

The attitudes toward marginalized groups in the movie are largely negative: women, gay people, poor people, and people with disabilities (JexMovie, nd). Women are hugely lowered to sexual objects, while gay people and people with disabilities are portrayed negatively. Poor people are largely ignored, and people of color are generally shown as criminals or thugs (JexMovie, nd). There is also a lack of discernment and empathy for those who are poor or have disabilities.

Dealing with Racist Remarks

Unfortunately, I do know people who have prejudiced views. When I hear them espousing hateful hyperbole, I make a point to challenge it. When I hear prejudiced remarks, I often converse with the speaker. I think it’s significant to explain why the remarks are wrong calmly and to assist the speaker in discerning why their words are hurtful. I usually disengage and walk away if the conversation does not go well.

Parental Influence

Previous generations, especially parents, have a huge influence on our codes. Parents can shape our views on politics, religion, and even our views on people of divergent races. This can be seen in the movie, as Derek’s father’s ideology heavily controlled his views (JexMovie, nd). While our parents’ values and codes may not necessarily emerge in their children, they can shape them significantly.

Combating Hate

Combating hate is largely a matter of education and discerning. We must strive to discern the main causes of bias, bigotry, and hate and educate people about these attitudes’ harms. We must also ensure that people of all backgrounds have access to resources and education that can assist them in breaking down blockades and building bridges betwixt communities. We must also create spaces where people can speak openly and honestly about race while actively listening to those with lived experience. Finally, we must strive to create an inclusive, equitable society that celebrates the diversity of its people.


American History X is a powerful movie that examines the complexities of bias, bigotry, and hate. It highlights the intensity of bias while showing how it can be undone and atonements can be achieved (JexMovie, nd). It also hikes significant questions about the duty of parents in shaping our codes, the power of the media, and the need to combat hate. This movie is a significant reminder that bias and hatred still exist in our society and that we must constantly strive to improve.


JexMovie. (nd)American History X (1998) Full Movie – HD 720p Retrieved April 9, 2023, from

Krumholz, H. M., Massey, D. S., & Dorsey, K. B. (2022). Racism as a leading cause of death in the United States. bmj, 376.


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