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Addressing Customer Service Response Time

Executive Summary

Customers are increasingly concerned about customer service response time. How to fix the problem and satisfy all consumers is in this executive summary. In the previous three months, customers have complained more about delayed response times. This damages our reputation and customers. Our manual, chaotic customer support process makes it more challenging for personnel to answer questions swiftly. A unified CRM with advanced automation is recommended. This helps here. CRM is designed to improve customer service, communication, and tedious tasks. Customer support representatives can swiftly answer queries with this uniform method, improving response time and satisfaction. An image compares the suggested streamlined method to the manual way to demonstrate how the adjustments can improve things. The solution should satisfy, develop trust, and enhance the customer experience. The CRM system streamlines operations, reduces manual effort, and frees up customer support personnel to tackle more complex inquiries.

Statement and general analysis of the problem using research

Prolonged Customer Service Response Times

Better Cloud Software Company has extensive customer service lines. Research in several fields shows this concern. Because of this, the business may not do well or please customers. Customers are loyal to CRM-savvy companies. Amel, Mulyati, and Aminah found this in 2023 at PT BRI Cibinong Branch. Better Cloud has poor CRM because it took so long to respond. Doing this may cause a loss of clients’ trust and loyalty. This could reduce client satisfaction and loyalty, hurting corporate growth.


To solve this enormous problem, Better Cloud Software Company might want to buy a high-tech CRM system with robust automation tools. Amel et al. discovered that customer relationship management (CRM) is essential for keeping clients and suggested a way to do it. This technology helps Better Cloud simplify its customer service so that it can answer questions quickly and correctly. With automated customer relationship management solutions, you can get back to possible clients faster and build stronger, longer-lasting relationships with them. Better Cloud wants to have excellent customer service, and this all-inclusive plan helps them reach that goal. The customer relationship management system that is being sold speeds up responses and makes the customer experience better. Better Cloud could show its customers it cares by putting routine chores to rest and answering requests quickly. Once this is done, the business can build connections with its customers, which will make them happier and more loyal. Better Cloud’s slow response times have been fixed by this research-based strategy plan, which also sets the company up for long-term success in the competitive software market.

Impact on Customer Service

Response time is Better Cloud Software Company’s most significant issue, which could affect customer service. Boateng and others’ 2022 study reveals how crucial client care is for service organizations. If you wait too long for an answer, these healthy habits may not form, hurting Better Cloud’s long-term success and consumer trust.


Better Cloud should prioritize customers and provide fast, friendly assistance to fix this. This strategy uses the CRM system to speed up responses and improve customer service. Better Cloud uses the study of Boateng et al. to build a culture that is focused on the customer. Key to this approach is better training in customer service in new programs. These programs need to teach good customer service and money-saving skills. Some of these skills are being able to talk to people, fix problems, and always put customers first. Another essential part of this method is proactive contact. Better Cloud can show it cares about its customers’ issues by keeping them up to date on their questions, even if the problems still need to be fixed. Being involved in this way builds trust and shows clients that their problems are being thought about, which leads to good care. For personalized client interaction to work, the CRM system needs to have certain features. Customers will feel valued and be more likely to behave in a business-friendly way if you respond to each one based on what they are interested in and what they have done in the past. Better Cloud puts its customers first, and its CRM helps it understand what it needs and plan for it. It is also essential to have a reliable way to get information and comments from customers. Using and actively getting customer feedback is an excellent way to show that you want to make things better and is also good management. Clients form strong ties when they feel heard and important. Finally, Better Cloud should think about a way to recognize and reward customer service workers who are good caretakers. This internal motivation helps employees remember how important it is to build strong relationships with clients and make excellent customer service the norm, something that everyone values. By using these methods in its customer service architecture, Better Cloud can cut down on reaction times and get customers to take better care of their accounts, which is suitable for the company. This all-around method backs up what Boateng et al. found and sets Better Cloud up for long-term success by making clients loyal in the very competitive software industry.

Compromised Customer Satisfaction in After-Sales Service

Better Cloud Software Company sometimes responds slowly. Customer satisfaction may have declined, hurting the company’s reputation in the competitive software industry. Khashman’s 2023 banking customer satisfaction survey emphasizes the importance of fast and pleasant customer service and warns Better Cloud of the consequences if it does not.


Better Cloud’s customer service reps require training to correct issues and satisfy consumers. They should develop this technology to react faster and better to eliminate wait times. This project uses a CRM system to teach workers how to promptly and correctly answer consumer inquiries. More in-depth conversations, problem-solving, and using the CRM to streamline interactions should be covered in the training. Better Cloud equips customer care professionals with the proper tools and information to answer inquiries quickly. The customer will be happier. Customer relationship management improves client interactions as part of this overall reaction. Salespeople can quickly address customer needs since its automation features eliminate manual tasks. The device also reveals clients’ previous and present preferences. This simplifies conversation and improves experiences. This method matches Khashman’s studies on how vital prompt and helpful customer service is to keep customers happy. Better Cloud could reduce response times by targeting the leading cause with focused training and CRM optimization. It may also please customers. By paying for customer service training, Better Cloud sends a powerful message to consumers and workers. This shows that the organization values exceptional service. This strategic plan will help the organization focus on customers, improve interactions, and stay competitive in the ever-changing software market. This solves one issue and helps Better Cloud succeed.

Poor Client Retention

Better Cloud Software Company’s client retention depends on personal ties, which causes longer response times harm. Kunathikornkit, Piriyakul, and Piriyakul (2023) discuss how these relationships are crucial and how Better Cloud’s image could suffer in the competitive software business if it does not maintain excellent customer interactions.


Better Cloud could streamline customer complaints and feedback to allow more one-on-one interactions. Customer concerns may be tracked and resolved quickly with a sound CRM system. Because they simplify complaint recording, tracking, and response, CRM systems may be crucial to this response. CRM automation speeds up responses and reduces manual work while resolving complaints. This immediately fixes lengthier response times and simplifies customer feedback. Better Cloud addresses client concerns from submission to resolution using a CRM. This could assist the group in identifying recurring issues and patterns to address. Better Cloud can correct problems depending on consumer feedback using its analysis tools. To keep consumers pleased, handle complaints immediately. This demonstrates that you care about your consumers and desire to resolve their issues, according to Kunathikornkit et al rapidly. This makes all customers happier and makes strong relationships simpler. Better Cloud can use the CRM’s customer feedback lines to solicit input actively. The company often solicits customer feedback to stay informed. This displays its commitment to customer satisfaction. Better Cloud can handle customer complaints better with a complete CRM. This will reduce group response times. This strategy may help you satisfy customers and develop great relationships. This shows that the company values its clients, which sets it apart in the software industry.

Undermined Customer Satisfaction and Competitive Standing

Better Cloud Software could lose clients, images, and abilities if after-sales service is slow. Soltani, Sobhani, and Najafi (2021) found that delays can hurt consumer satisfaction in the vehicle business after the sale.


Better Cloud should carefully plan and build a whole CRM system to fix this problem and make clients happier after the sale. Because they speed up and automate regular operations, CRM technologies improve customer care after the sale. Along the way, it keeps everyone informed. Customer relationship management system automation can speed up post-sale operations, helping resolve customer complaints faster. This reduces wait times and enhances post-sale service. Clients can acquire service request information quickly through automated communication. This increases transparency and client satisfaction. Customer: There is a single database with customer and service records in the customer relationship management system. Deeper Cloud service staff can better understand each customer’s wants and preferences with this all-around view. This makes after-sales support more effective and targeted. The correct answer fits with Soltani et al.’s results, which show how important service is to customer happiness after the sale. Better Cloud could use the CRM system to cut down on wait times and show that it is a customer-focused business that cares about help after the sale. When the CRM system is added, it does more than fix problems fast. It lets Better Cloud find ways to improve ahead of time, listen to customers, and smartly change its customer service after a transaction. The company will continue to be successful as long as customers are happy with this trend of constant growth. Better Cloud cuts down on client wait times by carefully combining its customer relationship management system with support after the sale. This one response fits with what Soltani et al. found and shows that Better Cloud is a customer-focused business that will do well in the harsh software industry.

Risk to Position in the Competitive Software Industry

Customers are unhappy with Better Cloud Software Company’s delays, which could hurt its image in the software business, which is very competitive. Zygiaris et al. looked at service quality and customer happiness around the world after the pandemic in 2022 and brought this up. The study also stresses how important it is to act quickly to stay ahead of the competition.


To deal with this problem and stay competitive in the software business, Better Cloud should start a big plan to improve its skills. This plan uses comments from users and powerful CRM tools to change its services to fit people’s needs after the pandemic. If you want to grow, you need to be strategic about how you look at customer comments. Using the CRM system, Better Cloud can quickly get feedback from customers, organize it, and rate it. To make focused changes to how services are delivered, a business needs to know the problems and demands of its customers. With its customer interaction management system, Better Cloud can avoid delays. By automating some jobs and improving workflows, the company can make its operations run more smoothly. This will lead to faster response times and better service. This fits with what Zygiaris et al. said about how important it is to change with the times in order to keep service quality high and customers happy. The plan for continuous improvement depends on how well services can adjust to life after the pandemic. Better Cloud should use the CRM system to keep an eye on new technologies, customer tastes, and business trends. The company can keep its services up-to-date, creative, and relevant to meet customer needs by keeping up with changes in the software business. This method gets rid of problems right away and makes Better Cloud a more substantial, more customer-focused business in the cloud-based world. By showing that it is willing to grow and change, Better Cloud makes its customers happier and positions itself as a leader in the tricky software business. This smart move will help the business stay ahead in a market that is constantly changing.

The Problem from Stakeholders’ Viewpoints


Customers think Better Cloud Software Company’s response time makes them unsatisfied and less loyal. Customers want fast, helpful service to answer inquiries, fix problems, and improve their corporate experience. Longer reaction times are irritating and harmful. They can anger clients, make them distrust the company, and make them shop around. Customers worry most about how delays would affect their service use and thoughts (Najafi, 2021). Better Cloud prioritizes client satisfaction. Since there are several software brands, buyers will switch if they cannot obtain rapid and helpful support. Fixing this issue immediately and permanently is crucial to maintaining trust. Customer happiness depends on fast, effective help services. A business’s reputation could suffer for years if it fails here. Better Cloud must understand that people drive the business. The corporation selects and speeds up response times to keep consumers pleased and establish a loyal base that will promote its services. To compete in the fast-paced software industry, you must exceed customer expectations in this area.

Employees/Customer Service Representatives

Better Cloud Software Company staff and consumers dislike long wait times. Unresolved client issues can increase effort, concern, burnout, and team morale. As they answer more client questions, employees’ job satisfaction and success decrease, affecting their entire work experience. Workers are stressed because they cannot help immediately. They have trouble caring for them. Even if they labor hard, customer care professionals may need more time to solve problems (Khashman’s, 2023). This constraint affects how well workers execute their jobs, work with others, and handle consumers. Once you realize that workers are vital to customer service, lowering and improving response times becomes a goal for a happy, helpful organization. Find problems, value contributions, and address concerns at work to motivate people. Shorter response times improve consumer and employee well-being. Better Cloud reduces reaction time issues to retain talented workers. Employees that are satisfied and supported deliver better customer service. This optimistic feedback loop benefits buyers and staff. Better Cloud can ensure its staff is committed and well-equipped to give outstanding service in the challenging software market by prioritizing their health and happiness.

Company Management/Leadership

Management and leadership must reduce response times. This issue impacts customer satisfaction and the company’s ability to compete in the fast-paced software industry. Management must keep customers happy and the business going. Not acting soon can cost you a lot. Service delays may drive customers away, lowering sales. Excellent service costs less than replacing departing clients. Thus, managers should realize this. These financial considerations must be considered against the investments needed to remedy the problem when making a sensible choice quickly. Also worrying is how this will damage the company’s image. A brand’s image is its market power today. Therefore, a reduction in consumer satisfaction can affect the entire sector. Management must balance resolving the issue with implementing adjustments that reflect the company’s beliefs and aims (Amel et al., 2023). Resource allocation fixes delayed reaction times. Management must employ technology, people, and training wisely to create lasting solutions.

Along with short-term remedies, we must guarantee better customer service. Fixing this issue is operational and strategic for the company’s future. A solid reputation and pleased clients are essential in the software industry. Meeting investor and consumer needs keeps them trusting and supporting you. Finally, fixing long response times demonstrates that management is proactive and cares about long-term business performance in a competitive market.


Better Cloud Software Company needs a thorough response time repair. From the perspectives of buyers, employees, and management, this issue affects several areas. Businesses value customers because they anticipate fast, polite service. Answering inquiries affects brand trust and image. The health, happiness, and teamwork of workers and customer service reps are at risk. When you consider how vital personnel are to service, a focus on them becomes even more critical. Running and leading a firm goes beyond daily issues. It becomes essential to the company’s finances, reputation, and market position. Wise decisions, resource allocation, and continuous improvement are needed to achieve the company’s goals.


Amel, N., Mulyati, H., & Aminah, M. (2023). The effect of customer relationship management on customer loyalty at PT Bri Cibinong branch. Jurnal Manajemen, 14(1), 59.

Boateng, H., Amenuvor, F., Adam, D., Agbemabiese, G., & Hinson, R. (2022). Exploring customer stewardship behaviors in service firms. European Business Review, 34(4), 541-555.

Khashman, R. (2023). Customer satisfaction quality in the banking sector. International Journal of Business and Management, 18(2), 15.

Kunathikornkit, S., Piriyakul, I., & Piriyakul, R. (2023). One-to-one marketing management via customer complaint..

Soltani, S., Sobhani, F., & Najafi, S. (2021). Determining the increased numerical value of customer satisfaction, which has been impacted by latent and observed factors in after-sales service in the automotive industry, based on the system dynamics method. (a case study in car manufacturer). Journal of Engineering Research.

Zygiaris, S., Hameed, Z., Alsubaie, M., & Rehman, S. (2022). Service quality and customer satisfaction in the post-pandemic world: a study of Saudi auto care industry. Frontiers in Psychology, p. 13.


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