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A Self-Development Plan for Better Innovation Leadership


A corporate entrepreneur and innovator drive positive organizational change by fostering a culture of creativity, taking risks, and seizing opportunities for growth and improvement (Martín-Rojas, Garrido-Moreno, & García-Morales, 2020). This essay aims to assess my current leadership capabilities in innovation projects, identify areas for improvement, and create a SMART self-development plan to become a better innovator and leader of innovation. This plan will enable me to grow as a more effective and impactful innovator and leader through a combination of theory, tools, assessments, frameworks, reflections, and past experiences.

Understanding Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Definition and Key Concepts

Corporate entrepreneurship promotes innovation, creativity, and risk-taking within established organizations to drive growth and adapt to changing market conditions. Innovation involves generating and converting novel ideas into value-adding products, services, or processes. Understanding these key concepts forms the foundation of my self-development journey.

Learning Resources

I will engage with various learning resources to begin the self-development journey as a corporate entrepreneur and innovator.

Week 1, Class 2: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Mindset

In this class, I will explore the concepts of innovation and corporate entrepreneurship. I will delve into the meaning of innovation, its different forms, and its relationship with risk, profitability, and growth in various organizational sizes and sectors. The aim is to understand the concept of corporate entrepreneurship and develop a framework for creating an entrepreneurial organization through culture, structure, leadership, and strategies.

Week 2, Class 1: Encouraging Creativity and Innovation

This class will focus on the significance of innovation in driving opportunities for entrepreneurial corporations. I will learn about creativity as the foundation of innovation and its ability to generate new ideas, rules, patterns, methodologies, and more. For an entrepreneurial organization, innovation must be at the core of its strategy, encouraged and facilitated by its entrepreneurial architecture (Leonidou et al., 2020). The commitment to innovation should come from top management, making it the responsibility of everyone, not just the R&D department. I will explore how creativity and innovation can be encouraged within individuals and understand factors that stimulate and inhibit creative thinking.

Week 3, Class 1: Encouraging Concept Development

In this class, I will learn about the journey from generating a business idea or innovation to launching it successfully in the market. I will identify potential blockers and challenges, such as fit within the company’s existing portfolio, development costs, and market demand. I will explore the design thinking approach to new product/service development and its relationship to lean or agile start-up methodologies to address these challenges. This approach can help reduce costs and risks associated with bringing new products/services to the market, especially for radical innovations.

Week 3, Class 2: Strategy and Business Model Development | Guest Speaker

This class will focus on developing business models and strategies for entrepreneurial organizations. A business model is a plan that outlines how a business competes, uses its resources, communicates with customers, creates value, and generates profits. I will learn about an organization’s core competencies and capabilities, how to develop business strategies and analyze a business model using the New Venture Creation Framework (Davidsson, Recker, &Von Briel, 2020). The New Venture Creation Framework is a systematic approach to launching successful businesses. It involves five key stages: Opportunity Identification (spotting a viable business idea), Idea Screening (assessing the idea’s feasibility), Business Planning (developing a comprehensive strategy), Resource Acquisition (obtaining necessary resources), and Venture Launch (implementing the business plan) (Sahut, Iandoli, & Teulon, 2021). Entrepreneurs must conduct market research, analyze competition, secure funding, and create a sustainable business model throughout the process. Effective execution of this framework maximizes the chances of a startup’s success by minimizing risks and addressing potential challenges leading to establishing a thriving and profitable new venture (Ismail & Wediawati, 2023). Differentiation, customer focus, and intimacy will be emphasized in developing a business model and various business models tailored for internet businesses.

Week 5, Class 1: Managing the Entrepreneurial Organization; Managing Risk in the Entrepreneurial Organization

In this class, I will explore leadership and management challenges in an entrepreneurial organization. Such organizations’ context and operating environment are characterized by constant change, making change management a crucial skill (Harsch & Festing, 2020). I will understand the barriers to developing an entrepreneurial architecture and how they can be overcome. Additionally, I will analyze how change can be facilitated, resistance reduced, and organizational blocks removed. As a corporate entrepreneur and innovator, I must be adept at quickly turning around an ailing company to become more entrepreneurial while implementing corporate social responsibility to enhance competitive advantage. I will also reflect on past experiences with innovation projects and identify successes and failures. Understand the factors that contributed to each outcome and learn from them.

Assessing Leadership of Innovation Projects Capabilities

In evaluating my leadership abilities in innovation projects, I undertake various steps to gain a comprehensive understanding of my current skills. Engaging in open discussions with colleagues and mentors allows me to receive valuable insights into their perceptions of my innovation leadership skills. Additionally, I conduct self-assessment activities, delving into ideas generation, team management, risk assessment, and decision-making to gauge my proficiency in each domain. I draw inspiration from renowned entrepreneurs and leaders in the innovation space to identify my strengths and weaknesses. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla emphasizes the importance of original thinking in innovation (Qin, 2022). Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, highlights the significance of being receptive to ideas from anyone since breakthrough concepts can emerge from unexpected sources. Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon, stresses the inseparable connection between experimentation and invention, emphasizing the need to embrace failures as part of the innovation process (Calvo, 2020). Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, reinforces the value of taking risks and being comfortable with failure to foster growth. Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group, advocates learning through action, emphasizing the experiential aspect of acquiring knowledge (Madan & Halkias, 2020). Drawing upon the insights of these successful entrepreneurs, I utilize frameworks and assessment tools to test concepts and pinpoint areas that require improvement. I can better equip myself to lead innovation projects by identifying my strengths and weaknesses. Case studies of successful innovation projects serve as valuable resources to gain deeper insights into the leadership qualities that contributed to their triumphs. By examining these cases, I can learn from the strategies and behaviors employed by accomplished leaders in the past, which will aid me in my endeavors. In reflection, I also consider instances where leadership gaps may have resulted in challenges within innovation projects. By analyzing these experiences, I have become more aware of potential pitfalls and can work towards strengthening my leadership approach to avoid similar issues.

Developing a Self-Development Plan for Better Innovation Leadership

Setting SMART Goals

I am committed to implementing the SMART goal-setting approach to elevate my proficiency in innovation, development, and leadership. I will define clear and concise targets by crafting specific objectives and ensuring a focused direction (Barua, 2021). Employing Measurable indicators will enable me to track progress and evaluate success effectively. Ensuring Achievability will keep me motivated, avoiding overwhelming aspirations and setting realistic expectations. The relevance of my goals will be paramount, aligning them with my long-term vision and aspirations.

Moreover, embracing Time-bound constraints will instill a sense of urgency, preventing procrastination and driving consistent action. I will enhance my self-discipline, organization, and accountability by adhering to this framework. These SMART goals will serve as vital markers in my personal and professional growth journey, fostering continuous development and empowering me to unlock my full potential. With dedication and resilience, achieving these milestones will pave the way for a fulfilling and prosperous future.

Leveraging Learning Resources

To stay at the forefront of innovation, I will immerse myself in learning resources such as books, articles, and podcasts focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership (Meurer et al., 2022). By consistently engaging with these materials, I can gain new insights, expand my knowledge base, and develop a broader perspective on innovation practices.

Building Technical Skills

Attending workshops and training sessions dedicated to specific innovation tools, methodologies, and techniques like Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile methodologies will be a priority. I can better lead and facilitate innovation projects by honing these technical skills, ensuring their success and impact.

 Nurturing Creativity and Idea Generation

I will actively encourage brainstorming sessions, idea exchanges, and cross-functional collaboration to foster a culture of innovation within my team and organization. I can promote a creative environment that stimulates innovative thinking and problem-solving by providing a platform for diverse perspectives and ideas.

Embracing Risk-Taking

Innovation often involves taking calculated risks (Brown et al., 2021). As a leader, I will create an environment encouraging risk-taking and learning from successes and failures. By fostering a culture of experimentation and providing psychological safety, team members will feel empowered to share their ideas without fear of judgment.

Enhancing Decision-Making

In pursuing enhancing my decision-making abilities, I am committed to a proactive approach that involves seeking valuable feedback, embracing diverse perspectives, and leveraging data-driven insights. By doing so, I aim to equip myself with the necessary tools to make well-informed choices, enabling me to navigate the intricate and uncertain paths of the innovation process with greater efficacy. I understand the immense value of feedback from others. Actively seeking input from colleagues, mentors, and stakeholders will grant me valuable insights I may not have considered otherwise. Welcoming diverse perspectives is equally essential, as it broadens my understanding of various angles and potential outcomes, helping me identify hidden opportunities and risks.

Furthermore, I recognize the pivotal role of data in making sound decisions. Relying on empirical evidence and factual information will provide a solid foundation for my choices, reducing the influence of biases and intuitive judgments. By incorporating data-driven insights into my decision-making process, I can foster more effective solutions and anticipate potential obstacles.

Empowering and Supporting Teams

Recognizing and leveraging team members’ diverse skills and expertise will be a central aspect of my leadership approach. I will provide support, guidance, and resources to empower my team and foster their professional growth, which, in turn, will enhance the innovation capability of the organization.

Embracing Open Innovation

I will actively foster collaborations with external partners, startups, and innovation ecosystems to invigorate and invigorate our innovation endeavors. By embracing open innovation, we open ourselves up to a wealth of fresh perspectives and ideas, allowing us to tap into external expertise and explore uncharted opportunities for growth and advancement.

Creating an Innovation Roadmap

Developing a well-defined innovation roadmap is an indispensable step in propelling innovation in line with the organization’s strategic objectives. Collaborating with key stakeholders, I will spearhead the creation of a comprehensive roadmap that delineates both short-term and long-term goals. This meticulous approach ensures that our innovation initiatives are purposeful, directed, and ultimately impactful, steering us toward sustained progress.

Measuring Progress

I will implement a robust system for measuring progress to maintain focus and foster personal growth as an innovator and innovation leader. Regularly seeking feedback from peers, mentors, and team members will serve as a valuable compass (Sarabipour et al., 2022). It will guide me on the right path and reveal areas for improvement. Leveraging data-driven evaluations of outcomes will further enable me to adapt and refine my self-development plan effectively, ensuring that I continually evolve as an innovator and contribute meaningfully to the organization’s success. By combining the power of open innovation, a well-crafted innovation roadmap, and diligent self-assessment, I am confident in my ability to steer our organization toward a future of unparalleled growth, excellence, and transformative success.


Becoming a better corporate entrepreneur and innovator requires continuous learning, self-assessment, and a commitment to growth. This self-development plan incorporates a holistic approach that combines theoretical knowledge, real-world experiences, learning resources, and actionable goals. By implementing this plan, I aim to evolve into a more effective and impactful innovator and leader of innovation, driving positive change within my organization and inspiring others to embrace the spirit of innovation.


Barua, S. (2021). Goal Setting Strategies for Motivation and Writing Skills: A Study among Adult Second Language Learners.

Brown, P., Von Daniels, C., Bocken, N. M. P., & Balkenende, A. R. (2021). A process model for collaboration in circular oriented innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production286, 125499.

Calvo, J. (2020). Journey of the Future Enterprise: How to Compete in the Age of Moonshot Leadership and Exponential Organizations. Libros de Cabecera.,+Founder+of+Amazon,+stresses+the+inseparable+connection+between+experimentation+and+invention,+emphasizing+the+need+to+embrace+failures+as+part+of+the+innovation+process&ots=A-IUNU80CR&sig=0UTXEzzOhBubt5xr_V0pit9A-bU&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

Davidsson, P., Recker, J., & Von Briel, F. (2020). External enablement of new venture creation: A framework. Academy of Management Perspectives34(3), 311-332. doi:10.5465/amp.2017.0163

Harsch, K., & Festing, M. (2020). Dynamic talent management capabilities and organizational agility—A qualitative exploration. Human Resource Management59(1), 43-61. doi:10.1002/hrm.21972

Ismail, A., & Wediawati, B. (2023). Mastering agile method and lean startup for digital business transformation. Asadel Publisher.

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Madan, B., & Halkias, D. (2020). Emancipated Entrepreneurship in the European Space Sector: The Case of Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic as a Driver for Space Tourism. Available at SSRN 3820593.

Martín-Rojas, R., Garrido-Moreno, A., & García-Morales, V. J. (2020). Fostering Corporate Entrepreneurship with the use of social media tools. Journal of Business Research112, 396-412.

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