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What Can Be Done To Slow the Rate of Global Warming?

Environmentalists, engineers, and researchers have expressed serious worries about global climate change. Electricity is continually generated from fossil sources. When these fossil fuels are burned, they release nitrous, methane, and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere (Hughes). Warmer conditions are also a result of cutting down trees. As a result of global warming, the earth’s environment is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Most individuals are uninformed of global warming and do not expect it to be a chief issue in the forthcoming days. Most people do not realize that global warming is stirring right now, and we have already begun to feel the repercussions of it. It will have a devastating effect on ecological and ecosystems’ ecological equilibrium. It is time to come up with answers to the dangers of global warming. In this study, global warming is introduced, its origins and dangers are discussed in detail, and some remedies are offered. The most important thing to remember is that alternative energy sources must be sought. It is important to efficiently find and use renewable energy sources to counteract global warming. Climate change has been researched extensively for a long time. The fossil record had taught us a lot about the earth’s history before we arrived. We currently live in an era when our scientific prowess has allowed us to accurately determine the globe’s age and cosmos. Although we have plenty to learn, there are many things we do not know that might have a huge influence on our quality of life in the future. Students need the greatest knowledge to guide their ideas and judgments in a rapidly changing environment, and educators must assist them in this endeavor. Research-based middle and high school curricula that include climate change themes are examined in this work.

The Issue of Global warming today

Today, there are various challenges that various nations worldwide are experiencing due to global warming. This paper will mainly highlight various aspects of global warming and how global warming may be reduced. Rain, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, and temperature are influenced by long-term temperature trends, current, and precipitation. Arid, mild and tropical weathers are just a few instances of the many climates found around the planet. Australia’s vast size means that it has a wide range of climates. Seasons come and go depending on the climate of a place. Which plants flourish and which creatures survive due to this (Hughes). Even the tiniest changes in the temperature may profoundly affect the fragile balance of nature. Every facet of our existence as humans is intertwined with the natural world.

Additionally, the beverages and food we eat include the air we inhale, the water we swallow, and our clothing. Having a stable climate is the most valuable supply we have. I believe that climate change and global warming should be the greatest issue at hand, and both the seniors and the juniors should actively be involved as the issues may go out of hand, turning irreversible.

Climate change and Global warming

It is reasonable to say that climate change is one of humanity’s greatest issues; due to human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere rise, which accelerates the rate at which climate change occurs. Climate change has already begun to take its toll, and the devastation it will inflict on the planet is expected to be massive. Due to the vast range of global consequences and the resulting wide range of national sensitivity to climate impacts, each country has a varied set of alternatives for mitigating the negative effects, based on its economic background. Decisions must be taken to minimize such consequences depending on how well and vulnerable a country is to the expected climatic effects. This calls for a solid scientific foundation. Seeing the planet’s temperature increase regularly is quite depressing. Global warming is to blame for all of this. When the sun’s rays hit the earth’s surface, the warming process starts. More than 30 percent of light is re-emitted into space by billows and other atmospheric bits shimmering surfaces on land and seas.

As a consequence, the earth’s atmosphere and surface warm, making life on earth possible. Radiant energy and infrared rays emitted by the earth’s surface radiate solar energy, cooling the planet. Radiation that has been expelled from the earth’s atmosphere may be returned to the earth’s surface by water vapors and other gases (Brown). Due to their aptitude to trap heat, these airs are usually called greenhouse gases. Since greenhouse gases are real, the earth’s usual temperature would be much colder without this re-absorption procedure.

The difficulty arose from human action, which has been swelling atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases at a worrying pace over the last two centuries. It is projected that 8 billion tons of carbon dioxide have been dumped into the atmosphere, resulting in the “human accelerated global warming impact.” Human-enhanced greenhouse gas emissions are the primary driver of recent global warming measurements. The earth’s surface temperature has increased the most in the current century. The annual increase in the world’s surface temperature was between 0.7 and 0.8 degrees Celsius. (Shahzad). Agricultural and landfills breakdown of cellulose and animal waste yield pounds of methane gas each year (Brown). Numerous nitrogen-based compounds, such as diammonium phosphate, urea, and other soil procedures, produce nitrous oxide into the air. These greenhouse gases may stay in the air for years or more after being produced. Climate scientists, including the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), estimate that methane and carbon dioxide levels have risen by 31% and 146%, respectively since Industrialization in 1750.

Research on Global warming

Compared to other spheres in our solar classification, the earth’s surface has a comparatively moderate and constant temperature. The thin coating of gases covers and guards the earth, maintaining these temperatures. Global warming has been attributed to human activity by 97% of climate scientists and other experts in the last two centuries. The greenhouse effect is a key concept to grasp to appreciate global warming (Shahzad) fully. While our world is protected from freezing temperatures by the natural greenhouse effect, human-enhanced greenhouse effects contribute to global warming. Burning fossil fuels causes a rise in greenhouse gas emissions, affecting weather patterns. GHG stands for the greenhouse effect, which refers to exchanging input and output radiation that causes the earth to heat up. The glass walls allow UV light to flow through and be taken up by plants and hard surfaces inside. As a result, the greenhouse warms up because the weaker infrared radiation cannot get through the glass walls (Shahzad). Because of this phenomenon, tropical plants may thrive year-round in a greenhouse, even in the dead of winter. On a cool bright day, an automobile parked outdoors experiences a similar occurrence. The automobile’s inside is warmed by the sun’s rays, but the vehicle’s closed windows retain the heat that escapes. The trapped air helps to warm up the vehicle. Convention dictates that heated air rises and loses energy, but this trapping happens in a manner that prevents this.

Human action is the main source of numerous greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide is the top. The main source of this gas is the excessive combustion of fossil energies like oil and coal. Land acquisition through cutting down trees also backs to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide is released into the environment when calcium carbonate is warmed, releasing carbon dioxide and lime into the air. In addition to carbon dioxide, methane is the subsequent most hazardous gas, generally referred to as natural gas—animal breakdown, rice farming, and manure usage all back to its manufacture. Insufficient surplus administration also results in the manufacture of methane. Agricultural fertilizers are primarily responsible for the production of nitrous oxides. Industrial activities and refrigeration are the primary sources of fluorinated gases such as chlorofluorocarbons. These gases are contributing to global warming’s calamity in a bad way. They are causing the earth’s temperature to rise regularly.

Causes of Global Warming

Greenhouse fumes are a key backer to global warming. Among these are nitrous oxides, methane, and carbon dioxide, including bromine and chlorine, in certain situations. The buildup of these gases disrupts the radiation balance in the air. Greenhouse gases engross part of the world’s outgoing energy and re-radiate it back to the surface, heating its ground and low atmosphere. Methane, nitrous oxides, Carbon dioxide, and halocarbons contributed around 60 percent of the net heating between 1849 and the end of the 20th century, with halocarbons and nitrous oxides accounting for the rest (Herndon). During the 1980s, ozone levels in Antarctica began to decline, according to a report published in 1985 (Shahzad). Large-scale global research educations were hurled to establish that CFCs were responsible for the crisis. International action to reduce CFC emissions was swift and decisive, even more critical.

The decrease of the ozone coating is also a key backer to global warming. The presence of chlorine-containing source air is a significant factor in this. Oxygen depletion occurs when UV radiation breaks down these gases and releases chlorine atoms. Additionally, endorsing global warming sprays in the atmosphere change the climate in various ways (Franta). Their main function is to replicate and engross noticeable light; though, they may also impact cloud chemistry and microphysics to vary cloud periods and magnitude. Global cooling occurs due to solar radiation scattering and absorption by aerosols rather than sunlight reaching the earth’s surface. Various activities carried out by humans produce aerosols in the atmosphere. For example, in this case, dust is a by-product of farming. Natural droplets and soot particles are produced due to the combustion of biomass. Many industrial operations produce various aerosols based on what is burnt or manufactured throughout the production process. Many types of transportation emit either aerosols from the onset or maybe turned into aerosols via chemical interactions in the atmosphere.

Effects of Global Warming

Climate experts have one of the most challenging challenges in foreseeing the consequences of global warming. Natural methods that create snowfall, rain, rising sea levels, and hailstorms depend on various elements. Moreover, it is not easy to estimate how much greenhouse air releases will cultivate in the next ages since technical improvements and political actions drive this. There are several bad costs of global warming, some of which are debated here (Shahzad). The additional water vapor in the sky returns to earth as rain, causing flash floods worldwide. The rate of vanishing from seas and land grows as the temperature rises. This results in dryness in locations wherever the improved vaporization procedure is not balanced by higher rainfall (Mckenzie). Crop fiasco and starvation are possible outcomes in several portions of the earth, particularly where heats are great. Flooding will occur due to the increased water vapor level in the atmosphere. Famines and water scarcities may occur in municipalities and townships that depend on snowmelt from snowy highlands. Due to the rapid shrinkage of glaciers throughout the globe, melting ice appears to be taking place at a pace far quicker than formerly forecast.

Climate modification is likely to upsurge the occurrence and power of heatwaves and the amount and duration of heavy rain and hail. The fast melting of glaciers and ice sheets is one of the most lethal effects of global warming, primarily responsible for the rising sea levels (Visser). As a result, seas and rivers will see an increase in water levels, resulting in floods that may cause extensive damage. It is expected that temperature anomalies will become more frequent in the years ahead. It was well-managed until the beginning of the 21st century, when things began to go out of hand (Shahzad). Because new industries and power plants began operating, they generated hazardous gases that caused the globe to heat up, resulting in global warming. Climate and environmental research agencies have contributed to this information.

This topic can be related to the issue of life and death. People’s health may be significantly impacted by global warming. Excessive heat may lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease due to stress (Carey). Famines and crop failures caused by global warming might weaken the body’s ability to fight off diseases and illnesses. Due to global warming, people will move from locations with higher temperatures to regions with lower temperatures. Toxic infections in certain forms of marine food may result from warmer seas and other surface fluids. Furthermore, it is well-known that dehydration is a primary cause of various illnesses in hotter climates. Researchers analyzed the health records of more than 49,000 Americans and meteorological data to see whether there was any correlation between the two.

They observed that people were most likely hospitalized with kidney illnesses three days following a fever increase. Kidney challenges have increased from 20 to 11 persons since 1994 (Shahzad). Climate change is expected to amplify this tendency. According to the study, valley fever seems to be developing a strange pattern. This fungal illness was previously only detected in Texas and California, but it was discovered in Washington State last year for the first time. When the number of reported cases skyrocketed in 2010 and 2011, residents of California were understandably alarmed by this potentially fatal ailment (Shahzad). Climate change and drought-induced dust storms are likely to blame for increased Valley fever infections. Virus spores may be dispersed by dry soil and the wind. This illness is expected to be more prevalent in hotter and drier areas. According to researchers, warmer and longer summers are already causing an increase in mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever and malaria. The annual incidence of West Nile Virus, the most well-known mosquito-borne illness, has already risen sharply. According to studies, the 2012 West Nile season was the worst on record (Shahzad). The extreme heat and dryness this summer were most likely the blame. There is also an illness called Lyme disease, which is mostly spread by tick bites from particular kinds of ticks.

Animals are also being affected by global warming. They will have to find a new home somewhere cooler if they want to make it. The Alps, Australia’s rugged Queensland region, and Costa Rica’s foggy woods have all seen this mechanism in action. Fish in the North Sea are also moving northwards (Shahzad). Climate change significantly influences species, and their migrations may be used as a marker of a warmer planet. They are earth’s unspoken eyewitnesses to the rapid changes taking place on her surface. According to scientists and experts, global warming is slowly destroying the habitats of numerous species and has a very negative impact on the extinction of such species. For example, Asia’s lone primate, the orangutan, is in a constant state of crisis(Shahzad). Several threats, particularly climate change, threaten the animal’s few surviving refugees in Indonesian rainforests, placing it at risk of extinction within the next few decades (Shahzad). Bushfires are becoming increasingly frequent in these severely logged woods due to climate change, further reducing the orang habitat. African elephants suffer a variety of dangers, including a diminishing habitat that puts them in direct conflict with humans daily. Elephants will be unable to adapt to changes in their native environment due to global warming, such as more frequent and longer dry seasons, further stress their survival—this restricted dwelling area.


The dangers posed by climate change are immeasurable. Using too much coal, natural gas, and oil is also contributing. Fossil fuels ought to be phased out as rapidly as possible. Adopting other energy bases is the most significant way to stop this calamity. Hydropower, wind, geothermal biomass, and solar are many options. Cleanliness is the most important consideration while using these resources. They do not contribute to global warming in any way, shape, or form. Because they are ecologically friendly, they are safe for the ecosystem. Despite their hefty installation and setup costs, however, the long-term benefits for everyone are undeniable. For starters, fossil fuels are finite and must be replaced by renewable energy sources at some point in the future. As a result, alternative energy sources are the only way to stop global warming. Renewable power bases are vital to avoid the medical dangers of global warming. As a rule, the general public should take responsibility for their judgments about energy-saving measures. As a result, our children and grandchildren will live in a safe and healthy environment with a stable climate. For governments to encourage energy firms and individuals to adopt renewable resources instead of fossil fuels, regulations must be developed and implemented. Nongovernmental groups should distribute pamphlets encouraging renewable energy sources and discouraging the use of fossil fuels. They should also convey to them the dangers of fossil fuel consumption. Renewable energy is already a significant source of electricity in many industrialized nations. These nations should provide a helping hand to poorer countries in their efforts to battle the scourge of global warming. Global warming may be prevented by embracing renewable power, which is the best strategy to limit the release of harmful fumes.

Work Cited

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Herndon. “Air pollution, not greenhouse gases: The principal cause of global warming.” J Geog Environ Earth Sci Intn 17.2 (2018): 1-8.

Hughes, “Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals.” Nature 543.7645 (2017): 373-377.

Mckenzie. “Effects of global warming on fishes and fisheries.” Journal of Fish Biology 98.6 (2021): 1489-1492.

Shahzad, Umair. “Global warming: Causes, effects and solutions.” Durreesamin Journal 1.4 (2015): 1-7.

Visser. “How rising CO2 and global warming may stimulate harmful cyanobacterial blooms.” Harmful Algae 54 (2016): 145-159.


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