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Cultural Competence in Holistic and Patient-Centered Nursing

Completing this course will enable me to reflect on how my philosophy of nursing has changed. These have added to my comprehension of the art and science of nursing. My initial philosophy has been deepened and broadened as I learned from various aspects of the theory and practice of nursing. Initially, it was the philosophy of my nursing that personalized and caring nursing takes into consideration the diversity of human beings and their freedom in shaping cultural identity (Valentine et al., 2020). Reading and discussing the articles and the issues related to them gave me a new perspective; it made me understand that nursing concern is not only the physical symptoms and treatment of patients but the concern with the whole being of a person that involves emotional, spiritual, and social dimensions.

One of the important things about it is the fact that it even questions my values and assumptions. Though I have always appreciated the importance of sensitivity to culture in nursing care, this course has brought out clearly that cultural competence is part of the metaparadigm of nursing. This has informed my rethinking the approach to patient care and embracing continued artistic training and self-awareness.Cultural competence has also been a source of internal conflicts because I struggled with my stereotypes. First, the recognition and then deconstruction of these dispositions in a critical way has been an arduous, indispensable process toward the professional development of a nurse (Hartweg & Metcalfe, 2022). This has made me come face to face with some very harsh realities and, in the process, made me pledge to offer equally just and sensitive care to the patient population, which is very diverse.

Concerning my nursing philosophy and actions initiated, I have had an opportunity to work with patients on a deeper level of the relationship, which encourages and promotes collaboration between people and patients based on trust and open communication. I have also adopted health education and promotion in my practice to enable individuals to take part in the health journey through overall wellness promotion and not just symptom management. In the actual sense of things, many changes are witnessed in view of my original written philosophy of nursing. Core values enshrined by the view included individualized care and respect for persons’ autonomy, among others. If there is anything, my perspective of nursing as a holistic practice ranges from the emotional and spiritual realms into the social world. This is a neo-paradigm addition in nursing, including cultural competency, which is one very huge change.

Coming down to the meta-paradigm of nursing, my definition of the concepts quite wholesomely relates to the interrelatedness that exists between the person, environment, health, and nursing. A person is a dynamic entity in the physical, psychological, and social dimensions rather than a list of symptoms. Effective nursing care presupposes there is a meaningful relationship between a nurse and patients, built on trust and open communication (Hartweg & Metcalfe, 2022). An environment is a dual social, economic, cultural, and physical aspect. Of great importance is the creation of favorable conditions for patients, conditions that will contribute to their recovery, growth, and the development of optimal health results. Health is not merely the absence of illness but a holistic state of well-being encompassing social, mental, and physical aspects.

Nursing care should focus on promoting wellness and empowering individuals to participate actively in their health journey. Nursing, as both an art and a science, entails attending to individuals at all stages of life, advocating for their needs, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals to achieve positive health outcomes. It involves providing personalized care and emotional support and empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health. In summary, my philosophy of nursing has grown and been further refined along this educational journey. Individualized care, whole health, cultural competency, and advocacy are the guiding principles that will guide me through the practice. I aspire to be held to the highest standards of nursing, making a difference in the lives of the individuals with whom I am entrusted toward positive change.


Hartweg, D. L., & Metcalfe, S. A. (2022). Orem’s self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory: Relevance and need for refinement. Nursing Science Quarterly35(1), 70–76.

Valentine, J. L., Sekula, L. K., & Lynch, V. (2020). Evolution of forensic nursing theory——introduction of the constructed theory of forensic nursing care: A middle-range theory. Journal of Forensic Nursing16(4), 188–198.


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