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Impact of a Multicomponent Intensive Weight Loss Program on Gut Microbiota

Literature Review


Obesity has been a challenge to many people in the world today. The lifestyle of the individual in terms of what they eat and how they do their things has contributed to the excessive accumulation of fats in their bodies. The aetiology of obesity is that the calorie consumption rate is higher than the rate of calories expended (Serra-Majem, 2013). Global diets have changed, and there has been an increase in sugar consumption and fast food consumption. Each individual has a unique gut microbiota; therefore, the microbiome’s genes outnumber our genome’s genes. The challenge of being overweight and obese has created the need for weight loss. The Weight loss process is a challenge that has affected the human gut microbiota differently. According to a report given by the World Health Organization in 2014, 1.9 billion adults were overweight, and out of these, 600 million people were obese in 2014, which raised the alarm. The sedentary lifestyle of many people is one of the causes of obesity, along with eating a lot of caloric foods; another cause of obesity is genetic predisposition. This literature review will focus on the impacts of multicomponent-intensive weight loss on gut microbiota. The following literature reviews have confirmed the same.


The authors found that calorie restriction is a dietary regime that reduces the intake of calories without incurring malnutrition (Zeng et al.,2018). It is an essential step in increasing lifespan. Reducing the number of calories one takes in a day can significantly contribute to intensive weight loss; this calorie reduction improves humans’ life span. The caloric restriction goal aims to reduce energy intake. Caloric intake can be restricted through restrictive operations, such as having a restricted diet and bariatric surgery and operations. These caloric restrictions have a long-term effect on gut microbiota, which can be positive and negative. The gut microbial and host metabolism showed that most host microbial co-metabolism changes due to calorie restriction. It influences the microbiota on its composition and function modulated by this meal-based approach (Kern et al., 2023). Microbiota mechanisms influence the host in cases like modulation of bioactive metabolites and a challenge in achieving mechanistic dietary microbiota insights.


Dietary strategies have been an important tool used to deal with obesity. Diet is a good factor impacting gut microbiota diversity and function. Asng as a result, these patterns in gut microbiota and weight loss results are therapeutic strategies. A carbohydrate dietary diet is known to impact gut microbiota modification significantly. Macronutrients and micronutrients in these dietary ways are best in dealing with obesity on gut bacterial composition, which should be of choice (Singh et al., 2017). Gut Microbes are said to be involved in the absorption of monosaccharides, and the fermentation of carbohydrates benefits the short-chain fatty acids. Different dietary compositions have different influences on bacterial shifts. Increased fibre intake has a beneficial impact on metabolic markers.

Authors believe high protein diets are essential macronutrients used in managing weight as they can help lose or maintain weight (Gögebakan et al.,2011). About the gut microbiota, proteolytic fermentation produces beneficial compounds but putrefaction. High protein favours Bacteroidetes, and fermentation of amino acids yields a range of products from the protein, which include branch chained fatty acids, which increase high protein and influence beneficial microbiota. The protein ratio is high compared to that of carbohydrates, so this resin reduction in carbohydrates is found in high-protein diets and with protein fermentation toxic products.


Time-restricted eating is a form of intermittent fasting; individuals shorten their eating patterns. Dietary changes play a vital role in gut microbiota homeostasis. A promising strategy in multicomponent weight loss programs is modifying gut microbiota through eating patterns and consuming nutrients that contain prebiotic properties. It helps to maintain a healthy gut microbiota. The authors found that intermittent fasting and dietary change strategies have manipulated the gut microbiota composition, which is effective for reversing dysbiosis and host metabolic disorders (Zeb et al.,2023). This time-restricted eating protects against obesity and metabolic risk due to nutritional challenges. This time-restricted eating may regulate and modulate gut microbiota to prevent metabolic diseases. Adopting these daily eating and fasting rhythms helps to maintain the gut microbiota healthy; they are essential in microbiome contribution to the physiology and host nutritional status. Communication between the brain and the gut is essential when determining the appropriate size of meal to be consumed and sending signals to the brain to control hunger and fullness.

Dietary supplements with fructo-oligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides silymarin, caffeine, green tea L-carnitine

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 defined a Dietary Supplement as a product meant to supplement the diet and contain one or more dietary ingredients like vitamins. Nutraceutical products such as caffeine and silymarin have the benefits of treating or preventing health problems such as obesity without having side effects.

Prebiotics are substrate nutrients substrate actively utilized by host microorganisms for health benefits; prebiotics include galactooligosaccharides and fructose- fructose-oligofructose-oligosaccharides enhance human health in many ways, such as competing with the pathogenic organism for nutrients producing antibiotics against invasive pathogens which help in alleviating symptoms of lactose intolerance (Helal et al., 2019). Green tea has vasculo-proactive effect through its antioxidative and hypolipidemic effects, its consumption is limited because of its fast degradation in the gut microbiota and has low solubility. Green tea extracts are used to prevent obesity and metabolic disorders. According to (Pekala et al.,2011), L-carnitine is a chemical made in the liver, kidney and brain that turns fat into energy. Gut microbes can convert L-carnitine through microbial enzymes into dimethylamine and trimethylamine, thus affecting the circulation of L-carnitine. Authors found that cross-sectional analysis of L-carnitine positively associated body mass index, body fat composition and fat mass in overweight and obese individuals (Blaak et al., 2018)


In conclusion, multicomponent intensive weight loss intervention impacts the composition of the gut microbiota, though the impact is not always correlated with the weight lost. Each person has a unique gut microbiota, and they are influenced differently by several factors in weight loss. A restrictive diet reduces microbial abundance and promotes changes in composition; the use of prebiotics restores a healthy gut microbiota needed to reduce body fats. Time-restricted eating has manipulated the gut microbiota composition, effectively reversing dysbiosis and host metabolic disorders.


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Kern, L., Kviatcovsky, D., He, Y., & Elinav, E. (2023). Impact of caloric restriction on the gut microbiota. Current opinion in microbiology73, 102287.

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Serra-Majem, L., & Bautista-Castaño, I. (2013). Etiology of obesity: two “key issues” and other emerging factors. Nutricion hospitalaria28(5), 32-43.

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