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The Rise of Domestic Extremism


The problem of domestic terrorism has aggravated into a menace in America. It seriously endangers democracy and social stability. The FBI names it as mayhem by some individual Americans or gangs within the U.S. trying to control the government for their personal political and social restoration. The Proud Boys and Antifa are the most active and dreaded domestic extremists. Proud Boys stand for the far right, and Antifa stands for the far left. Thus, they need to be compared and contrasted regarding their ideologies, goals, objectives, political interests, propaganda techniques, and violent acts. It maintains that they are destructive to U.S. security and social peace. It is essential to search for valid counter-violent interventions directed towards eradicating and limiting the extremists.

Ideologies, Goals, and Objectives

Proud Boys ideologies are of the far right. It has to do with white supremacy, nationalism, and some other anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-feminist sentiments. The fierce opposition of these conservatives is the defense of what is called by them ‘the West’s core values against what they see as multiculturalism, diversity, and liberalism (Kitts, 2021). They have confrontations with leftist activists and organizations. They refer to them as enemies of American and Western civilization. The consciousness of the superiority of Western culture and a dream of returning to the old communal norms propels them.

Antifa is a decentralized network of anti-fascist activists. They sprang from new forms of anti-capitalism, anti-racism, anti-authoritarianism, and anarchism. They want to oppose and derail the plans of the far-right and neo-Nazi movements. The purpose of their actions lies in combating the growth of fascist and racist ideologies in society. Antifa’s tactic is an active resistance to things that maintain divisions and spread hatred. They are fighting for an egalitarian society.

All of them have anti-establishment and anti-government attitudes regardless of their core opposition through questioning the legitimacy of the state and establishment. Their central convictions vary significantly concerning race, gender, and religion. The Proud Boys advocate a regressive agenda, with white supremacy and nationalism at its core. Antifa group also advocates for progressive actions such as anti-racism and inclusivity. Such a wide rift underscores the broad spectrum of domestic extremism in the U.S.

Political Actions, Propaganda Techniques, and Violent Actions

Proud Boys employ social media resources such as Twitter, Facebook, and Telegram for their propaganda spreading and recruiting activities. They are famous for organizing rallies and protests. They are best known for their black and yellow padded polo shirts. The combination symbolizes unity and strength. Most of their confrontations end up as violent clashes with the left-wing protesters. It involves Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters. Proud boys employ the use of firearms and knives to pepper spray. The principal constituent of their violent conduct was their participation in storming the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, when they attempted to dispute the results of the presidential election (Dowless, 2022). These showcased their full readiness to perform the ultimate violence in order to achieve their political agenda.

Antifa uses digital communication through websites, blogs, and podcasts to mobilize and unite their base. Their participation in demonstrations and protests characterizes their presence. They have masks and black clothing and are associated with counteracting ultra-right assemblies and speech. Antifa employs vandalism and aggressive tactics such as window-breaking, arson, and confrontations with the police. A significant occurrence was the Oregon riots of 2020 (Riley, 2022). They came into conflict with the federal officers and caused damage. Their targets and tactics vary considerably. The Proud Boys target the left-oriented groups and the governmental bodies. Anti-fascists chiefly aim their actions against far-right organizations and police.

Counter-Violent Extremism Approaches

The Proud Boys are a hierarchical institution and possess visible leadership. The hierarchical nature poses a constituent threat that law enforcement, intelligence operations, and judicial processes can partly tackle. These strict measures are critical in thwarting, interrupting, and punishing the group’s criminal activities. The over-dependence on punitive measures might embolden the image of persecution still further with the support of radicalization and recruitment activities (Pearson et al., 2021). Soft strategies in the form of educational interventions, community involvement, and open discussions are necessary. These methods fight the root causes of extremism by addressing ignorance, prejudice, and alienation. A counternarrative that overlays equity and democratic values is more successful.

The decentralized and fluid structure of Antifa renders traditional law enforcement methods less counterproductive. They can accentuate the anarchist character of the movement. The group prioritizes strategies such as education, community involvement, and dialogue as soft approaches. Confronting the root problems of inequality, oppression, and injustice that drive Antifa’s activism can nudge toward the path of pacifism and non-violent communication. Both groups require a blend of hard and soft approaches. Gearing principles to their contextual dynamics and challenges is also vital.


The contrasting ideologies and methodologies of the Proud Boys and Antifa have become evident. It highlights the intricate challenge each represents to societal stability and democratic values. This is why the developed strategic approaches to these groups require differentiation. It is the basis of the calls for a mix of enforcement actions and community-oriented interventions. Effective ways should lead to the source of extremism. There should be ongoing advocacy to continue research, policy refinement, and increased community participation. An integral way to battle changing trends of domestic extremism is to develop a robust and united society.


Kitts, M. (2021). Proud Boys, nationalism, and religion. Journal of Religion and Violence9(1), 12–32.

Riley, K. (2022). Cities of Solidarity: Left-Liberal Coalition and the Rise and Fall of Local-Level Foreign Policy. Temple University.

Dowless, M. R. (2022). Proud Boys: The Rising Threat of the Militant Right During 2020-2021 (Doctoral dissertation).

Pearson, E., Winterbotham, E., & Brown, K. E. (2021). Countering violent extremism: Making gender matter. Springer Nature.


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