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Fundraising Programs for Lake Houston Ducks Sports Club


In 2020, the nonprofit Lake Houston Ducks Youth Football & Cheer was established. The organization aims to provide structured activities for kids ages four to twelve. The Ducks’ leadership is dedicated to providing program participants with a secure, orderly, and enjoyable atmosphere (Lake Houston Ducks). In 2020, the Ducks became a Youth Football Federation (YFF) member. Every football game and cheer/drill competition adheres to the rules established by YFF. Although the club has several means of generating revenue from athlete-related, athlete-related sources, including merchandise sales, membership fees, and participation fees, the company may still need help to cover all the operational expenses (Lake Houston Ducks). Therefore, the club needs to include other operating funds beyond what is collected from athlete-related activities to guarantee continued success and sustainability. The two fundraising programs proposed for the club are the Corporate Sponsorship Program and the Annual Charity Gala.

Fundraising Program One

Basic Narrative and Projected Earnings

The first fundraising program that will be used is the Annual Charity Gala. The projected earnings from the program are $50,000 per gala. A fundraising gala is an elegant occasion, usually organized once a year, intended to unite your supporters in support of your worthy cause (Rott). A fundraising gala usually includes dinner and entertainment. Employees, volunteers, supporters, and voters make speeches. An annual celebration builds a nonprofit’s case for ongoing donations by acknowledging the organization’s accomplishments during the previous year (Rott). By purchasing an event ticket and participating in events such as auctions and appeals, attendees contribute to the organization. The additional funding will improve operational experiences by expanding program offerings and facility improvements and offering financial aid to the athletes, thus improving the overall member experience.

Purpose and Time Flame

Creating a well-considered space for visitors, staff, and constituents to mingle is one of the main objectives. Securing such folks’ future financial support is the most important aspect of fundraising activities (Rott). The event gives nonprofit organizations a stage to introduce their initiatives, seek financial backing, and showcase the results of their current work while projecting the potential of what they may do with the appropriate resources ((Rott). In short, the main goal of fundraising is to raise a significant portion of the required annual operational funds. In addition, the fundraising is also set to improve community engagement as well as club awareness. This will expose the club to society, helping it become more popular and gaining new supporters and financial aid from local businesses as well as other sponsoring bodies. The target time frame for the event is annually, particularly during the spring or fall.

Staff and Athletes Needed

The program will draw the attention of several stakeholders in society. One of them is the event coordinator. This individual will be responsible for the event planning and coordination. Other roles include creating marketing plans for events to guarantee success and reach their funding targets, organizing and preparing volunteers for events, coordinating with other organizational divisions to ensure fundraising targets are fulfilled, and keeping track of donations to guarantee commitment payment. They will work closely with the Volunteer Team, who help in registration, auction management, panning and set up, and clean up. Athlete Ambassadors are other important people who will contribute to the event’s success. Their primary role is to promote the club’s mission, engage with guests, and share stories.


  • Expand your reach beyond your present membership base with an exciting fundraising event. The club will be exposed to new supporters during the fundraising, primarily if the event is broadcast on media.
  • Recruiting new members and supporters is essential to the club’s growth, and fundraising could provide the boost you need to make that happen.
  • Events unite people for a similar purpose and increase enthusiasm and member involvement. The event will bring people from different backgrounds and bring new supporters.


  • A fundraising event requires a lot of preparation/planning. There is a need to organize and coordinate different parties and plan how the activities will follow.
  • In contrast to a virtual watch party conducted by video conference, associations may find fundraising activities to be more financially burdensome. Since it requires a lot of planning, this might make it time-consuming as well as expensive for a club/organization with weak financial health.

Fundraising Program Two

Basic Narrative and Projected Earnings

The second fundraising program is the Corporate Sponsorship Program, with Projected Earnings of securing three corporate sponsors at $10,000 yearly with the prospects for growth over time. Corporate sponsorships can raise brand recognition and advertise a company’s goods and services. A business can boost exposure and reach a wider audience by sponsoring an event or program in return for a donation. Usually, a company will collaborate with an entity whose principles and objectives coincide with its own to maximize the benefits of the relationship and jointly achieve its marketing objectives. Through sponsorship programs, high-potential individuals are connected to corporate executives to expedite their career growth. Executives “go to bat” for employees in a structured program, to put it simply. Typically, sponsorship initiatives concentrate on assisting workers from underrepresented backgrounds.

Purpose and Time Flame

This will, therefore, allow the company to secure long-term financial commitments from corporate partners. In addition, it will also facilitate the visibility and branding opportunities for sponsors. The program will be continuous throughout the year. Sponsorship is an effective marketing strategy for companies. It shows a company’s dedication to issues or communities, strengthens its reputation and exposure, and establishes a connection with target audiences. The objective is to establish connections between mid- to junior-level employees, often referred to as sponsees or protegés, and leaders and business executives, also known as sponsors. The program is also intended to extend the club leach to new members in the society, which will also increase its revenue. For maximum benefit, the program should be performed at specific intervals throughout the year based on the club’s financial strength and target.

Staff and Athletes Needed

The first participant is a sponsorship coordinator. A sponsorship coordinator is in charge of overseeing the complete sponsorship process. Extensive investigation is necessary to find possible sponsors who share the objectives and principles of the organization. The primary role of the sponsorship Coordinator in this program will include proposal development, outreach, and relationship management. The athlete representatives are the second participants who will facilitate the program’s success. Representing other athletes in organizational decision-making (IF/RO/NPC) is the goal of an athlete representative. An athlete representative is often chosen or elected by other athletes rather than by the organization’s executive board. These individuals will assist with sponsor engagement and fulfilment of benefits throughout the session.


  • A Corporate Sponsorship Program links your company to a cause that appeals to potential customers, strengthening the bond between them.
  • In addition to generating income for the host firm, it builds strong industry contacts and produces awareness. The company is exposed to society and the general public, which will make it attract new customers thus and enhance its customer loyalty.
  • Additionally, by using this kind of advertising, companies may establish connections with influential figures in the sector and reach out to new markets. The established connection allows the company/club to be exposed to opportunities such as benefiting from local business.


  • Typically, a corporate sponsorship program is expensive. This is because one has to invest in several resources and time.
  • It could be more adaptable because the program depends on the firms’ desire to provide financial support.


The main fundraising programs for Lake Houston Ducks Sports Club are the Corporate Sponsorship Program and the Annual Charity Gala. The primary objective of the two programs is to help the club have external sources of revenue that will help with operational costs that are not manageable through funds from athlete-based activities alone. The two programs have advantages and disadvantages, although both will serve well in collecting additional revenue to fund the club.


Lake Houston Ducks. (n.d.). About. Lake Houston Ducks.

Rott, M. Annual Family/Student Gala Expanded.

Yun, L., Kim, K., & Cheong, Y. (2020). Sports sponsorship and the risks of ambush marketing: the moderating role of corporate reputation in the effects of disclosure of ambush marketers on attitudes and beliefs towards corporations. International Journal of Advertising39(7), 921-942.


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