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Islamic Contributions to World Civilization

Islamic civilization is a beacon of human achievements by exemplifying exceptional intelligence, skill, and science. From the courts of Baghdad to the serene landscapes of Al-Andalus, Islamic culture flourished and impacted world civilization. Islamic scholars’ contributions to in-depth research and expanding knowledge of antiquity have been acknowledged (Reynold, pg. 100). Their architecture reflects their world’s extraordinary skill and creative precision. Based on the work of Stanwood Cobb, Islamic contribution to civilization, this paper provides an insight into Islamic civilization and its significant contribution to world civilization. It showcases its pioneering role in developing humanity. In astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy, Islamic civilization flourished, became famous, and changed the tapestry of society, increasing knowledge and understanding.

One of the Islamic contributions to civilization is that Islam Spain gave the world its philosophers, astronomers, mathematicians, philosophers, poets, and mystics(Washington, pg. 41). It started with the decline of Moorish civilization in Spain due to internal weakness and external attacks from Christian warriors. Despite these challenges, Islamic culture remained significant for centuries, as those who supported art and research ruled Granada, the cultural heart of Spain. Philosophers like Ibn Rushd (Averroes) and Ibn Sina (Avicenna) were the ones who made field-shaking contributions to philosophy, medicine, and metaphysics, bringing new ideas into the intellectual community of that time. Astronomers like Ali ibn Uzayr (Arzachel) propelled astronomical research by conducting precise observations and designing sophisticated instruments. These efforts laid the foundation for future astronomical explorations. Al-Khwarizmi, the mathematician, is considered the founder of algebra and progressed in geometry, leading to mathematical thinking being influenced for centuries. The poetic heritage was passed down with torchbearers like Ibn Hazm and Ibn Zaydun, whose poetry spoke of the sublimity of language and feeling. Using these notable personalities and their diverse contributions, Islamic Spain acquired its position at the center of the development of human civilization, where the idea of enlightenment and the spirit of curiosity were both born.

In addition, Islam contributed to civilization by breaking the old boundaries between cultures and unifying unique cultures, including Christians who lived alongside Muslims and Jews, contributing to the cohesion of Spanish society (Washington, pg. 42). According to Stanwood Cobb’s ‘Islamic contribution to civilization,’ In his book ‘Islamic Contribution to Civilization’ Spain is a good example of this. Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived together, and even though there was antagonism within the society, Islamic civilization was a bridge between different groups. Through their commonalities in fields such as sciences, philosophy, and literature, these different communities carved a path to unity and contributed to the rise of civilization. Thanks to its headway in ideas and knowledge, Islamic culture produced a cultural and intellectual fabric of different civilizations, thus working as a vehicle for the rapprochement between different cultures, their mutual understanding, and unity. In the meantime, the integration and cooperation among different religious and cultural organizations reveal that Islamic civilization has had an evident impact on the broader picture of human civilization.

Besides scientific discoveries, Islamic fine art and architecture reached unprecedented heights, resulting in the legacy of monumental masterpieces and elaborate patterns that amused audiences worldwide (Washington, pg. 40). The Alhambra, covered with hypnotic geometrical forms and beautiful decorations, is a silent proof of cultural sophistication in Islam from an architectural perspective. Calligraphy from Islamic tradition, which signified beauty and spirituality, was promoted widely and, therefore, was acknowledged even by people of different cultures and beliefs. In addition, Islamic civilization was a place where coexistence and tolerance were the foundation. At the same time, the diversity of scholars from all cultural and intellectual backgrounds was the essential thing that took place in madrasas and universities (Reynold, pg. 50). This atmosphere of curiosity and openness contributed to the enlightenment, cultivation of creativity, and acquisition of knowledge; consequently, cultural and intellectual development feats that have never been done. The legacy of Islamic civilization can still be recognized in history. It is evidenced in desired values like transparency, curiosity, and respect for modern uses, possibly in technology. The Islamic golden age is one of the most out-of-the-box demonstrations of man’s creativity and abilities to survive and prosper, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and impacting even future generations, which will then embrace diversity, leading to further innovations and creations. Islamic history in the Book of Humanity is a humanization of great intellectualism and evidence of cultural vitality and endurance. Therefore, knowledge and culture have paved the way for psychology in humans by enabling the study of human behavior through analysis. This has been made possible due to Islamic culture, which has changed the world map, bulldozing the civilization of humankind from the time it has been controlling the resurgence and progress of humans for many ages.

In conclusion, the Islamic civilization has been, ever since, a haven of intellectual, cultural, and scientific illumination that embroiders the fabric of world history. With innovative ideas in different fields like astronomy and philosophy, and by ensuring peaceful coexistence, the Islamic culture has recognized excellence worldwide. The Islamic Golden Age’s influence still encourages the enterprising spirit, diversity, and quest for knowledge. During such an overwhelming power, we see the value of curiosity, acceptance, and tolerance towards different viewpoints and understand that they are crucial for the development of a culturally diverse and enriched society.

Works Cited

Reynold Alleyne Nicholson. A Literary History of the Arabs. DigiCat, 2022.

Washington, Stanwood. Islamic Contributions to Civilization. 1963,


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