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Human Services Experience Interview & Career Exploration


The purpose of this reflective essay is to present a detailed account of my conversation with a human services specialist in order to acquire a better understanding of their professional accomplishments and background in this sector. The information I learned about the agency and its relation to my future career goals, such as the nature of the work, the educational requirements required, and the potential challenges, is quite useful. Furthermore, the document will include information about the fundamental range of services offered, the target groups covered, the referral method, and the duration of client involvement in the program. To develop a strategic plan for my career path that takes into account my personal inclinations, principles, aptitudes, and individual traits, I will analyze my chat with the human services professional as well as the information I gathered about the organization. Finally, this paper will look at why I want to work in human services.

Informational Interview about the Agency

I performed an Informational Interview with Katy Burdine, a Southlight Behavorial Health expert, to learn about her considerable experience in the field of Human Services. The primary goal of Southlight Behavioral Health is to deliver exceptional mental health and substance abuse therapy. The goal is to assist individuals in their rehabilitation and foster a resilient community (SouthLight, 2023). SouthLight provides solution-oriented outpatient counseling services to adults via telemedicine or in one of our two convenient locations. Experienced counselors work with patients to assess their individual requirements and establish personalized treatment plans to alleviate symptoms and promote overall well-being. Individuals, groups, and families can all benefit from tailored outpatient therapy, which is available at any stage of the recovery process (SouthLight, 2023).

Individuals having emotional or mental health problems, whether in their personal or professional lives, are urged to seek help at the institution. The clinic offers a variety of services to individuals, couples, and adolescents, including medication management, launch pad programs, online therapy, and individual and couple counseling. SouthLight provides medication-assisted opioid therapy, which includes counseling and support services. Its goal is to ensure the prosperity of its clients, not just their survival. Homelessness and untreated medical ailments are two examples of challenges that their customers will be assisted in resolving in order to reduce their dependency. Customers are given hope for the future as well as problem-solving techniques (Southlight, 2023). Individuals can schedule a free 15-minute consultation by contacting the center via phone, email, or online contact form, all of which will grant them access to the services and programs. They also offer assessment for substance use when required by the court. Individuals who need this service pay $100 fee (SouthLight, n.d.).

As a non-profit organization, they believe in providing equal access to high-quality mental health treatment to all people, regardless of financial circumstances or insurance status (SouthLight, n.d.-a). SouthLight provides alternative solutions for people without health insurance, including a sliding scale price structure that is inversely related to their income and family size. Finance personnel are working hard to ensure that therapy is accessible to all individuals. The hospital has developed policies with insurance providers such as Alliance Medicaid, American Health Caritas, and Carolina Complete Health. Commercial insurance coverage options include Cigna, Medcost, United Healthcare (including United Behavioral Health and Optum), and the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) (SouthLight, n.d.-a). Payment for the service can be paid with a check, cash, or credit card during service.

SouthLight focuses a strong emphasis on the concept of shared humanity. They work hard to embrace a person-centered approach because they believe that each individual has inherent wholeness and that their unique features provide an advantage. The personnel are convinced that each consumer has unique wants, preferences, principles, and goals. They work together to determine what is most important to each individual and help them develop significant goals. By doing so, they ensure that individuals have the resources and knowledge needed to reach their full potential and live a meaningful and purposeful living (SouthLight, n.d.-b). They use Evidence-Based Practices to meet the needs of their clients and help them achieve their goals. SouthLight prioritizes the acquisition and implementation of evidence-based methods. Currently, they use evidence-based approaches such as cognitive behavioral treatments and motivational interviewing (SouthLight, n.d.-b).

Informational Interview about the Professional

I interviewed Katy Burdine, a certified professional social worker and therapist. Katy presently serves as a Women and Children’s Residential Program therapist at Southlight Behavorial Health. She discovered the opportunity through an internet advertisement, submitted her résumé in response, and secured the post following an interview. Katy has had comprehensive training in various specialized therapies, in addition to holding a Master of Social Work degree. To work in her field, she must have a master’s degree, and all social workers are required to have a current state license.

In addition, she has successfully completed the Association of Social Work Boards Examination, which is a mandatory prerequisite for obtaining this licensure. Katy ‘s responsibilities include collaborating with families and children spanning from three to twelve years old, and administering therapy to these cohorts. Addressing trauma, separation, school rejection, immigration, and cross-cultural transitions is encompassed within the scope of these specific duties. Katy utilizes bibliotherapy, sand tray therapy, theraplay, and non-directive play therapy techniques in her sessions with children.

According to Katy Burdine, children engage in communication through play. Their words are trivial. Children acquire the ability to regulate their emotions and communicate effectively through engaging in play. Katy provides therapeutic assistance to persons with challenges associated with trauma, depression, anxiety, and interpersonal connections. She has furthermore collaborated with first responders and healthcare professionals who have been experiencing significant levels of stress. Katy typically encounters a range of two to nine customers on a daily basis, with some interactions occurring digitally and others taking place in person. She dedicates her day to collecting notes and studying the latest research, in addition to attending 45-minute treatment treatments. Due to Katy ‘s preference to avoid working on weekends and the fact that her schedule is determined by her clients, she is exclusively accessible from Monday to Friday.

Although Katy does not encounter several challenges in her position, she acknowledges that engaging with the general populace might be arduous due to various factors. It signifies that she encounters a diverse array of individuals and traits in her profession. Due to the ongoing nature of the treatment, she was unable to fully express all of her accomplishments. Katy Burdine emphasized that anyone aspiring to work in this field must possess empathy, tolerance, and the capacity to embrace others unconditionally. It is advisable to have a receptive attitude towards reading and accepting feedback. Additionally, it is vital to possess the inclination to pursue further knowledge. In order to pursue a career as a social worker, individuals must fulfill certain educational prerequisites, which entail the successful completion of a specialized school such as a Master of Social Work or Bachelor of Social Work degree, an internship, attainment of satisfactory scores on the Association of Social Work Boards examination, and obtaining a state license.

Personal Career Exploration

Through my conversation with Katy Burdine, I gained valuable insights into the operations of the Southlight Behavorial Health and the responsibilities of a human services professional, as informed by her personal experience. Before interviewing Katy, my professional objective was to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services, complete an internship, and seek employment in my field of study. Although I was initially uncertain about pursuing a master’s degree to advance my education, I learned that a master’s degree, passing an examination, and earning a license are normally required to pursue a career in social work. Moreover, I have come to understand that a group of experts must work together to provide comprehensive care for a patient, starting from the initial assessment all the way through to the diagnosis and treatment.

I am contemplating a career in social work, therapy, couples counseling, or child psychology due to my inclination towards assisting individuals in resolving their emotional challenges and discovering solutions to their troubles. I firmly believe that individuals should never be compelled to confront challenging circumstances in solitude, and that in such instances, assistance should be easily accessible. Reciprocity occurs when one gives, resulting in receiving in return. You will receive a satisfactory reward after it has been thoroughly crushed, shaken together, and run over. The way in which you measure something will largely determine how it is measured in relation to you. Considering other people’s opinions and feelings is crucial to me, as they offer a distinct perspective on a particular issue or subject. Each individual possesses a distinct set of moral principles, resulting in a variety of cognitive processes that can be advantageous to others.

I possess a strong dedication to assisting people and possess expertise in effectively engaging in verbal or written communication with them. The effectiveness of my understanding of communicated information is strongly correlated with my exceptional listening abilities, which I also possess. Assisting people in attaining their goals is a regular part of my routine, and I derive satisfaction from witnessing their success. The adversity I faced during my formative years, which necessitated diligent efforts to attain prosperity in adulthood, serves as the primary motivation behind my pursuit of a career in human services. If I am able to provide someone with the necessary resources to attain happiness and prosperity as a consequence of my education, I will have genuinely achieved something significant. Many individuals employed in fields such as human services strive to comprehend the reasons behind their personal trauma or their inability to effectively manage it. Each person possesses a narrative elucidating the motivations behind their professional pursuits, and I believe that numerous individuals are keen on acquiring further insight into these narratives. Patients or customers are the primary beneficiaries, while experts acquire the knowledge and skills to assist a large number of individuals.

In conclusion, engaging in conversations with a certified clinical social worker and therapist enhanced my comprehension of the human services field, equipped me with the necessary skills to embark on a career in this industry, and illuminated areas where I might modify my present professional path to more effectively assist others. My experience working with Katy Burdine helped me realize the significance of pursuing further education, obtaining my license, and collaborating with others to provide comprehensive treatment in the field of social work. Throughout the years, I have dedicated myself to assisting individuals who are experiencing emotional difficulties. The interview reignited my deeply repressed aspiration to support individuals in attaining their utmost mental well-being through the application of empathy. Consequently, I am unequivocally persuaded to reassess my professional path in counseling.


SouthLight. (n.d.-a). Insurance and Billing. SouthLight Healthcare. Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

SouthLight. (n.d.-b). SouthLight’s Treatment Approach. SouthLight Healthcare. Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

SouthLight. (n.d.-c). Substance Use Assessments. SouthLight Healthcare. Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

SouthLight. (2023). About. SouthLight Healthcare.

Southlight . (2023). Opioid Treatment Program. SouthLight Healthcare.


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