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Report: CEO Recruitment and Selection at Triple-A Supplies Limited: A HRM Approach


Human resource management is an emerging and fast-changing business discipline. Recruitment of employees is an integral part of any organization as well as HRMs; a clearly defined and concise procedure can be used to select employees who fit into the required framework and potential (Kapur, 2020). In this assignment, the position to be assessed is the CEO position, and the organization for which the choice is going to be made is Triple “A” Supplies Limited (fictional), which focuses on the sales of furniture in the USA. The position of a CEO is very important in an organization; these experts organize and guide the organization through frameworks that are implemented and executed to enable performance and operations (Coles & Li, 2020). In this report, the principles of HRM that assess the outcome of different employee selection and recruitment approaches are the issue of concern.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities


The candidates need to have in-depth knowledge of the furniture industry and know all about the industry’s market trends. The candidates should also be aware of Triple “A” Supplies’ business model and objectives. As for this point, they should be capable of satisfying the following requirements.

  • They must have:
  • Insightful knowledge of the furniture sector, market dynamics and emerging trends.
  • Deep understanding of the supply chain management, logistics and procurement processes in the furniture industry.
  • Awareness of world and local statutory requirements governing the furniture industry, such as environmental sustainability practices.


The skills required for the position are in particular categories: Leadership, managerial, interpersonal and financial management skills.

  1. Leadership Skills:
  • Demonstrated capacity to motivate and guide teams, creating a conducive environment for cooperation and creativity.
  • Rare decision-making ability under great pressure.
  1. Strategic Planning and Execution:
  • Skilled at creating and deploying strategic plans with the prior consideration of the objectives for which the organization was formed and the dynamics of the industry.
  • Good analytical skills to evaluate opportunities and threats present in the furniture business market.
  1. Financial Management:
  • Financial literacy for budgeting, financial reporting and budget distribution.
  • Capacity to enhance financial performance and promote continuous growth.
  1. Interpersonal Skills:
  • Good communication skills, both oral and written, that can clearly explain and convey sophisticated concepts.
  • Good interpersonal abilities are necessary to develop partnerships with stakeholders, suppliers, and customers.


  1. Visionary Thinking:
  • Track record of imagining and spearheading the organization’s development and adjusting to furniture market trends.
  • Future-oriented perspective to identify and capture new opportunities.
  1. Decision-making under Uncertainty:
  • Decision-making in situations that are not clear enough, looking from several points of view and taking into account possible consequences.
  1. Crisis Management:
  • Resilience in crisis management and encountering unexpected challenges in the furniture industry.
  • c Rapid decision-making under crisis circumstances yet with a long-term focus.
  1. Effective Communication:
  • Communication of vision, mission, and values of the company internally and externally.
  • Able to articulate concepts to audiences as diverse as employees, investors, and the entire furniture sector.

Recruitment Methods

Hiring a CEO is a holistic process. Executive search firms can be supplemented with the help of referrals, professional networks, industry gatherings or outreach attempts to older executives (Baykal, 2020). The focus on the cultural uniqueness within Triple-A Supplies Limited and its growth prospects can attract executives whose value system corresponds with the one in the company. The following methods will be applied for this position:

  1. Executive search firms:
  • Hire highly regarded executive search companies that focus on the furniture retail sector to locate and attract elite executive talent.
  • Use their wide network and databases to link with older CEOs who would match Triple-A Supplies Ltd’s mission and values.
  1. Professional Networks:
  • Connect to professional networks, trade bodies and business platforms to locate potential CEOs.
  • Attend conferences, seminars, and networking events, which would help you to get contacts with executives in the furniture and retail industry.
  1. Internal Talent Pool:
  • Evaluate internal promotion opportunities based on current executives or leaders within Triple A Supplies Limited who have the required KSAs.
  • Design and conduct leadership development programs to foster and mentor in-house talent for senior levels.
  1. Online job platforms:
  • Use executive-level job sites and specialized industry websites to put up the CEO advertisement.
  • Design an attractive job advertisement emphasizing the special features and difficulties associated with running Triple A Supplies Limited.

Diversity and inclusion

The recruitment strategy will pay particular emphasis on promoting diversity in executive leadership. This can be achieved through the inclusion of specific organizations in the executive networks, participating in organizations that support diversity and ensuring the recruitment process is as objective and open as possible (Baykal, 2020). Below are some examples:

  1. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs):
  • Inspire ERG members to freely circulate the CEO job advertisement across their networks and communities.
  1. Diversity-focused social media campaigns:
  • Use social networking sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to share stories, testimonials, and successes associated with diversity within Triple A Supplies Limited.
  1. Training for Interviewers on Unconscious Bias:
  • Ensure all interviewers are trained to conduct equal and impartial judgment of candidates.

Employee Selection Process

The process of selecting a CEO is to be very rigorous. The early screening may be the screening of executive profiles. The leadership competencies assessment and alignment with the Triple-A Supplies Limited strategic vision can be carried out in the form of in-depth interviews. Further, psychometric tests and reference checks would help in determining the candidate’s fitness for the role.

Review of Literature

E-recruitment is one of the contemporary trends in HRM that has a huge impact on the revival of issues related to diversity and inclusivity, according to Lievens and Chapman (2019). Bandiera et al. (2020) highlight the importance of the catchment of CEO characteristics with organizational objectives; this report has been taken this way in order to ensure successful selection and recruitment. Research highlights the significance of the leadership styles of the CEO and their influence on business performance, emotional intelligence in executive success and the overall onboarding process of a new CEO (Lievens & Chapman, 2019).


To conclude, the recruitment and selection of a CEO of Triple A Supplies Limited requires a strategic approach involving identifying the unique KSAs for the position, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and conducting thorough selection. By implementing these concepts, Triple A Supplies Limited seeks a visionary leader who will steer the organization towards sustainability.


Bandiera, O., Prat, A., Hansen, S., & Sadun, R. (2020). CEO behaviour and firm performance. Journal of Political Economy128(4), 1325–1369.

Baykal, E. (2020). Digital era and new methods for employee recruitment. In Handbook of Research on Strategic Fit and Design in Business Ecosystems (pp. 412–430), IGI Global.

Coles, J. L., & Li, Z. (2020). Managerial attributes, incentives, and performance. The Review of Corporate Finance Studies9(2), 256-301.

Kapur, R. (2020). The Principles of Human Resource Management. Research Gate: https://www. researchgate. net/publication/338335044_The_Principles_of_ Human_Resource_Management/citation/download adresinden alındı.

Lievens, F., & Chapman, D. (2019). Recruitment and selection. The SAGE Handbook of Human Resource Management, pp. 123–150.


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