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Exploring How Musical Theatre Productions Create Mental Health Awareness

For years, musical theatre has been utilized to address significant social issues. For example, Cabaret discoursed the Holocaust, and Hammerstein, and Rogers’s musicals have always addressed racial problems. Currently, ‘Dear Evan Hansen,’ a musical film authored by Steven Levenson, Justin Paul, and Benj Pasek, creates discourses about mental diseases. Theatre can assist viewers and actors by offering data about mental disease, subduing stereotypes, decreasing stigma, reducing feelings of isolation, and imparting hope. Today, mental health is a predominant topic in society, as a significant number of people are struggling with psychological disorders. As such, there is a dire need to address mental illness and create awareness about these disorders so that people can get help and lead a quality life. Musical theatres have done a tremendous job managing mental illness and educating the masses about the intricacies of these disorders. As such, this report showcases musical theaters’ role in raising awareness about mental health and the impact these films have played in resolving mental health issues in society. In that sense, musical productions, namely Dear Evan Hansen and Next to Normal, will be the beacons used in the report to underline musical theatre’s impact on creating awareness of mental illness.

The Musical Theatre Industry has complex structures and developments. At its core are various elements such as creativity, artistry and technological developments that enable producers to drive a dynamic theatrical experience. Creativity enables filmmakers to develop compelling plots and memorable musical numbers (Cuny, 2020, p.113). Artists work together to bring stories to life on stage in enchanting ways that relate to viewers and audiences. In the musical ‘Dear Evan Hansen’ various songs are integrated into the production. These musical pieces depict the feelings and emotions of various characters. These songs have various lyrics and melodies that stress and outline some of the struggles mentally ill people experience. For instance, the songs ‘You Will Be Found’ and ‘Waving Through a Window’ touch on various aspects of mental health, such as isolation and loneliness. Particularly, some of the song lyrics ‘You will be found’ include ‘Have you ever felt like nobody was there? ‘Have you felt like you disappear?’ touch on aspects of isolation and loneliness. The use of these songs in the musical is creative, enabling the producers to create awareness about mental health in an innovative and captivating way. Also, Justin Paul and Benj Pasek use a narrative style in the musical, offering the production a creative and enchanting sense.

Mainly, Evan Hansen is the main character in ‘Dear Evan Hansen’, and he is depicted to be struggling in his life, and these hardships affect his mental health. The musical film tells a story by piecing different vignettes that enable the audiences to connect the events and feelings prompting the character’s behavior. Through narration, the musical movie promotes the viewer’s comprehension of Evan’s mental struggles of anxiety and depression. Also, it underlies the significance of compassion, empathy and robust relationships in dealing with mental health problems. Particularly, Evan seeks help from a therapist who asks him to write letters to himself as a task and this activity reveals that he feels invisible to the world (Walczer and Baird, 2020, p.203). The use of emotional engagement has enabled the film producers to engage the audience emotionally, which enables them to understand some of the struggles that people suffering from mental health disorders experience and how compassion and empathy can assist people with mental health management. The goal of any film is to narrate a story that captivates the audience’s attention. Dear Evans Hansen is an example of such a film as it compels its viewers to follow Evans’s story and how his anxiety and depression impacted his life.

Musical theatre films are at the forefront of creating mental health awareness. The film Dear Evans Hansen is an excellent depiction of how these films educate the masses about mental health disorders. In this film, mental health is the primary theme, with characters such as Connor, Alana, and Evan being depicted to have mental health problems (Reilly, 2020). Mainly, Connor struggles with mental health problems, which push them to commit suicide (Churiwal, 2021). Connor’s death prompts Evan’s family to believe that Connor was his friend as he is found with the letter he had written. Although Evan and Connor are not friends, Evan lets his family believe the lie. This death results in the examination of various topics, such as the impact of mental illness, grief, and loneliness (Prescott, 2021). This is because Connor’s parents and sister suffered various mental challenges after his death. Alana, another classmate of Evan, also has mental health issues that prompt her to take medications. Mainly, Evans is surprised about this revelation because Alana is very confident and outgoing. However, Alana explains to him that what people see on the outside about others and what they feel inside does not always align. The characterization used in the film is excellent to inform audiences about mental health awareness and its adverse impact on people. Mainly, Connor’s mental illness pushed him to commit suicide, therefore resounding broad conversations in society about mental health education and the end of stigma. Connor’s character here sheds light on mental illness and its effect on people and those around them. Connor commits suicide, which troubles his family and loved ones, events that resound those happening today.

Furthermore, Connor’s demise and events after push audiences to envision the impact of mental disease and suicide. For instance, some viewers may emphasize with Connor as a person who battled mental health problems that pushed him to end his life. As such, they view Connor as a victim, therefore, emphasizing the issues people encounter when managing mental issues in a society that misunderstands their encounters or defames them (Wang, 2021). Other viewers may interpret Connor’s story using social factors like stigma around mental disease and social isolation that contribute to mental health problems. These issues in the film reflect the mental problems that most people face in today’s world and stress how feelings of alienation and isolation propel mental health problems. Other viewers understand and see Connor’s death as a call to action, which urges society to develop a supportive and conducive environment for people facing mental health problems. The musical film inspires viewers to implement community outreach programs or advocacy efforts to end the stigma surrounding mental illness and develop acceptance in society.

Musical Theater has done a tremendous job educating the masses about mental health and its impact on people and relationships. The musical film ‘The New Normal’ narrates the story of a suburban family encountering with mental disease and loss. This musical focuses on Diana, a mother who deals with bipolar disorder. Generally, the film examines the life of people living with mental diseases and how mental disorders impact people, their relationships, and their capability to love. Mainly, characterization is one way that the producers use to create awareness about mental illness. Diana is the main character in ‘Next to Normal’, and she is a mother who struggles with bipolar disorder (Evans, 2023). This musical production examines life with mental disease and grief and how it impacts people, their relationships, and their capability to love. For instance, the film portrays the use of psychiatric medication and mental health services, which for a while have been associated with shame. This is a positive effort as the film challenges the existing stereotypes in society about mental illness and serves as a representation of people with psychosocial disabilities. As such, this film has tackled the issue of stigmatization of mentally ill patients by creating an understanding of the use of psychotropic medication and mental health treatment options. Generally, the film is aimed at destigmatizing mental illness as it addresses concerns that are well comprehended by people with psychosocial mental health issues.

Moreover, musical theatre productions use songs to drive the message about mental illness and end mental illness stigma. For instance the songs in the film ‘Next to Normal’ such as ‘My Psychopharmacologist and I’ and ‘It’s Gonna Be Good’ highlight different treatment approaches and some of the issues encountered when using various psychotherapies as they look for healing (Genius, 2024). A Lyric in the song ‘It’s Gonna be Good’ is that ‘we’ll sit right down together like a happy family should’ represents Dan’s desire for his family when Diana’s treatment plan succeeds in treating her disease (Genius, 2024). This song shows people and families’ frustration when trying various medications and treatment approaches. Moreover, the song ‘Didn’t I See This Movie?’ illustrates how the film addresses the impact of stigma on individuals and families (Wallin, 2013). Generally, using songs in the movie is a powerful storytelling means that enables film producers to convey the complex nature and emotional aspects of living with mental diseases. The songs, through the lyrics, provide insightful information about the experience of people with mental health hardships, which influence viewers and audience to understand and empathize with people living with mental health issues. Besides, they drive open discussions and acceptance of mental health problems.

It is imperative to note that the COVID-19 pandemic led to the onset of various mental health problems. This is because the coronavirus led to uncertainty regarding finances, employment, and health, loneliness, and isolation due to lockdown, economic problems, and loss. These aspects exacerbated mental health issues among people across the world (De Filippis, 2022, p.1073768). However, musical theatre productions such as ‘Next to Normal’ and ‘Dear Evan Hansen’ are suitable films to educate the masses about mental health problems, particularly during the post-COVID-19 pandemic period. This is because they showcase characters dealing with mental health issues like depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. This enables the viewers to connect emotionally with the characters. For instance, the productions use storytelling and stories to depict mental health challenges and practical treatment approaches, which help create an emotional connection with viewers. Besides, these films help eradicate the stigma that surrounds mental illness as these two films showcase characters who struggle with fear, societal judgment, and shame, therefore, indicating the adverse impacts of stigma and the need for support and compassion to assist people in tackling mental health problems. Therefore, these films are suitable to help people during the post-covid period to deal with mental health struggles and tackle the stigma surrounding mental health.

Despite Musical Theatre productions having the capability of creating mental health awareness and influencing masses to emphasize and treat those undergoing mental health hardships with compassion, the musical theatre grapples with various challenges that derail their progress and success. Some of these issues include financial hurdles, casting, technical and logistical issues and audience engagement (Fenton, 2022, p. 13). Under financial hurdles, musical productions are extravagant as it involves various processes such as acquiring rights to music and scripts, developing sets and designing costumes, employing actors and marketing the show. When there is a limited budget, then the overall quality of the film will be adversely impacted. However, suitable solutions to this issue include looking for grants, partnerships and sponsorships. Also, when it comes to casting the producers must ensure diversity and find actors who can sing, act and dance and identifying such performers is a tussle. However, inclusive auditions are needed to guarantee that all people from diverse backgrounds are given an opportunity to participate (Stamatiou, 2020). Additionally, various initiatives and procedures have been executed by the musical theatre industry to help and support artists’ mental health. For instance; some theatre organizations offer mental health resources like helplines, support groups and counseling services. An example of such a theatre company is the Actors Fund which provides free counselling services to actors which are provided by competent and licensed therapists who offer crisis intervention and short term guidance and address mental health issues like depression, stress and anxiety.

In summary, Musical theater productions have the capability of driving mental health awareness and reducing stigma surrounding mental health disorders. Through use of songs, storytelling and characterization, musical theatre productions manage to depict the impact of mental health on people, the stigma surrounding mental health issues and how compassion and empathy can help and assist people grappling with psychological issues. The role of musical theatre in creating awareness of mental health surpasses the stage and reflects deeply with viewers, which adds to substantial dialogue about mental health in society. Indeed, musical theatre has the capability to empower, educate and inspire people as they navigate the complex nature of life.



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