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Alternative Costing Methods


In the dynamic business operating environment, costing accuracy is important for strategic decision-making. The traditional costing approaches are appropriate but rarely provide the subtle costs of varied activities and products. In the progressing era of companies, alternative costing methods for proper financial accuracy and the development of strategic plans become significant. This essay gives ABC method as an alternative suitable for the Hampshire Company highlighting its characteristics, the aspects of its implementation, and the advantages.

Activity-Based Costing (ABC): An Overview

ABC is an improved pricing method that apportions the costs of overheads more accurately to goods or services by identifying activities as the main cost elements. Different from the traditional costing methods which are prone to oversimplify cost allocation through the distribution of overheads with volume ratios (such as machine hours or labor hours), ABC focuses on understanding and allocating costs to actual activities thus providing more precise view of resource consumption.

Key Features of ABC

ABC is a more complex and advanced approach that runs entirely opposite to the conventional approach based on dividing costs into direct and indirect ones since it starts from the firm’s activities as the foundation for allocating costs. At the core of ABC lies the principle of activity identification, a process that involves pointing out the precise activities within the organization that consume resources and incur costs (Brewer et al., 2022). This step is the most important as it turns the broad, in most cases, inaccurate allocation of costs to particular products or services to the minute breakdown of where and how the resources are used.

Activity-based costing follows the tracing of costs to the activities that created them to the end service or product generated through the First Cost Attribution Process method (Prasetyo et al., 2020). This approach offers a more fair distribution of costs based on real resource consumption, not any arbitrary or over-simplistic methods that may not capture cost accrual complexities.

At the core of achieving ABC’s effectiveness are cost drivers. They are elements that directly affect the cost of a process, and under Activity Based Costing (ABC), each process cost is allocated to products or services based on how much of the activity each product or service consumes (Brewer et al., 2022). ABC assigns costs based on cost drivers such that the costs assigned to products/services are directly proportional to the resources they consume, thus eliminating the cross-subsidization of more cost-intensive products by less intensive ones that can happen with traditional accounting methods.

The culmination of these practices is enhanced accuracy in the costing process. Through this focus on what drives costs and on the actual consumption the costs are assigned, ABC produces a more detailed and exact picture of the costs associated with manufacturing a product or offering a service (Brewer et al., 2022). This precision does not just have to do with figures; it is about getting granular knowledge about the efficacy of your business operations, spotting cost-cutting opportunities, and developing better strategies. ABC modifies how costs are calculated, as well as the way a company apprehends its own operations and financial outcomes.

Implementing ABC in the Hampshire Company

The Hampshire Company should appraise the costing system it uses to detect the discrepancies and inefficiency present in the system. The evaluation should address the extent to which the current methods effectively include the costs of various activities and under which of those cost estimations significant overhead costs still need to be more accurately allocated. The ABC execution criterion is the activity specification of resource consumption and the cost driver associated with these activities (Prasetyo et al., 2020). For Hampshire, this can include different types of manufacturing operations, product design, order processing, and customer support, among other functions. Activities and cost drivers are identified, which cost corresponds to the product is determined using the activity consumption.

Considerations for Adoption

Hampshire Companies ought to contemplate about ABC complexities and higher implementation costs against the benefits, particularly those with very high overhead costs. The ABC adoption needs to be tracked and analyzed conductively to help the company know how this technique will match with the strategic objectives of the business and these may include product pricing, line expansion as well as cost reduction. Therefore, this method should support overarching business goals and improve operational efficiency (Prasetyo et al., 2020).

Should Hampshire Adopt ABC?

Adopting ABC allows Hampshire to obtain a more specific picture of its cost structure, particularly if the firm performs various activities driven by the different cost elements. Such accuracy enables strategic decisions, influences the pricing system, spots cost-efficiency potential, and results in better profits (Prasetyo et al., 2020). Based on the analysis of the four parts of the attached Excel file, the Hampshire Company is ready to explore another costing technique, Activity-based costing (ABC). The spreadsheet’s ability to deliver breakdowns and variance analysis shows the spots that have yet to be conveyed in the present costing methods, particularly concerning certain products and activities.


Activity Based Costing is a major evolutionary step in cost management, providing a deep understanding of the cost of business operations. To the Hampshire Company, ABC implementation would enlighten the way to better financial decisions, high competition, and better fiscal outcomes. Nevertheless, this transformation demands a detailed evaluation of the existing procedures, a pledge to comprehend and implement ABC, and a strategic coincidence of cost management practices with the organization’s overall strategy. In the sphere of contemporary business, where precision and strategic sight are crucial, ABC serves as the guiding light for enterprises struggling with accurate cost allocation and overall financial management.


Brewer, P. C., Garrison, R. H., & Noreen, E. W. (2022). Introduction to managerial accounting. McGraw-Hill.

Prasetyo, H. D., Rahardjo, K. A., Supriadi, I., Kusmayati, N. K., & Wahib, M. (2020). Application In Activity Based Costing (ABC) Calculation of Home Development Cost. Ilomata International Journal of Tax and Accounting1(4), 179-184.


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