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Increasing Number of Patients


Organizations with established goals help the company have proper direction as it continues to add value to investors’ resources. A healthcare center is an organization like any other with goals that it needs to achieve to satisfy customer needs. The report will discuss various factors that affect the healthcare delivery system, determine the relationship between healthcare elements, and identify how the healthcare system impacts decision-making.

Relationship Analysis

Community Healthcare has identified a significant challenge related to the low number of patients visiting the healthcare center to receive services. Increasing the number of patients requires a better healthcare system, and to help improve the healthcare system, a four-level model of the healthcare system is proposed to solve the challenge. The model levels include individual patients, the care team, the organization, and the political and economic environment. The healthcare center’s external environment influences the organization since regulations are issued that help guide the health sector and its activities. The economic factors may have an impact on individuals such that challenging economic periods cause stress, leading to more psychological patients (Martin & Manley, 2020).

The four-level healthcare model has one primary goal: building a better delivery system essential for a healthcare center to attain its goals. The model advocates for a sound communication system between the various elements to help ensure that healthcare builds a better system and increases its number of patients. The individual patient model recommends that healthcare adopt a patient-centered approach to ensure patients take less time due to delays. The care teams and the organization need a sound communication system that enables them to offer quality services to patients ranging from healthcare employees to home caregivers.

Problem-solving framework

Organizations are faced with challenges that may affect operations and, without proper handling, may lead to the closure of the company. Thus, most companies select a suitable problem-solving framework that aids decision-making. Community healthcare uses an IDEAL problem-solving framework that identifies challenges an organization may undergo at a given time. The partners involved with the problem-solving framework used by the healthcare center are patients, the care team, and the organization. Information is collected from the patients to identify the problem, while the care team and the organization are responsible for the rest of the problem-solving process using the IDEAL Framework. The partners have the role of Identifying the problem, Describing the outcome, Exploring the strategies, Anticipating the outcome and acting, and Learning from the situation (IDEAL) (Sippl, 2023). The approach influences the decision-making process such that it takes time before all the steps are completed to get a possible solution for a particular challenge. If healthcare continues to use the IDEAL problem-solving approach, it will be able to deal with its current challenge relating to a low number of patients visiting the healthcare center.

Ethical Questions

According to Nayak and Mahapatra (2022), organizations rely on customers’ continuous availability to carry out operations, and healthcare is the same in that patients and home caregivers are necessary for healthcare centers to be deemed non-profitable. As healthcare plans to increase the number of customers visiting the center, it needs to ensure that it adheres to all the ethical regulations that guide healthcare centers. One of the issues relates to granting the patients the right to have a caregiving destination that they are comfortable with. Although most patients will prefer their homes, healthcare needs to ensure that it conveys the advantages and risks of home-based care. One of the ethical principles states that caregivers should not harm patients. Thus, the company should ensure that their care team does not harm, irrespective of the selected location of caregiving.


To sum up, community healthcare has been faced with the challenge of low patient numbers over the past period, and it seeks to improve the situation without compromising its services. Some of the partners involved in building a better delivery system in healthcare are the individual patients, care team, organization, and political and economic environment. The partners must coordinate to continue offering the best services while using the IDEAL problem-solving framework.


Martin, A., & Manley, K. (2020). Developing an integrated career and competence framework for a whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery. International Emergency Nursing48, 100784.

Nayak, S., & Mahapatra, P. (2022). Tele Medicine: Health Care Facility through E-Governance in Odisha. Department of Public Administration Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, 34.

Sippl, A. (2023). Teaching The IDEAL Problem-Solving Method To Diverse Learners. Retrieved from EF 101 SeriesExecutive FunctioningProblem Solving


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