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Develop a Population Health Management Strategy

Taking good care of a population’s health is of the utmost importance. Since a bigger population is better able to take part in nation development, a healthy population is beneficial to the country. Therefore, it is critical to understand that population health management is the process of proactively implementing strategies and interventions to improve the health of a given population while keeping costs to a minimum. Improved collaboration among public health agencies, community groups, payers, and clinicians is one population health strategy for tackling health inequities and socioeconomic determinants of health. The essential data systems for effect monitoring and measurement are also a part of it. The purpose of population health management is to formulate a strategy to provide help to a population when an assessment indicates that they need it. “The application of management strategies to improve the delivery of healthcare for populations with an emphasis on achieving the highest quality at the lowest costs,” defines it precisely, as stated by Caron (2017). She elaborates by saying that PHM places an emphasis on providing high-quality healthcare to people at the lowest possible cost, in contrast to population health, which takes a broader view of the factors that affect a population’s health.

In addition, the case management approach is explained by Zander (2019) as an intervention that uses focused actions to get a quantifiable result. The method of case management is often decided by a multi-disciplinary care team under the supervision of a population health manager. It may happen either with an individual within the cohort or with the whole cohort. One example of an innovative strategy that aims to improve the way primary care services are given is the patient-centered medical home (PCMH). This model incorporates inputs from other disciplines to accomplish its ultimate objective. Complex case management is an adaptation of the basic case management model that is commonly employed to involve high-risk populations dealing with long-term, frequently disabling health issues like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, obesity (both clinical and morbid), and specific mental health diagnoses. Wellness programs, chronic disease management, and other person-centered treatments are the focus of a whole section of the 2018 Population Health Management Resource Guide. You may use these two therapies alone or in a group, and they’re tailored to groups with very varied health profiles. Support and alignment of the delivery system is another critical intervention layer (Caron, 2017; The Population Case Management Resource Guide, 2019). No intervention happens in a vacuum; rather, it requires the interdisciplinary cooperation of healthcare providers, members of the community, and the judicial system. In particular, the distance from a hospital or other healthcare institution is sometimes used to classify people rather than their health state. The goal of telehealth and telemedicine is to enhance or maintain health status via the use of various electronic communication technologies, including two-way video (Caron, 2017).

In my present position, I am responsible for managing chronic conditions. I am in charge of managing three chronic diseases: arthritis, asthma, and diabetes, all of which can be found on the World Health Organization (WHO) website. Physical exercise is an intervention for arthritis. Physical exercise is a simple and effective drug-free strategy to alleviate arthritic symptoms. Adults with arthritis may benefit from physical activity by reducing pain, improving function, happiness, and overall quality of life. I would advise them to engage in regular physical exercise since it may help them sleep better and promote bone health, cognitive health, and weight management. Some of the problems of adopting interventions to promote regular physical exercise include a shortage of time for employed persons and a lack of self-motivation that leads them to engage in regular physical activity to stay healthy. Additionally, the most significant effect on osteoarthritis may come from changes in lifestyle, such as decreasing excess weight, being more physically active, and exercising regularly. If you want to feel more in charge of your arthritis and have a more positive outlook, learning relaxation and coping techniques can help you keep your life in balance. Arthritis is a broad word for a variety of joint-related disorders. There are over a hundred distinct forms of arthritis. Arthritis is typically not avoidable, although a person’s risk may be reduced by modifying risk variables over which they have control (Sangrar et al., 2019). Some examples of hobbies that are suitable for people with arthritis are mild gardening, aerobics classes, dancing, swimming, cycling, and brisk walking.

Asthma affects both children and adults and is the most common chronic illness in children. It is a severe NCD. Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing are some of the symptoms that may accompany asthma. The narrow airways in the lungs become inflamed and narrowed, leading to these symptoms. The World Health Organization reports that a person’s risk of developing asthma increases if they have a family history of the disease, experienced a severe respiratory illness as a child, have an allergy, or are exposed to certain chemical irritants or industrial dusts at work. Identification and avoidance of the factors that might bring on asthma attacks is one of the interventions that can be used in the management of asthmaic conditions. The symptoms of asthma may be brought on by a wide variety of external factors. Some of the things that might set off allergic reactions include dust mites, pollen, animal dander, and mould. Smoking, physical activity, exposure to cold air, and infections are all examples of non-allergy triggers. There is a correlation between reducing your exposure to chemicals that cause asthma symptoms and allergens, which may help you better regulate your asthma. An asthma attack, episode, or flare-up is a rapid worsening of symptoms that may occur when a trigger is encountered. This quick worsening of symptoms is caused by the trigger. Some of the most common things that might set off asthma attacks include respiratory illnesses, allergens, irritants, physical activity, and emotions. One of the most critical steps in controlling asthma is gaining an understanding of the factors that contribute to the symptoms of asthma (Sangrar et al., 2019). Although people who have asthma may be in need of engaging in physical exercise to assist them with other underlying problems, such as diabetic condition, they are unable to do so since physical activity causes asthma. This is one of the issues that arises when it comes to recognizing and avoiding the triggers of asthma.

In those with diabetes, the body’s ability to turn food into energy is impaired with time. Human body metabolizes the majority of the food one consume into glucose, which is then released into the circulation. Increased blood sugar levels prompt the pancreas to secrete insulin. The predominant chronic health issues associated with diabetes include macrovascular complications, which include the impairment of major blood arteries in the heart, brain, and legs, as well as microvascular complications, which result in damage to tiny blood vessels and subsequent disorders in the eyes, kidneys, feet, and nerves. The likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes increases if one is sedentary and has excess weight or obesity. Excess weight may lead to insulin resistance, which is often seen in individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Weight control and diabetes testing and monitoring are among the therapies for diabetes. Weight management may be achieved by consuming meals that are rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, which helps to regulate hunger and appetite. Individuals with diabetes who rely on insulin might reduce their insulin requirements by consuming a reduced amount of carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice, sweets, sugary drinks, and juice. Reducing insulin use may effectively mitigate hunger, adipose tissue accumulation, and weight increase. Regular testing and monitoring of diabetes is beneficial as it enables the assessment of the diabetic patient’s health before it becomes unmanageable (Sangrar et al., 2019). The problems associated with adopting different therapies for diabetes may include the financial burden of adhering to a nutritious diet for weight control, limited educational resources, and a lack of self-monitoring stemming from inadequate information about diabetic care.

Patients dealing with chronic illness have five main responsibilities: taking care of themselves (physical and psychological symptoms), managing relationships (with employers, family, friends, and providers to achieve good results), management of resources (financial, health, and prescription medication insurance), organizing and scheduling appointments with providers, and researching and educating themselves about all aspects of managing their illness. By integrating treatment to prevent or lessen the impact of illness, disease management aims to better quality of life while decreasing care expenditures for people with long-term illnesses.


Caron, R. M. (2017). Population health: Principles and applications for management. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). (2019). Population health management resource guide. Washington, DC: Author.

Sangrar, R., Docherty-Skippen, S. M., & Beattie, K. (2019). Blended face-to-face and online/computer-based education approaches in chronic disease self-management: A critical interpretive synthesis. Patient education and counseling102(10), 1822-1832.

Zander, K. (2019). Population health management coming of age. Professional Case Management, 24(1), 26-38.


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