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The Significance of Policy and Advocacy in Advanced Practice Nursing

Why Nursing Emphasizes Policy and Political Competence

There are several reasons why the nursing emphasis on policy and political competence, as an inextricably linked component, still needs to develop. Policies on healthcare also have quite a significant impact when determining the provision of care. It is only appropriate for nurses to understand these policies within their scope of practice and embrace change to benefit patients and the profession. Furthermore, policy and political acuity afford nurses the larger systems they operate, giving them leverage to effect changes on higher platforms.

Ways for APRNs to Engage in Policymaking

For an APRN, there are many ways to practice as a policymaker. Firstly, one can become a professional organization member and engage in policy committees or task forces. Such associations often have a loud representative at the policymaking table for nurses and patients. By collaborating with other healthcare professionals engaging in consortia, APRNs can enhance patient outcomes and propel the profession forward through advocacy for policy innovations.

Examples of Policy Advocacy by APRNs

Advocacy as one of APRN’s activities can be found in undertaking a public speaking engagement, writing an op-ed or article for healthcare publications such as magazines and journals, involvement in legislative hearings, etc. These activities help implement evidence-based arguments and address current challenges in healthcare policy solutions (Zajac, 2021). Others include conducting social media campaigns to create awareness of healthcare problems, advocating for higher funding for nursing training and research, and actively lobbying with political leaders regarding policy decisions, among many others.

Barriers to Effective Nursing Advocacy and Mitigation Strategies

However, there is also resistance to the effective advocacy process (Kwame, 2021). A significant challenge is the need for more appreciation and recognition that nurses have a unique service delivery perspective that deserves inclusion in healthcare policy deliberations. One of the significant barriers nurses face in policy implementation is a need for knowledge and skills. This barrier can be overcome by asserting their power through knowledge development regarding policies. Well, they should understand some ways which help them to develop and implement such kinds of things at public places like hospitals, etc., without any trouble or say unaltered activities are being disrupted during the process for having successful health care issues among Time limitations and heavy workloads also limit the ability of nurses to participate in advocacy initiatives actively. In order to overcome such barriers, nurses can emphasize advocacy as a professional responsibility and the obligation of delegating time for it. They can also get help from their peers and professional bodies to ease the responsibility at this juncture, but together with that, share a louder voice.

In conclusion, policy and political capabilities have been applied to the nursing science curriculum by introducing them into its role construction for nurses so they are empowered with advocating skills meant to further their patients’ interests and those representing this profession. Proficiency APRNs may participate directly as policymakers through membership in professional bodies and partnerships with other health workers. Advocacy can include making public speeches, writing, and meeting legislatures. Nevertheless, there are impediments like lack of acknowledgment and time restrictions. However, nurses can overcome these barriers by emphasizing their specialized competence, achieving more advocate orientation, and earning assistance from peers and organizations.


Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021). A literature-based study of patient-centered care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: barriers, facilitators, and the way forward. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1-10.

Zajac, S., Woods, A., Tannenbaum, S., Salas, E., & Holladay, C. L. (2021). Overcoming challenges to teamwork in healthcare: a team effectiveness framework and evidence-based guidance. Frontiers in Communication, 6, 606445.


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