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The Policy Cycle, Policy System, and Its Interaction With the Policy Environment


Understanding the dynamics of public policy is a complex endeavor. Scholars such as Birkland (2019) provide frameworks that analyze the policy-making process well, one of these frameworks being the policy cycle. This discussion will look into the utility of the policy cycle while at the same time examining its strengths and weaknesses. In addition to this, this discussion will also discuss one factor that is most likely to have a significant impact on the United States policy system in the near future and also the potential implications that this factor may have on American political stability.

Utility of the Policy Cycle

It is through the policy cycle that there is a structured approach toward the analysis and development of the policy while at the same time providing various strengths. There are multiple ways in which the policy cycle is beneficial. Through the policy cycle, the policymakers understand well the complexity of the policy process, and they are further able to break the process down into various stages (Hill & Varone, 2021). It is through the breakdown of the policy process that a more systematic approach is achieved.

The policy cycle is helpful as it aids in coming up with key decision points. When the critical decision points are identified in the policy process, it thus becomes more accessible to allocate the resources; the resources are allocated efficiently. It is also through the policy cycle that the feedback loops are emphasized. Continuous adaptation and improvement are achieved through the emphasis on feedback loops based on evaluation results. Generally, the policy cycle is an essential tool that makes the policy landscape easier (Hill & Varone, 2021).

Shortcomings of the Policy Cycle

Although the policy cycle has various strengths, as I have discussed above, it also has some limitations. The policy cycle involves processes that are iterative and non-linear. The policy cycle also assumes decision-making processes that are logical and rational. Through this assumption, the role of various factors in the decision-making processes is neglected. Such factors include external pressures, political dynamics, and emotions. The policy cycle also needs to improve in fostering a narrow focus when it comes to the stages of formal decision-making, as it overlooks the informal dynamics that have a significant impact on the policy outcomes.

One Factor

According to Birkland (2019), there is a conceptualization of four policy environments that provide a framework that aids in analyzing the dynamics that shape the policy system of the United States. From this, technological advancement emerges as one factor that is likely to have a more significant impact on the United States political system in the near future. Technological innovation is moving at a fast pace, thus making various transformations in various landscapes, such as policy-making, governance, and societal interactions. These transformations have had a significant impact on the policy system of the United States. There are various aspects of technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. Policymakers in the United States are facing new challenges as a result of the integration of AI as various sectors, such as national security, healthcare, and transport, have incorporated the use of AI.

As a result of automation, policymakers will have to come up with ways to deal with the complexities that result from automation. The increasing automation of jobs raises various concerns about the importance of adaptive social policies, skills development, and the displacement of the workforce. The policymakers will have to know the best ways to deal with automation so that there is a just transition for the workers and also to know how they will deal with the socioeconomic inequalities that are most likely to arise. Technological advancements have also subjected people to challenges such as cybersecurity, which is a great challenge to the policy system of the United States (Birkland, 2019).

Implications for Political Stability

Technological advancements have an impact on the United States political system, which is both a threat and an opportunity to American political stability. Although technological advancements have various advantages, such as citizen engagement, transparency,y, and policy effectiveness, they still have disadvantages that are a challenge to the political system of the United States. Technological advancement has posed a significant challenge to privacy; people no longer have privacy as through technology, a person can have access to any information that they need b,y for example, by hacking the system where that information that they want is stored and accessed well.

Cybersecurity threats are another challenge that results from technological advancement. As technology continues to advance, also the capabilities of the malicious actors who have the main aim of launching cybersecurity threats advance, which is a challenge to the political stability in the United States (government institutions, democratic process, and critical infrastructure).


While the policy cycle provides frameworks that aid in understanding the policy-making process better, it also has some shortcomings that need to be known well. Examining the insight from the policy systems mode, we get to understand well how the policy system and its environment are related to each other. It is very crucial to assess the impact that technological advancements have on the political system of the United States as it helps policymakers come up with an adaptive policy framework and governance that will help them navigate this evolving landscape well.


Hill, M., & Varone, F. (2021). The public policy process. Routledge.


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