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Female Patient Cases

Management Plan:

In treating T.R.’s symptoms, a comprehensive treatment protocol should include both pharmacological and non-pharmacologic approaches. On the pharmacological side, if high proliferate levels are detected by diagnostic tests, dopamine agonists such as cabergoline would be introduced. Such medications regulate prolactin secretion and may prevent abnormal nipple discharge. Furthermore, medication can be prescribed according to the results of neurological assessments in those cases where headaches were mentioned.

On the non-pharmacological aspect, lifestyle changes are of key importance. T.R. should be taught how to handle stress well because too much of it increases the intensity of headaches and distorts general health status. By incorporating regular exercise and a balanced diet, general health may be promoted, which could relieve headaches (Boisseau & N, 2022). In addition to that, educating on the need to perform consistent breast self-exams for T.R. will be a must as well. It enables her to observe the evolving situation in breast tissue and notice any abnormalities as soon as possible. It should be part of the non-pharmacological approach to underline the significance of proper sleep patterns and possible causes for headaches, specific dietary factors or environmental stressors. This holistic approach seeks to address the root sources of T.R.’s symptoms and improve her overall well-being, growth, quality of life, etc.

Other parameters to be taken into account

It is of utmost importance when conducting a full health assessment for T.R. to go beyond the physiological parameters, as there are many other factors involved in achieving maximum health potential. Emotional well-being, stress levels, and mental health should be deeply assessed first of all. By evaluating T.R.’s emotional status and identifying potential stressors, it will be possible to understand how psychosocial factors influence her overall health situation. Secondly, examining the level of social support and engagement in communities is crucial. A supportive environment can have a positive impact on T.R.’s adaptation to health-related challenges and increase resilience. Knowing who she is connected to in the community can help design interventions that use social resources. Finally, lifestyle elements such as dietary habits, physical activity and sleeping behaviour should be thoroughly investigated. These components are critical to overall health and have the potential to influence T.R.’s reaction to pharmacological and non-pharmaceutical intervention significantly. Comprehensively addressing the health assessment parameters is aimed at providing a more thorough picture of T.R.’s overall health status, which will help to develop an effective management program that would fit his specific preferences and needs.

Family development stages

Family developmental stages are dynamic transitions that affect the roles and relations of people in the family. The Launching Stage is also known as the separation phase, where young adults move out of their family homes to either gain independence or advance in education and careers. From this stage, parents and young adults undergo substantial changes due to role shifts as well as alteration of responsibilities. After that, the Empty Nest Stage takes place, whereby parents adjust to their children leaving. This stage involves a reshaping of spousal relationships, renewing personal interests, and perhaps even feeling complex feelings ranging from pride to loss. Finally, the Retirement Stage is a subsequent stage of development where people move from working life to retirement. This phase entails adjusting to the altered routines, potential financial dynamics changes and rethinking personal objectives. Each phase is associated with a set of challenges and opportunities that shape family dynamics and relations; understanding these phases becomes necessary to provide whole healthcare aimed at the greater context rather than individual patients.

Family structure and its function

Family structure and function may play a significant role in determining the health status of an individual. The family structure refers to the nature and arrangement of a familial unit, including any type, such as a nuclear or extended one (Kramer & K. L, 2021). The individual’s support system is defined by the specific relationships within a family, whether parent-child relationships between siblings or across generations. Secondly, family functioning refers to the manner through which a family operates from within, such as communication behaviours, assigned roles of various members and performance levels of collective problem-solving mechanisms. It is more possible to comprehend and meet the health needs of a family member in an open, effective communication clan. Roles that are specifically defined help develop a smoother division of responsibilities, which may influence individuals to handle their health matters accordingly. In addition, the problem-solving strategies in their family setting can determine how well they live. Family structure and function understanding are an important aspect of healthcare as they help the provider understand the type of support patients have in their lives and potential sources of stress that can affect health outcomes, among others.


Boisseau, N. (2022). Physical Activity during the Perinatal Period: Guidelines for Interventions during the Perinatal Period from the French National College of Midwives. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 67, S158-S171.

Kramer, K. L. (2021). The Human Family—Its Evolutionary Context and Diversity. Social Sciences, 10(6), 191.


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