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Kardashian Sisters Messengers of the Patriarchy

The Kardashian family, which consists of Kim, Khloé, Kourtney, Kylie, and Kendall, is an unmatched force in modern pop culture, driven to unprecedented heights by their reality show, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” (KUWTK). The Kardashians are a cultural icon, and they have come to represent the union of wealth, fame, and public interest. This paper undertakes a thorough investigation of their complex influence, delving deeply into three interrelated aspects: the maintenance of patriarchal beliefs, the development of beauty standards, and the moral complexities surrounding their use of surrogacy.[1]. An in-depth examination of the Kardashians’ public personas, the dynamics depicted in KUWTK, and the wider effects of their decisions on gender roles, societal beauty standards, and the changing field of reproductive technologies are necessary to understand the Kardashians’ role in these domains fully. This critical analysis aims to reveal the complex web of their effect, contributing substantially to the current conversation on the complex relationship between celebrity culture and the formation of social norms.

The Kardashians and Patriarchy

The show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” (KUWTK) is a riveting story that deftly combines the Kardashian sisters’ private and public lives with the representation of gender roles serving as a major theme. The show turns into a microcosm of their lives, giving viewers insight into the difficulties of sibling relationships and serving as a mirror of larger gender norms in society.[2]. Examining how each sister manages her many responsibilities as an astute businesswoman, devoted mom, or powerful public figure offers a thorough look at how they actively support, subtly reflect or even defy conventional gender standards. To reveal the layers of gender dynamics inside the Kardashian family, this section delves deeply into the nuances of their gendered positions within the family dynamic. It examines the intersections of parenting, entrepreneurship, and public image.

This section further explores whether the Kardashian sisters function as messengers or representations of the patriarchal system. The theoretical framework of “The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life” by Erving Goffman provides guidance and sheds light on the performative elements present in the Kardashian sisters’ public personas(Lenz, 2022). Through an in-depth analysis of the carefully selected photos and staged scenes featured on KUWTK, the research aims to determine the degree to which the actors’ portrayals either support or challenge conventional gender roles[3]. Is the Kardashian family actively working to change cultural norms, or do their on-screen personas unintentionally reinforce traditional gender roles? This investigation goes beyond their fabricated lives to explore the wider ramifications of their impact on popular culture and the continuous patriarchal construction of the feminine.[4]. The focus shifts to the Kardashians’ cultural effect within the larger patriarchal framework, wherein the nuanced ways in which their performances contribute to the greater narrative of gender standards in society are examined.

The research aims to piece together the complex web of influences that the Kardashian sisters woven into the formation of gender dynamics. Beyond the staged stories, the research attempts to analyze the true contributions and unintentional reaffirmation of social norms reflected in the Kardashian family’s public personas. Through navigating their roles as public personalities, businesswomen, and mothers, the research aims to identify how the Kardashians either question, reflect, or contribute to traditional gender norms. This investigation goes beyond personal viewpoints, acknowledging the wider ramifications of their impact on popular culture. A more comprehensive view of how the Kardashians actively contribute to the continuous formation of gender norms and consequently influence public perspectives is gained by examining their multiple positions within the family dynamic.[5].

The responsibilities that the Kardashian sisters play as cultural influences in the dynamic and changing context of patriarchy are discussed in this section. The research offers insights into the complexity involved in their roles as both producers and products of the patriarchal system by dissecting the layers of their impact on KUWTK and beyond. By deftly navigating gender norms, the Kardashians become more than just entertainment; they become powerful figures who actively shape how people view femininity. This investigation adds to the continuing conversations concerning the role of cultural influencers in the creation and dismantling of gender norms by promoting a closer examination of the complex interactions that exist between celebrity culture, media portrayals, and societal expectations.

Shaping Beauty Standards

The Kardashian sisters have significantly influenced how society views appearance and desirability, and this section explores the complex world of beauty standards in detail. The study notes that the Kardashians’ influence extends beyond “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” (KUWTK) and is ubiquitous in various media domains, such as social media, the fashion, and lifestyle sectors. The Kardashians, including Kim, Khloé, Kourtney, Kylie, and Kendall, are well-known reality TV stars and powerful influencers whose well-chosen photos have a significant impact outside of television. The research attempts to reveal how the Kardashians actively create modern beauty standards by closely examining how the sisters are portrayed in these many contexts, establishing themselves as cultural beauty designers.

Their well-produced photos, which are viewed by the public through various mediums, can significantly influence how attractive and desirable people perceive them. This section acknowledges the Kardashian brand as a multifaceted phenomenon that permeates all elements of contemporary culture, going beyond the superficial portrayals in the media. Their influence on fashion and lifestyle trends is examined along with their social media presence, with millions of followers.[6]. The Kardashian sisters actively define and create beauty standards that appeal to a global audience through their commercial endeavors, endorsements, and strategic partnerships. Through analyzing the complexities of the Kardashian effect on various media platforms, the study thoroughly explains how they have generally shaped modern beauty standards.

The impact of the Kardashian sisters on beauty standards is examined using Susan Sontag’s groundbreaking work, “The Image World,” as a theoretical framework. As the study explores the visual culture that the Kardashians have promoted, Sontag’s observations about how pictures shape society’s perceptions become even more pertinent (MacDonald, 2019). This section attempts to unravel the layers of significance that are ingrained in the meticulously created images connected to the Kardashian brand[7]. Using Sontag’s viewpoint, the study aims to comprehend how the Kardashians deliberately use pictures to create an aspirational style in traditional media and digital platforms. This theoretical underpinning enhances the analysis by offering a nuanced viewpoint on the transforming influence these cultural icons have on developing modern standards of desirability and beauty.

The research aims to disentangle the multiple levels of meaning that are included in the visual stories about the Kardashian sisters. Beyond appearances, the study seeks to interpret the covert and overt messages regarding body image. The research recognizes that their influence is multifaceted and goes beyond the overt messages portrayed in the media. The research aims to identify implicit clues as well as explicit messages that are involved in the creation of beauty standards through the analysis of media portrayals.[8]. This investigation goes beyond simply listing the Kardashians’ impact; it seeks to offer a comprehensive and nuanced view of how they actively contribute to the ongoing conversation about beauty standards through their meticulously maintained public personas.

In addition to adding to the larger discussion on how cultural icons shape modern standards of attractiveness and desirability, this section sheds light on the Kardashians’ influence as beauty influencers—their impact beyond conventional limits, infiltrating worldwide discussions about beauty standards and questioning accepted conventions. By illuminating the intricacies involved in their function as beauty influencers, the study adds to the current conversations concerning the dynamic changes in beauty standards within the framework of celebrity culture. The Kardashians become more than just media targets; they also play a proactive role in redefining cultural ideals of beauty thanks to their deft use of pictures. This investigation deepens our comprehension of the complex interrelationships among media representations, cultural icons, and the ever-evolving standards of society.

Reality Television and Audience Influence

This section delves deeply into the complex interplay between audience response, reality television, and the significant impact the Kardashian sisters wield. Positioned as the main case study within the context of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” (KUWTK), the research begins to analyze the processes that shape viewers’ perspectives. The reality television genre is distinct in straddling the line between performance and authenticity. This calls for an investigation into the complex ways in which viewers interact with the well-constructed identities and produce stories that the Kardashian family presents. This section explores how viewers may discriminate between the real-life Kardashians and the manufactured turmoil created just for laughs.[9]. The research reveals how the Kardashians’ on-screen persona actively influences the attitudes and views of their audience, acting as cultural influencers that go beyond the boundaries of television by exploring the complex performative elements present in reality television.

Using the academic knowledge of Beverley Skeggs, Helen Wood, and Annette Hill as a guide, this section develops a strong theoretical framework to analyze how KUWTK affects society’s values. Skeggs’ analysis of class differences in reality TV stories is significant in light of the Kardashians’ lavish way of living (Mankki & Aho, 2020). The analysis helps clarify how class dynamics are negotiated within the Kardashians’ manufactured reality by considering the possible ramifications for viewers’ conceptions of success, money, and social mobility. The study of audience involvement by Helen Wood provides a prism to evaluate how spectators actively comprehend and absorb the stories being told. This viewpoint raises important concerns regarding the Kardashians’ influence on cultural standards and morals, especially in light of viewer responses. Annette Hill’s observations about the usefulness of reality television make the analysis more thorough, which also calls for a closer look at the wider cultural effects of the Kardashians’ reality show on viewer viewpoints.

This part provides a framework for dissecting the complex relationship between reality television and societal ideals, using the Kardashians as a prism to look at the performative aspects of the genre and how they could affect viewers’ perspectives. The research aims to provide a more nuanced view of how reality television, as demonstrated by the Kardashian phenomenon, actively changes and reflects cultural values by merging the perspectives of Skeggs, Wood, and Hill. Through their meticulously planned reality, the Kardashians become popular entertainment and significant players in the continuous creation of social norms pertaining to success, wealth, and gender roles. This investigation highlights the complex ways in which media representations influence the formation of social views and values, thereby promoting a more thorough consideration of the influence of reality television on cultural values(Hill, 2019). This study intends to advance knowledge of the changing dynamics of media influence in modern society by illuminating the relationship between reality television and cultural values.

The Kardashians are revealed as active creators of cultural narratives rather than just as passive participants in reality television. This section explores how the Kardashian family deliberately influences cultural dialogues about gender, success, and lifestyle through their well-curated reality identities. By closely examining their reality program’s intricate performative elements, the study presents the Kardashians as cultural influencers adept at walking the tightrope between entertainment and authenticity. The Kardashians have a crucial role in influencing public opinion, going beyond the confines of their television program to influence more general cultural discussions.[10]. This section adds to ongoing concerns regarding the power dynamics inherent in celebrity culture and the changing relationship between media representations and societal ideals by thoroughly analyzing the Kardashians’ cultural effect.

Ethical Explorations of Surrogacy

This part delves deeply into the intricate moral dilemmas that underlie the Kardashian sisters’ deliberate choice to expand their family through surrogacy. Aiming to clarify the motivations underlying this decision to have children, the study acknowledges the highly personal nature of family planning. By carefully analyzing public statements, media portrayals, and the television program “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” this study aims to shed light on the complex interplay between the Kardashians’ personal choices, societal expectations, and the larger ethical quandaries that surround public personalities(Gajderowicz et al., 2021). The reasoning behind the Kardashians’ decision to use a surrogate must be thoroughly investigated, taking into account both the highly personal nature of these decisions and the possible impact they may have on how society views assisted reproduction.

The Kardashian family inadvertently contributes to developing social norms and expectations because of their fame and status. The moral concerns posed by the celebrity industry’s monetization of surrogacy are further explored in this subsection. It sheds light on how attitudes toward reproductive technologies and family-building decisions are shifting and raises significant questions about whether the Kardashians’ choices unintentionally reinforce or contradict popular beliefs about assisted reproduction. Noting the increasing prevalence of surrogacy in both celebrity and non-celebrity contexts, the study contributes to the broader ethical discourse surrounding surrogacy by exploring the interactions between reproductive autonomy and celebrity influence. Examining the wider effects of their actions, considering the sociocultural ramifications of the Kardashians’ surrogacy choices, and investigating the moral dilemmas raised by the celebrity surrogacy industry’s commercialization of surrogacy are all part of this.

The decisions made by the Kardashian sisters regarding surrogacy go beyond personal preferences and have a big influence on social norms and public discourse. Through their candid discussion of the moral implications of their reproductive choices, the study examines how the Kardashians shape conversations about agency, autonomy, and the ethics of surrogacy. The importance of the Kardashian family in shaping public opinion of non-traditional reproductive alternatives is highlighted in this paragraph, which also urges a thorough examination of the potential impacts on views toward non-traditional family creation methods. This in-depth analysis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ethical issues surrounding the Kardashians’ surrogacy decisions while acknowledging the Kardashians’ significance in impacting the greater cultural debate on family formation.[11]. The task entails scrutinizing how the Kardashians proactively influence public discourse concerning surrogacy ethics, autonomy, and agency.

In essence, this section delves into the ethical dilemmas brought up by the Kardashian sisters’ choice to use surrogacy, all the while making a substantial contribution to the wider discussions about the intricate relationships between celebrity influence, reproductive technologies, and mainstream conceptions of family. By showing the many levels of ethical complexity embedded in personal decisions, the research encourages additional discourse on the evolving public view of family planning. The Kardashians’ notoriety draws attention from the general public and allows them to actively influence the moral discourse on reproductive liberty. Regarding family planning, this contributes to a better understanding of the complex interactions among personal choices, celebrity influence, and societal norms. The thorough analysis hopes to enhance ethical dialogues and advance a more sophisticated comprehension of the changing public perception of family planning by offering an in-depth examination of the various aspects of the Kardashians’ surrogacy decisions.

Media, News, and TikToks

Focusing on traditional news sources and the Kardashian sisters’ representation in this setting, this section critically analyzes the complex media environment around the sisters. A comprehensive comprehension of the public’s portrayal, discourse, and consumption of the Kardashian family is necessary due to their extensive media presence.[12]. Because of their acknowledged critical influence on public opinion, traditional news sources are now the focus of analysis. In order to understand how the Kardashian sisters are framed with beauty standards, family relationships, and their numerous commercial endeavors, the research looks into the coverage these sites give. The study’s goal is to disentangle the larger cultural narratives that surround the Kardashians by carefully examining the tone, vocabulary, and emphasis employed by traditional media. This investigation comprehensively explains how conventional media influences public views and stories about one of the most well-known families in modern popular culture.

At the same time, the study broadens its analysis to include modern platforms, with TikTok emerging as the dominant player in the digital media space. Undoubtedly, the dynamics of public debate have changed due to the rapidly changing digital media landscape. With its large user base and short-form videos, TikTok has become a prominent forum for discussions about cultural trends and issues. This section aims to explore the various public responses and conversations that the Kardashian sisters have sparked in the digital sphere by delving into TikTok trends around them. The study assesses the multiplicity of viewpoints and cultural influence of the Kardashian phenomenon in the digital sphere by looking into user-generated content, viral challenges, and public comments on TikTok.[13]. It helps to have a sophisticated understanding of the Kardashians’ impact in the dynamic and quickly changing field of digital media to know how the Kardashians are received, criticized, and creatively interpreted on TikTok. The investigation clarifies how people interact with and understand the Kardashian narrative online, as well as the democratization of content creation.

This section, which offers a thorough analysis of the Kardashian sisters’ depictions, essentially acts as a link between traditional and digital media. In order to provide light on the intricate relationships between public perception, celebrity culture, and the changing nature of media consumption in modern society, the research will examine the various responses and conversations that are sparked by these two forms of media (Saputra, 2022). As well-versed in the media, the Kardashians traverse the dynamic and interactive world of digital media and the entrenched narratives of traditional news channels. Ultimately, this investigation enhances the scholarly conversation on the mutually beneficial interaction between celebrities, the media, and public views by providing a more profound comprehension of how the Kardashian story is molded, maintained, and imaginatively interpreted across platforms.

The importance of media representations on public opinion and cultural dialogue is acknowledged in this section. The research explores how these representations impact public debate, affect societal norms, and contribute to the changing landscape of celebrity culture by looking at how the Kardashian narrative is received and engaged in conventional and digital media. The Kardashians actively participate in the story of their family by skillfully navigating various media platforms. This helps to shed light on the working relationship that exists in modern society between celebrities and the media. Contributing to the continuing scholarly discussions on the complex dynamics of celebrity, media, and cultural impact, this approach provides a foundation for understanding how media portrayals shape public opinions.


This study examines the Kardashian sisters’ influence on modern culture, including their roles in patriarchal attitudes, beauty standards, and complex reproductive possibilities. The research uses performing arts theory to examine how their public personas affect gender dynamics, reproductive technology discourse, and beauty norms. The Kardashians influence social norms through “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” traditional media, and TikTok. The study examines their gender roles, visual culture, and beauty standards using Goffman and Sontag frameworks, considering race, class, and cultural variety. The research suggests examining the long-term effects of digital platforms and reality television on community values, contributing to the current debate on celebrities, societal norms, and public figures’ morality.


Cohen, Elizabeth L., Jennifer Knight, Matt Mullin, Ryleigh Herbst, Bryce Leach, Alex Shelley, and Danica Rebich. “Loving to Hate the Kardashians: Examining the interaction of character liking and hate-watching on the social influence of a reality TV show.” Psychology of Popular Media 10, no. 2 (2021), 136–148. doi:10.1037/ppm0000284.

Gajderowicz, Tomasz, Roman Kozłowski, Marek Giergiczny, and Michal W. Krawczyk. “Keeping Up with the Kardashians: Evidence from a Choice Experiment with a Nationally Representative Sample.” SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3978788.

Hill, Annette. “Reality TV.” A Companion to Television, 2019, 199–219. doi:10.1002/9781119269465.ch10.

Lenz, Karl. “The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.” Goffman-Handbuch, 2022, 267-274. doi:10.1007/978-3-476-05871-3_37.

MacDonald, Margaret. “The Image World of Maternal Mortality: Visual Economies of Hope and Aspiration in the Global Campaigns to Reduce Maternal Mortality.” Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 10, no. 2 (2019), 263–285. doi:10.1353/hum.2019.0013.

Mankki, Laura, and Timo Aho. “Feminist Class Politics Revisited: An Interview with Beverley Skeggs.” NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 28, no. 1 (2020), 70-75. doi:10.1080/08038740.2020.1717611.

ROSSI, CARLA, and Francesca Rivetti. “Virtual Influencer Marketing: Is It Effective in Engaging Younger Generations?” European Conference on Social Media 10, no. 1 (2023), 231–240. doi:10.34190/ecsm.10.1.1061.


Tijerina, Jonathan D., Shane D. Morrison, Ian T. Nolan, Matthew J. Parham, Michael T. Richardson, and Rahim Nazerali. “Celebrity Influence Affecting Public Interest in Plastic Surgery Procedures: Google Trends Analysis.” Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 43, no. 6 (2019), 1669–1680. doi:10.1007/s00266-019-01466-7.

[1] Karl Lenz, “The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life,” Goffman-Handbuch, 2022

[2] Annette Hill, “Reality TV,” A Companion to Television, 2019

[3] Tomasz Gajderowicz et al., “Keeping Up with the Kardashians: Evidence from a Choice Experiment with a Nationally Representative Sample,” SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021

[4] Ibid.

[5] Margaret MacDonald, “The Image World of Maternal Mortality: Visual Economies of Hope and Aspiration in the Global Campaigns to Reduce Maternal Mortality,” Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 10, no. 2 (2019)

[6] Laura Mankki and Timo Aho, “Feminist Class Politics Revisited: An Interview with Beverley Skeggs,” NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 28, no. 1 (2020)

[7] Ibid.

[8] Ibid.


[10] Elizabeth L. Cohen et al., “Loving to Hate the Kardashians: Examining the interaction of character liking and hate-watching on the social influence of a reality TV Show,” Psychology of Popular Media 10, no. 2 (2021)

[11] Jonathan D. Tijerina et al., “Celebrity Influence Affecting Public Interest in Plastic Surgery Procedures: Google Trends Analysis,” Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 43, no. 6 (2019)

[12] Ibid.

[13] CARLA ROSSI and Francesca Rivetti, “Virtual Influencer Marketing: Is It Effective in Engaging Younger Generations?” European Conference on Social Media 10, no. 1 (2023)


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