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New Item Posing Challenge at Disney Organization


Disney organization has been criticized and thought to produce sexual content.Many people have disliked the content, terming it inappropriate for all the viewers. The company has admitted that most original productions have yet to be accepted by the target audience. It is essential to understand that the company may face the challenge of attaining inclusivity and sensitivity. The criticism has destroyed the company’s reputation and lost many followers in recent decades. Moreover, the company faces challenges in gender representation and stereotyping that have equally contributed to the new item posing a challenge. The problem has added a new layer of challenge to the company. This essay describes the new posing challenge with its contributing factors, how it is a problem, and its potential effects on the company’s strategies.

Why the New Posing Challenge is a Problem in The Disney Organization. 

The production of perceived sexual content and stereotyping undermines Disney’s efforts in content production. It is essential to understand that audiences are attracted to the production of inclusive content that promotes contemporary values. Historically, the organization has built its reputation on its family-friendly image. The alleged criticisms of sexist content and stereotyping have led to losing followers and trust from the primary audience. In the Disney organization, many of the audience have shown dislike of the content with aspects of sexism and stereotyping (CBS News, 2023). This is a problem for the organization in terms of losing an audience and supporters who ensure the company thrives in a competitive environment. The challenge has also led to a declined streaming and market sales response.

Potential Effects of The Challenge to Strategies of The Company.

The new challenges resulting from the alleged production of sexist content and stereotyping challenge the company’s strategies (Letaief, 2023). The challenge must be addressed in the company’s efforts to promote inclusiveness in its brand promotion strategy. When material maintains gender biases or depicts outdated stereotypes, the inclusive experience for different audiences suffers. Therefore, the company needs help in pursuing a brand promotion strategy. The challenge may be a problem for expanding the international growth strategy. The company is working hard to pursue strategies to reach the global markets. However, the problem in the alleged production of sexual content undermines such efforts of the company.

The challenge may be a problem for organizational efforts in promoting innovation and technological advancement strategy. The organization wants to stay at the forefront of the entertainment industry through innovation and technological advancement. The problem comes when innovation is abused to propagate stereotypes or to include explicit information (O’Kane, 2020). It is critical for Disney’s success to strike a balance between pushing technological frontiers and maintaining a family-friendly image. With such challenges, the company will not ensure that an innovation strategy improves the audience experience.


The new challenge resulting from the alleged criticism of the production of sexual content and stereotyping has drastically destroyed the reputation of the Disney organization. The company has lost potential support and audience. The challenge has exposed the company to the problems of marketing the content and thriving in a competitive environment. The challenge also negatively affects the company’s strategies to ensure diversification. As illustrated above, some strategies undermined by new challenges include brand promotion, expansions of global markets, and innovation and technological expansion strategies.


CBS News (2023). Disney is not sexualizing children, CEO Bob Iger says. CBS NEWS MIAMI.

Letaief, R. (2023, September). Stereotypes in Disney’s classics: A reflection and shaping of American culture.

O’Kane, C. (2020, October 19). Disney adding disclaimer about racist stereotypes to some old movies. CBS News.


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