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Policy Report on the Rising Inequality Issue in the Global Political Economy

Executive Summary

The increasing disparities have become an urgent focal point in the complex web of today’s global issues, demanding a swift and coordinated response. This policy report is valuable in tackling the issue’s intricacies within the larger context of the international political economy. It shows the broad implications of growing inequality and its widespread influence on social cohesion, economic growth, and the complex dynamics of political systems worldwide via a thorough examination. The report highlights how serious the situation is and calls for everyone to acknowledge how important it is to solve this issue.

The research effort stresses how urgent it is to address inequality and its role in determining society’s future. The idea of a strong policy response, thoughtfully prepared to balance the increasing gap between the wealthy few and the disadvantaged masses, is driven by this urgency. Given that the effects of rampant inequality are seen in every sector of society, the study presents its policy recommendations as a calculated move. It seeks to address the underlying reasons in all three realms to create a more sustainable and equitable global political economy and solve current inequalities. The report appeals to politicians to adopt an extensive plan that goes across boundaries and provides a way forward to a future in which the divide between rich and poor is closed for the good of all people.


Defining the Issue

The growing disparity between the rich and the poor indicates rising inequality, an ongoing issue in the complex global political economy. This study thoroughly researches the numerous nuances of this topic and its diverse impacts on the worldwide scene. The main problem is the widening gap between the wealthy and the bulk of disadvantaged people; this inequality has to be tackled immediately and thoroughly investigated (Akizhanov, 2023).

Impact on Various Aspects

The effects of this inequality extend far beyond disparities in income. It hinders economic growth by limiting possibilities for those without opportunity, but its negative impacts are deeply entrenched in society structures. The exacerbation of social inequities results in a dividing environment that compromises the unity of communities. Furthermore, political tensions and the stability of states are seriously threatened by how the entwined tendrils of inequality undermine democratic norms (Asefa & Huang, 2020). Economic disparity erodes the representation of varied perspectives in politics and alters the democratic process as it concentrates political power in the hands of a small number of people.

Root Causes

An extensive awareness of the underlying issues is essential to developing viable solutions. Rising inequality results from a complex interaction between political, social, and economic variables. Globalization and technological advances have accelerated economic progress, but conversely, they have tipped the scales towards the side of the prosperous, leaving the less fortunate behind. Discrimination and inconsistent access to education are examples of social variables that amplify already-existing gaps and prolong cycles of adversity (Cohn, 2021). The political environment exacerbates the problem even more as it often benefits the wealthy with policies that feed back into and widen the wealth disparity. A thorough analysis of these interrelated elements is necessary to effectively respond to growing inequality, acknowledging the systemic character of the problem.

Global Relevance

This research highlights that rising inequality is a global problem that is ubiquitous rather than a regional one limited to particular places. The globalization of today’s globe guarantees that the effects of inequality are cross-border, affecting both rich and developing countries. The desire to redress inequality becomes increasingly critical globally as social, political, and economic institutions grow more interwoven (Court et al., 2022). The research emphasizes the need for inclusive and successful policies that may cross geographical boundaries by acknowledging this global dimension. The call to action goes beyond national borders and focuses on how the world community must work together to address the problems brought on by growing inequality.


Existing Approaches

This part thoroughly examines the state of policies currently in place to mitigate inequality. The impact of renowned solutions, such as social assistance programs, progressive taxes, and educational efforts, in reducing the wealth gap is evaluated. Despite their good intentions, these programs differ in effectiveness, which stresses the need to thoroughly examine their results (Lockwood, 2020).

Strengths and Weaknesses

A critical analysis of present policies is required to understand their intricacies and outcomes. Progressive taxation, for example, is found to have two drawbacks. It is vehemently opposed by powerful interest groups with significant influence over political processes, even if it successfully transfers wealth. Since social welfare services are designed to alleviate immediate suffering, they are effective at providing brief relief. Nevertheless, they frequently need to address the underlying reasons for structural inequality, which may prolong reliance on aid rather than promote long-term empowerment (Ortiz-Juarez & Sumner, 2023). Another intervention component, education programs, is vital in principle but often needs to be improved in practice. These programs, which can level the playing field but frequently fall short of reaching underserved populations, exacerbate existing socioeconomic inequalities and gaps in access to high-quality education.

Alternative Approaches

The study involved analyses of different approaches for addressing inequality, acknowledging the shortcomings of existing techniques. Using classic and new viewpoints, it seeks to provide a deeper comprehension of the topic. The approach is made more difficult by adding ideas from the International Political Economy (IPE), which recognizes that inequality is a fundamental aspect of the global economic system rather than just a local issue (Wade, 2020). This global perspective requires a review of current frameworks, emphasizing the interdependence of states and the requirement for unified international action.

The research report recognizes that newly developed strategies, such as impact investment and social entrepreneurship, can significantly alter how inequality is addressed. These strategies emphasize businesses’ role in fostering inclusive growth by using market forces to achieve social change. Technological advances are also highlighted, including using digital platforms for financial inclusion and educational access (Akizhanov, 2023). These approaches can dismantle established barriers and provide marginalized individuals access to previously unattainable opportunities by utilizing technology’s revolutionary power.

Evidence-based Argument

The report’s strength is its dedication to an argument supported by evidence. Utilizing an enormous amount of scholarly literature and empirical data builds a solid case for preserving or changing current policy. The study’s credibility is increased by this evidence-based methodology, which also provides a solid basis for research and empirical results to support the suggestions made in the report. The study shows the necessity of an inclusive and adaptable strategy, acknowledging that the global political economy is dynamic (Asefa & Huang, 2020). As the political, social, and economic environments change, so must our approaches to combating inequality. By providing an advanced awareness of the connection of the global economy, the incorporation of IPE theory supports the case further. This perspective emphasizes the importance of considering the broader effects of policy interventions, realizing that decisions made in one area of the world might have an impact elsewhere.


Specific Policy Recommendations

This crucial part of the investigation lays a road map for decision-makers by providing precise and doable policy suggestions designed to tackle the difficult problem of growing inequality. The concepts include various issues, including international cooperation, social programs, education, and taxes. Constructed with adaptability in mind, they acknowledge the various difficulties experienced by multiple countries and the necessity of context-specific tactics (Cohn, 2021). Here, the focus is on accuracy and flexibility to give decision-makers a collection of efficient policies that can be adjusted to fit the particular needs of many nations.

The report promotes equitable and progressive tax systems that ensure a just burden sharing. This involves advocating for a more responsible and transparent tax system and removing gaps that allow the wealthy to take advantage of the system. With their focused efforts meant to alleviate severe inequities and protect vulnerable people, social programs are positioned as an essential means of providing immediate help (Court et al., 2022). Concurrently, education is emphasized as a critical component of the long-term plan, with suggestions centred on expanding disadvantaged areas’ access to high-quality education to address the intergenerational cycle of poverty.

It is stressed that international collaboration is a crucial component of successful policy. Partnerships and suggestions for fair trade policies and global initiatives that promote inclusive growth are suggested to reduce the world’s economic imbalances. The report acknowledges that combating inequality necessitates a unified front, and these cooperative efforts aim to maximize the power of the international society as a whole (Lockwood, 2020).

Short-term and Long-term Implications

The importance of the issue, the report clearly outlines the short- and long-term effects of the suggested solutions. Prompt action is recommended to improve severe inequalities and offer immediate assistance to individuals most impacted by inequality. These include special social programs, short-term financial aid, and tax breaks for the most disadvantaged members of society. Concurrently, the long-term plans concentrate on structural adjustments to establish a more just global political economy. Initiatives for international collaboration, tax reforms, and education investments are promoted as transformative components that can open the door to inclusive and long-term economic growth. The report recognizes that an excessively focused emphasis on immediate advantages would not produce long-term benefits (Ortiz-Juarez & Sumner, 2023). Thus, it is believed that a comprehensive and long-term strategy to address growing inequality must continuously perform short-term reduction and long-term structural improvements.

Challenges and Risks

This section presents a realistic evaluation of the dangers and problems that might arise from implementing the suggestions. In light of anticipated opposition from influential interest groups, possible economic disturbances, and geopolitical strains, the paper adopts a proactive approach by providing approaches to overcome these challenges. To improve the viability of implementation, it analyses and addresses the political and economic complexity of attempts to modify current systems (Wade, 2020). It is recognized that strong interest groups interested in preserving the status quo may oppose changes. Proposed methods are for interacting with and convincing various groups, emphasizing the significance of building alliances and presenting policies that align with the larger society’s objectives.

Alignment with Interests and Capabilities

The interests and abilities of the chosen policymakers or organizations are carefully matched with their recommendations to guarantee the viability of execution. The report recognizes the difficulties of applying one-size-fits-all solutions due to many countries’ unique geopolitical, economic, and cultural settings (Akizhanov, 2023). The report increases the probability of successful implementation by customizing solutions to meet every country or location’s unique requirements and capabilities.

Evidence-based Support

This section’s recommendations are all supported by data from pertinent studies and academic articles. By offering a solid theoretical foundation and empirical support for the suggested solutions, this evidence-based approach helps to increase their perceived credibility (Asefa & Huang, 2020). Through the use of a solid body of evidence, the report aims to make a strong case for the effectiveness of the recommended policies, giving stakeholders and policymakers confidence that these suggestions have been founded in a thorough understanding of the complexities of rising inequality and potential solutions rather than merely being theoretical.


This thorough policy report concludes by demonstrating the critical and global traits of the growing inequality challenge and its broad impact on social cohesion, economic development, and political stability. The fundamental causes the study demonstrates the complex interactions between political, social, and economic variables. The report presents further strategies based on International Political Economy theory and critically evaluates existing methods to offer a flexible and nuanced response. The report’s strength is its well-supported recommendations, founded on a broad range of scientific research and empirical data. The suggestions for specific policies include fair taxation, well-funded social programmes and significant educational expenses, all of which emphasize the value of international cooperation. The report connects concepts with different backgrounds and competencies to provide an achievable and situation-specific strategy for solving the urgent issue of growing global inequality, considering risks, obstacles and effects both short- and long-term.


Akizhanov, K.B. (2023) ‘Introduction: The political economy of rising income inequality’, Finance Capitalism and Income Inequality in the Contemporary Global Economy, pp. 1–20. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-21768-5_1.

Asefa, S. and Huang, W.-C. (2020) ‘The Political Economy of Inequality: Introduction’, The Political Economy of Inequality: U.S. and Global Dimensions, pp. 1–12. doi:10.17848/9780880996730.ch1.

Cohn, S. (2021) ‘Book review: trade wars are class wars: How rising inequality distorts the global economy and threatens International Peace’, Review of Radical Political Economics, 54(1), pp. 126–129. doi:10.1177/04866134211023998.

Court, C.D. et al. (2022) ‘Accounting for global value chains: Rising global inequality in the wake of covid-19?’, The Political Economy of Covid-19, pp. 245–263. doi:10.4324/9781003307440-17.

Lockwood, E. (2020) ‘The International Political Economy of global inequality’, Review of International Political Economy, 28(2), pp. 421–445. doi:10.1080/09692290.2020.1775106.

Ortiz-Juarez, E. and Sumner, A. (2023) ‘10. inequality’, Global Political Economy, pp. 223–252. doi:10.1093/hepl/9780198853220.003.0010.

Wade, R.H. (2020) ‘12. global growth, inequality, and poverty:, Global Political Economy, pp. 313–353. doi:10.1093/hepl/9780198820642.003.0012.


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