Plagiarism is the act of taking, using and presenting another person’s writing as one’s own without recognizing the person. It is an action of piracy, falsification and deception, and it is termed a staid misconduct in academics (Foltýnek et al., 2019, p. 36). It is a violation of copyright regulations. Individuals are encouraged to exercise honesty in publication and scientific practice in academics. Plagiarism incorporates using another person’s unpublished and published ideas, words or other academic materials devoid of permission or attribution and handing them out as original and new than got from a prevailing source. It arrays from using another person’s unreferenced unpublished and published ideas without crediting the source of the thoughts or words. Plagiarism applies to both electronic and printed versions.
There are six forms of plagiarism in academia: verbatim plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, paraphrasing, self-plagiarism, cyber plagiarism, and image plagiarism. Verbatim plagiarism is when an individual submits words verbatim of another person in their name without crediting the other person in public (Díaz et al., 2018, p. 101). An example of verbatim plagiarism is replication and pasting an already printed piece without referencing it. This type of plagiarism is commonly used in the introduction and discussion parts of writing. Mosaic plagiarism is a type of plagiarism where every word is not copied but includes mixing one’s words in the opinions and ideas of another person. It is copied and pasted in a patchy way. Paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism where an individual rewrites any paragraph or part of a manuscript in his words. It is restating someone’s ideas and words of someone else. Paraphrasing amounts to plagiarism when the changing of the borrowed words is not referenced.
Cyber plagiarism is transferring or photocopying part or the whole research papers or articles and ideas from the internet and failing to credit the source properly. Image plagiarism is using a video or image without having proper permission or without citing them appropriately (Awasthi 2019, p. 187). Self-plagiarism is a publication of someone else’s work that has already been published and distorts scientific records. This type of plagiarism involves dishonesty and unintellectual theft. Self-plagiarism is classified into duplicate publication, augmented periodical, segmented publication and text recycling. Identical publication is when a writer acquiesces an almost matching or matching copy to two diverse journals. It is taken as a redundant publication. Amplified publication occurs when the writer puts supplementary data to already printed work and modifies the title, recalculates the results and adjusts the aim of the study. The amplified publication is also called a salami-sliced publication. It happens when more than one paper is taken from one research paper. Text reutilizing occurs when a writer uses big parts of his in book form work in his new script.
Academic integrity is applicable to competence in the business environment since it aids establish trust among individuals in a business setting and others. The worth of having self-principles makes one to practice the rightful thing even without other people (Sotiriadou et al., 2020, p. 2140). People tend to trust honest individuals who can do what is essential without being supervised. Dependence is an important thing and can lead to efficacious growth in businesses. Academic integrity means keeping academic honesty to the extent that one does their work and ignores their friends’ work even after offering aid. This part will discuss how academic integrity is relevant to professionalism in a business environment.
Academic integrity is essential in business environments since it helps establish trust between one individual and the other people surrounding him in the commercial field. Individuals can trust one to be honest and do the essential things even without being controlled (Drach and Slobodianiuk 2020, p. 1442). Trust is an important element in businesses, and it makes companies have successful progress. Successful individuals always know the advantages of acting with integrity way. Thus academically integrity individuals fit well in industries and help make the business succeed.
Again, academic integrity is essential in the business environment because it makes an individual’s degree valued. Graduates with high standards of personal integrity have greater chances in employment. This is because employers’ society prefers working with individuals who can certainly inspire the growth of their entity and those who can be entrusted with carrying the organization’s mission to the next level.
Lastly, people with academic integrity have their self-confidence boosted. This means that these individuals can easily take any work assigned to them as they believe in themselves (Lowe et al., 2018, p. 10). They believe that the skills they have acquired genuinely and can easily undertake the work without struggles. People with academic integrity also have peace of mind when undertaking the right tasks and at the right time. Thus, organizations with academic integrity have their performance ranked higher since such individuals are performers.
In conclusion, academic plagiarism is the act of taking, using and presenting another person’s writing as one’s own without recognizing the person. Academic plagiarism can be divided into six types. Individuals must have a high level of plagiarism awareness and ethical issues within authors and scientists. It is important to show honesty and originality in one’s work. As Albert Einstein said,” many people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist; they are wrong, it is the character.” Again, holding high standards of academic integrity protects one from being involved in avoidable problems such as being forbidden from employment by relevant bodies. Academic integrity also enables one to have a stress free life and make them more fruitful. All learning institutes must ensure that their learners practice academic integrity to have effective and trustworthy citizens in the future.
Awasthi, S., 2019. Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct: A Systematic Review. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 39(2).
Díaz, J.C.T., Montoliu, J.M.D. and Becerra, M.H., 2018. Plagiarism, internet and academic success at the university. NAER: Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 7(2), pp.98-104.
Drach, I. and Slobodianiuk, O., 2020. Building a culture of academic integrity in Vinnytsia national technical university (Ukraine). Creative Education, 11(08), p.1442.
Foltýnek, T., Meuschke, N. and Gipp, B., 2019. Academic plagiarism detection: a systematic literature review. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 52(6), pp.1-42.
Lowe, M.S., Londino-Smolar, G., Wendeln, K.E. and Sturek, D.L., 2018. Promoting academic integrity through a stand-alone course in the learning management system. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 14(1), pp.1-11.
Sotiriadou, P., Logan, D., Daly, A. and Guest, R., 2020. The role of authentic assessment to preserve academic integrity and promote skill development and employability. Studies in Higher Education, 45(11), 2132-2148.