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Revolutionizing Access to Finance: The Impact of Fintech Credit on Small-Scale Businesses


One area where the financial technology (fintech) sector has had a particularly disruptive effect recently is small-scale business lending (SBL). The financial industry has seen various changes because to fintech. The market for conventional lending channels, which was formerly controlled by commercial banks, has seen a major increase in the presence of fintech lenders (Sharma et al., 2023). By employing alternative data and advanced credit assessment techniques, fintech lending platforms have been able to fund small businesses in previously unimaginable ways. This has enhanced SMEs’ access to capital and fueled their expansion.

This article examines how fintech lending substantially affects small businesses, examining how it may promote financial inclusion, assist economic development, and change the behavior of the credit markets. By examining exclusive loan-level data from leading fintech SBL platforms including Funding Circle, MPesa, and LendingClub, as well as findings from academic research, the author investigates the transformational aspects and outcomes associated with fintech lending.

The unique characteristics of fintech SBL platforms are examined in the first section of this article, with a focus on their ability to provide loans in areas with significant unemployment and company bankruptcy filing rates. The author looks at the effectiveness of their proprietary credit scoring algorithms, which have proven to be more accurate than traditional methods in predicting loan performance.

The impact of fintech loans on small businesses is also examined by the author. By comparing access to fintech funding with conventional bank loans, the author examines the benefits of small firms, including enhanced company development, wider job opportunities, and higher investment capacity. The author also discusses how firms may diversify their funding sources using fintech finance, which reduces their dependency on traditional banks and increases their financial flexibility.

Platforms for fintech financing

Following the Global Financial Crisis (2008), financial technology has changed the lending sector and posed serious concerns to traditional lenders. Peer-to-peer lending is more flexible and easy because to the advanced technologies used by fintechs. Fintech finance has been accepted by several nations to support SME development, which has been disregarded by traditional banks.

Fintech lending platforms like Funding Circle and LendingClub, particularly in the US, have made a name for themselves as significant rivals in the small business loan (SBL) market. These platforms have considerably grown their market share, challenging the dominance of established community banks. Modern technology and the ability to assess creditworthiness using alternative data are two factors that might be attributed to this tendency.

Internal Credit Scoring Systems That Are Effective

Unlike conventional banks, fintech lenders evaluate the creditworthiness of small businesses using internal credit scoring algorithms and other data sources. By including a larger variety of data aspects, including online sales, social media presence, and cash flow patterns, fintech lenders construct a comprehensive picture of a company’s financial health (Cornelli et al., 2022). This data-driven process enables them to make more accurate lending decisions, which eventually reduces the risk of making loans.

According to studies, credit scoring algorithms employed by fintech lenders predict loan performance more accurately than traditional techniques. The enhanced predictive capabilities of these platforms provide businesses a competitive advantage by enabling them to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers and more efficiently allocate resources (Ashenafi & Dong, 2022). Through fintech platforms, small companies that may have been overlooked or underserved by conventional lenders now have greater access to funding options.

Lending to Sectors Considered to Be High Risk

SMEs are avoided by the conventional banking industry because they are seen as high-risk companies owing to a lack of corporate governance procedures. Furthermore, fintech SBL platforms have shown a specific predisposition to lend in areas with greater incidence of firm bankruptcy filings and unemployment. This illustrates their readiness to provide loans to businesses operating in uncertain financial environments or bad economic areas. By lending money to these businesses, fintech lenders support local economies, promote entrepreneurship, and open up employment opportunities.

The influence of fintech lending is shown by the success of M-Pesa, a mobile payment application that revolutionized financial services in Africa. M-Pesa, which was initially launched in Kenya, made use of fintech to make financial services accessible to previously underserved people. By employing mobile technology as a platform for transactions, M-Pesa bypassed the need for conventional banking infrastructure and provided financial services to distant places (Mbiti & Weil, 2015). By providing them with access to financing for business development and enabling them to participate in the formal economy, this endeavor helped small businesses and people flourish.

Small businesses are impacted by fintech lending in ways that go beyond loan availability. These platforms typically provide an efficient and straightforward borrowing procedure, which cuts down on the time and effort required to get loans. Small firms may benefit greatly from the rapid funding and straightforward application procedure, which helps them to seize development opportunities and better satisfy client expectations.

Encouraging a fair financial system.

Fintech lending has the ability to build a more fair financial system by providing loan access to small businesses that may have been overlooked or less likely to get credit from conventional lenders. Traditional lending processes usually place strict restrictions, place a premium on earlier financial records, and prioritize collateral, making it difficult for small businesses with a questionable credit history or novel company models to secure loans (Venet, 2019). Fintech lending platforms, on the other hand, assess creditworthiness using cutting-edge credit scoring techniques and other data sources. This makes it possible for them to evaluate the prospects of small businesses more completely, taking into account factors like internet sales, social media presence, and cash flow patterns. Small businesses that may have been overlooked by conventional lenders or thought to be too risky now have access to financial options thanks to fintech platforms.

The adoption of M-Pesa in Africa serves as an indication of the revolutionary potential of fintech in promoting financial inclusion. Without access to traditional banking infrastructure, M-Pesa uses mobile technology to lend to individuals and small businesses in rural regions (Mbiti and Weil, 2015). M-Pesa reduced the conventional barriers to financing, opened avenues for business development, and empowered economically underserved groups to engage in the formal economy.

Increasing the development potential of SMEs

A crucial element in the growth and profitability of small businesses is access to capital. Platforms for fintech lending have emerged as a desirable substitute for businesses that would struggle to get loans from conventional lenders. Studies show that small businesses who may get fintech loans gain much more than those whose loan applications are turned down.

Organizations may invest in new projects, expand their businesses, and seize development opportunities thanks to the availability of financing, which leads to a faster rate of firm expansion. Having access to financing allows businesses to fund their development goals, which creates more jobs (Guild, 2017). Furthermore, having financial resources helps small businesses to boost their expenditures in R&D, advertising, technology, and other sectors. The organization benefits from these expenditures by becoming more inventive, productive, and competitive.

Beyond financial outcomes, the resilience and sustainability of the whole firm are also impacted by fintech loans for small enterprises. Fintech platforms provide companies with access to funding, enabling them to deal with unanticipated costs and momentarily challenging cash flow difficulties. This financial support encourages company stability and relieves entrepreneurs of financial concerns so they may focus on formulating business strategies.

Increasing capital sources diversity

Fintech loans have helped businesses keep their financial flexibility, diversify their financing sources, and reduce their reliance on banks. Businesses get long-term unsecured loans, which reduces their vulnerability to banks with less liquid assets, consistent cash flow, and capital. Businesses with access to fintech financing may employ fintech debt instead of long-term bank debt, increasing leverage.

Banks have historically been an important source of capital for small enterprises. However, fintech lending sites provide a different way to get money. Diversifying their sources of funding might help businesses become less dependent on banks and have more management freedom (Jouti, 2021). Fintech lending platforms commonly provide long-term unsecured loans, allowing firms to get money without having to put up collateral. The companies that stand to gain the most from this are those with limited assets or those operating in industries where physical collateral is scarce. Thanks to the availability of unsecured loans, small companies may now get the funding they need to support development and expansion even without the conventional kinds of collateral.

Companies with less accessible capital, predictable cash flow, and liquid assets may also use fintech finance to reduce their reliance on banks. Fintech credit enables businesses to get funding from a wider range of sources, lowering the risks involved with depending just on a few.


In conclusion, fintech lending platforms have changed the financing environment for small businesses, endangering the market share of conventional community banks. With the use of advanced credit scoring algorithms and alternative data, fintech lenders have enhanced their ability to evaluate creditworthiness efficiently. They have shown a willingness to lend to businesses in economically challenging locations, fostering regional economic growth. Fintech lending has an impact that extends beyond making credit more accessible; it also makes the borrowing process simpler and equips small companies with the resources they need to thrive in a market that is changing quickly. As they grow and evolve, these platforms may change the lending landscape for small businesses, encouraging financial inclusion and economic growth.


Cornelli, G. et al., 2022. The impact of fintech lending on credit access for U.S. Small Businesses’, Working paper (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) [Preprint]. doi:10.21799/frbp.wp.2022.14.

Sharma, S.K., Ilavarasan, P.V. and Karanasios, S., 2023. Small businesses and Fintech: A systematic review and Future Directions’, Electronic Commerce Research [Preprint]. doi:10.1007/s10660-023-09705-5.

Jouti, A.T., 2021. Islamic FinTech and Financial Inclusion. Islamic FinTech: Insights and Solutions, pp.209-229.

Guild, J., 2017. Fintech and the Future of Finance. Asian Journal of Public Affairs, pp.17-20.

Venet, B., 2019. FinTech and financial inclusion. In A Research Agenda for Financial Inclusion and Microfinance (pp. 162-172). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ashenafi, B.B. and Dong, Y., 2022. Financial Inclusion, Fintech, and Income Inequality in Africa. FinTech1(4), pp.376-387.

Mbiti, I. and Weil, D.N., 2015. Mobile banking: The impact of M-Pesa in Kenya. In African successes, Volume III: Modernization and development (pp. 247-293). University of Chicago Press.


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