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Analyzing a Workplace Conflict: “Whom Do We Hire?”


In this narrated presentation, we will analyze the conversation regarding a workplace conflict titled “Who Do We Hire?” Our focus will be on identifying and discussing the TRIP (Topic, Relational, Identity, Process) elements of the conflict, predicting its possible resolution, understanding the goals of the involved parties, and providing suggestions for resolving the conflict.

  1. Identifying TRIP Elements of the Conflict:
  2. Topic (T) Issue: The issue in this conflict revolves around the question of whom to hire for a specific position within the organization. Different opinions and preferences regarding the candidate’s qualifications, skills, and experience contribute to the disagreement.
  3. Relational (R) Issue: The relational issue in this conflict relates to the strained relationship between the parties involved. Conflicting viewpoints on the hiring decision have created a tense atmosphere, leading to potential communication breakdowns and difficulties in finding common ground.
  4. Identity (I) Issue: The identity issue in this conflict arises from personal beliefs and biases held by the individuals involved. Their identities, backgrounds, and experiences can shape their perspectives on what qualities or attribute a suitable candidate should possess. These differences may impact their judgment and decision-making.
  5. Process (P) Issue: The process issue pertains to the methods used for evaluating candidates and reaching a consensus on the hiring decision. Differences in the assessment criteria, lack of standardized procedures, or ineffective communication channels can help reach a mutually agreeable solution.
  6. II. Predicting the Conclusion of the Conversation:

Predicting the exact conclusion of a conflict is challenging since outcomes depend on numerous factors. However, considering the need for a resolution and the benefits of maintaining a harmonious work environment, the conversation will likely progress toward finding common ground and a mutually acceptable solution (Schulze & Pinkow, 2020). Open communication, active listening, and a willingness to consider alternative viewpoints will contribute to a productive outcome.

III. Goals of the Involved Parties:

  1. Party 1: The goal of Party 1 may be to hire a candidate who aligns with their preferred qualifications, skills, and experience. They may prioritize certain attributes over others based on their perspectives and the position’s requirements (Amis et al., 2020). Their goal might be to advocate for a candidate who meets their criteria.
  2. Party 2: The goal of Party 2 could be to ensure a fair and unbiased selection process. They may emphasize equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion. They may consider a broader range of qualifications, skills, and experiences, contributing to a more diverse and dynamic workplace.

Changes in Goals:

As the conversation progresses, the goals of the parties may evolve. They might recognize the value of considering a broader range of perspectives and qualities in hiring. By acknowledging the importance of diversity and inclusion, they may shift their goals toward finding a candidate with a balance of skills and experiences while maintaining a fair and inclusive process.

  1. Suggestions for Resolving the Conflict:
  2. Foster Open Dialogue: Encourage the parties to communicate openly and respectfully. Actively listen to each other’s perspectives and encourage them to express their reasoning behind their preferences (Amsler et al., 2020). This will facilitate a deeper understanding of the underlying concerns and create an environment conducive to finding common ground.
  3. Define Evaluation Criteria:

Establish clear and standardized evaluation criteria for assessing candidates. This will help minimize ambiguity and provide a framework for objective decision-making. Consider incorporating diverse qualifications, skills, and experiences into the criteria to ensure a fair and inclusive selection process.

  1. Seek Mediation if Necessary:

If the conflict becomes increasingly challenging to resolve, involving a neutral third party or mediator might be beneficial. A mediator can facilitate constructive discussions, help manage emotions, and guide the parties toward a mutually agreeable solution. The mediator’s role is to create a safe space for open dialogue, encourage active listening, and assist in exploring alternative options. Their impartial perspective can help the parties navigate through the conflict more effectively.

  1. Explore Compromise and Collaboration:

Encourage the parties to consider compromise and collaboration as potential solutions. They can identify common ground and mutually beneficial outcomes by integrating different viewpoints and leveraging each other’s strengths. The parties can work together toward a resolution by focusing on shared goals and the organization’s overall success.

  1. Reflect on Personal Biases:

Urge the parties to reflect on their biases and preconceptions that may influence their perspectives. Promote self-awareness and encourage a willingness to challenge assumptions and consider alternative viewpoints. By acknowledging and addressing personal biases, the parties can contribute to a fair and objective decision-making process.

  1. Concentrate on the Big Picture: 

Remind all parties of the significance of maintaining a harmonious work atmosphere. Emphasize the organization’s common aims and values, such as diversity, inclusion, and productivity. Please encourage them to put the team’s and the organization’s overall well-being ahead of personal preferences.


In conclusion, the “Whom Do We Hire?” conflict encompasses various TRIP elements, including topic, relational, Identity, and process issues. The conflict can be effectively managed by understanding these elements, predicting the potential resolution, recognizing the goals of the involved parties, and implementing suggested strategies. The parties can strive toward a mutually agreed solution by engaging in open communication. In addition, can strive toward mutually agreed solutions by creating evaluation criteria, seeking mediation if required, encouraging compromise and collaboration, reflecting on personal biases, and concentrating on the broader picture. Resolving disagreements professionally and constructively promotes a pleasant work environment and helps the organization’s success.


Amis, J. M., Mair, J., & Munir, K. A. (2020). The organizational reproduction of inequality. Academy of Management Annals, 14(1), 195-230.

Amsler, L. B., Martinez, J., & Smith, S. E. (2020). Dispute system design: Preventing, managing, and resolving conflict. Stanford University Press.

Schulze, J. H., & Pinkow, F. (2020). Leadership for organizational adaptability: How enabling leaders create adaptive space. Administrative sciences, 10(3), 37.


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