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Essay on Voluntary Death

Death is an inevitable reality that marks the final chapter in the lives of all living beings. Death might be an inevitable part of life; however, it can be argued that some people choose to end their lives prematurely or even kill themselves. Life is said to have ended prematurely if it ends before its natural lifespan or God’s appointed time. To die voluntarily is the other option. Euthanasia, or “voluntary death,” is the intentional ending of human life at the patient’s request to alleviate their pain and suffering. Medically aided suicide is one method of voluntary death that does not violate the law. Voluntary euthanasia is a voluntary death in which a doctor gives a terminally ill patient a lethal over-the-counter or prescription drug injection to end the patient’s suffering and assists suicide. The doctor helps the patient give themselves a lethal over-the-counter or prescription drug injection, which are examples of medical assistance in dying. Some people believe that people die voluntarily due to curses, while others feel that it is because they are making a spiritual sacrifice. This paper seeks to clarify intentional death’s nature, scope, and implications. This paper will change your mind if you’ve always assumed that people die of natural causes. Suppose you’ve thought that all cases of suicide are handled according to the law and include pure free will. In that case, this paper will show you that voluntary deaths are performed solely for religious or sacrificial reasons.

One of the many ways people choose to end their lives voluntarily is through optimal sacrifice. It entails putting an end to the life of a family member who has expressed a desire to pass away and who is likely sick or elderly. This practice of dying of one’s own accord has been passed down through a lengthy chain of generations in several different guises. Some of the methods used include, but are not limited to, committing suicide by hanging or abandoning loved ones in an isolated wilderness area where they have limited or no access to either food or water. Using anthropological evidence from the Chukchi of northern Kamchatka, one could argue that suicide is a form of ritual blood sacrifice. It is possible to accomplish this by using the information available. This argument reframes age-old disputes about sacrifice by positing that an ideal sacrificial structure—the impossible act of self-sacrifice—lies behind the triangle formed by the sacrificer, the deity, and the victim. This argument recasts debates that have been going on for a long time. As a result of this structure, it is feasible to conceive of voluntary death as fundamentally distinct from suicide — in fact, as a ritual reversal of the act of suicide. Some people are so fascinated by the idea of dying voluntarily that they encourage it in the lives of their loved ones to the point that they become distressed whenever it does not occur. On the other hand, it raises the question of whether the deaths are a type of sacrifice as opposed to being the result of murder or suicide.

While most deaths are assumed to be natural, some may get argued to be unnatural. To give a few examples, famine, drinking contaminated water, and improper medical care can all result in death. Deaths in mysterious circumstances may connect to evil forces like sorcery, the evil eye, or possession (Britannica, 2022). While the dead must adjust to their new spiritual existence, the living must come to terms with the reality that a loved one has died physically but lives on spiritually. Both sides of the cosmic split have methods for communicating with the dead, such as spirit possession and other forms of spirit communication. Understanding death as a journey of becoming that is also marked by social rupture, ritual, and the problems of grief and attachment require an examination of traditional and modern mortuary practices. Afterlife adventures, possession by evil spirits, and other forms of communication with the other side are all topics typically associated with discussions about death and the afterlife. Pregnant women, children, and animals are supposed to be especially vulnerable to the effects of an evil eye, which is a sight that is believed to have the capacity to inflict injury or death on those on whom it falls. Sometimes people believe that the evil eye’s influence is uncontrollable even if they provide it. The act of dying itself, as well as the rituals surrounding it, can be viewed as a form of communal sacrifice.

The act of dying is a necessary part of life. Nevertheless, apprehension of one’s mortality is unavoidable. Some members of some societies choose to participate in tearless burials. This results from the erroneous conceptions and prejudices that the deceased’s spirit is continually wandering around the graveyard. Some people in the community go so far as to paint their faces crimson to ward off the evil spirits that are believed to be associated with death. Children in specific communities are not protected from the elements and are forced to forage through rubbish for food, eating things like bananas and orange peels. Finding a reason to live that is worth living for, even though death is unavoidable, is one way to alleviate the anxiety associated with dying.


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2022, August 22). evil eye.


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