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Solution to Healthcare System Crisis

The United States is currently dealing with a persistent crisis in the healthcare system that involves substantial challenges. Even though access and cost continue to be tremendous obstacles, ongoing attempts are being made to discover feasible solutions. This discussion will reflect on the future of the healthcare of the US, keeping in consideration the direction that the healthcare system is taking, responding to the question of whether access to healthcare is a right, analyzing the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act, suggesting alternative solutions and Biblical principle that align with the solutions.

Opinion on the Direction of Healthcare the US is Taking

The US has put in place various measures to ensure that there is effective delivery of affordable care to all its residents. To make healthcare affordable, the US enacted the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, which has increased access to care over time (AMA, 2019). Despite this, there are still continuous issues to be faced in terms of expanding coverage and containing rising expenses. The ever-increasing costs of healthcare, which include insurance premiums and prescription medications, highlight the necessity of developing measures to improve cost-effectiveness and guarantee that all Americans have access to reasonable financial resources. The US government has also embraced technological innovation to better the healthcare system by incorporating telemedicine and electronic health records (EHR) (AHA, n.d.). This has revolutionized care and made it even more accessible. However, this effort faces a challenge in that clinical staff are not conversant with the technology and may take time to adopt it. The government has also shown commitment to making access to healthcare better by revolutionizing healthcare infrastructure to be modern. This is an effort that has played a major part in making healthcare possible for the US population. This was evident during the Covid 19 pandemic when the health facilities were able to deal with the pandemic using various health facilities (AHA, n.d.). In conclusion, I feel that the US has made efforts with the motive of making healthcare affordable and accessible but still has room for improvement as there are various challenges that the efforts face.

Should Access to Healthcare Be Considered a Right?

Based on the values of fairness, compassion, and the intrinsic value of every human, access to healthcare ought to be regarded as a fundamental right (OHCHR, 2024). By recognizing healthcare as a right, we are demonstrating our dedication to human dignity and admitting that every individual is deserving of the opportunity to achieve the highest possible degree of health. Through the recognition of healthcare as a fundamental human right, we not only give priority to the well-being of people, but we also make investments in the general health and productivity of our communities. This allows us to establish a society that places a high value on and safeguards the health of all of its members. The implementation of this strategy will result in the creation of a potent instrument that can be used to prevent and reduce health disparities, promote the well-being of communities, and make a contribution to the development of a society in which opportunities and resources are allocated in an equitable manner (Healthy People 2030, 2023). In addition, this viewpoint is in line with international human rights norms, which place an emphasis on a worldwide commitment to the right to health. In addition to this, it is a declaration of our dedication to human dignity, which acknowledges that every individual is deserving of the opportunity to achieve the highest possible level of health (OCHR, 2024). Access to healthcare should be regarded as a fundamental right that should be enjoyed by all individuals. This coincides with a moral responsibility to alleviate suffering and promotes social justice by ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic situation, have equal access to critical health services (Healthy People 2030, 2023).

Impact of the Affordable Care Act of 2010

The main aim of implementing the Affordable Care Act was to make healthcare more affordable and accessible to US citizens. The implementation brought about changes such as expanding Medicaid, establishing affordable medical insurance markets, outlining how the customers are protected, and generally making health more accessible to every person (AMA, 2019). The act has been effective in increasing the affordability and accessibility of care by increasing eligibility for covering health expenses through Medicaid. When it was established, citizens the initiative led to an increase in the number of people registered under Medicaid (AMA, 2019). The ACA made substantial progress in reducing the uninsured rate in the United States. A number of consumer protections were also included in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including the prohibition on insurance companies refusing coverage on the basis of pre-existing diseases and the provision that permits young individuals to remain on their parents’ health plans until the age of 26 (AMA, 2019). Basically, the implementation of the act was an effective measure that revolutionized access to care in the US.

However, the Affordable Care Act has not been fully successful in solving the challenges that face the US healthcare system. There is a limitation in that the marketplaces that were established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have encountered difficulties with regard to the involvement of insurers and the stability of the market. This has resulted in fewer options for consumers and the possibility of premium rises. Even though the Affordable Care Act (ACA) included value-based payment methods, efforts to enhance the quality of care have been met with inequities, particularly among communities that are disadvantaged (Roland, 2019). There has been an increase in misunderstanding and administrative burdens as a result of the administrative complexity of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is characterized by its comprehensive regulatory structure (Roland, 2019). This has resulted in challenges for both consumers and healthcare providers. In addition, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has struggled to control the rising costs of healthcare successfully, with spending continuing to climb at rates that are not conducive to sustainability. This is despite the fact that the ACA has ambitious aims. The issue of affordability continues to be a major worry, particularly for persons with middle incomes who are currently on the “subsidy cliff” (Roland, 2019). Premiums and out-of-pocket payments have both increased in rice. For these reasons, I feel that the ACA is not efficient enough to solve all the challenges that the US healthcare system continues to face.

Suggested Solutions and How They Align With Biblical Principals

To begin, addressing the social determinants of health would be a priority in the effort to deal with the challenges of the US healthcare system. This would involve acknowledging the influence that issues such as financial disparity, education, and environmental circumstances have on an individual’s overall well-being. This proposition is consistent with the ideals of justice and care for those who are vulnerable, which are found in the Bible (Droach, 2020). The goal of these improvements is to establish a healthcare system that is more equitable and compassionate by concentrating on systemic issues that contribute to health disparities. The second solution I would seek to integrate into the healthcare system is emphasizing the importance of public health and preventative care initiatives in the community. There seems to be insufficient public education on the significance of these activities, which, when observed, would play a crucial role in reducing health-related disparities and improving the population’s general health. This would be possible by investing more in health literacy through the various media available to the public. This initiative aligns with the Biblical teachings of stewardship and caring for the body as it is considered holy.

Moreover, in order to address the problem of rising healthcare costs, the modifications that I propose would involve the implementation of measures to control expenditures, this would include measures such as transparency in pricing, value-based care, and novel payment models, which would be crucial in standardizing healthcare costs, an issue which the ACA has been struggling to address. This strategy is consistent with the biblical ideals of stewardship, which emphasize the responsible use of resources for the greater good, and justice, which ensures that financial responsibilities are dispersed equitably (Roland, 2019). Lastly, I would push for measures that bring the USA of America closer to reaching the goal of providing basic healthcare to all of its citizens. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to guarantee that all people, regardless of their socioeconomic standing, have access to the necessary medical treatments. This assertion is consistent with the core ideals found in the Bible, particularly those pertaining to compassion and justice. The concept of emphasizing the moral need to look out for the well-being of all individuals, particularly those who are vulnerable, is reminiscent of a number of different religious beliefs (Roland, 2019).


AHA. (n.d.). Advancing health in America. American Hospital Association.

AMA. (2019, December 3). Understanding the Affordable Care Act. American Medical Association.

Droach. (2020, November 16). The Bible and health care. BibleMesh.

Healthy People 2030. (2023). Access to health services. Home of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion –

OHCHR. (2024). OHCHR and the right to health.

Roland, J. (2019). The pros and cons of ObamaCare. Healthline.


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