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Self-Coaching: Enhancing Personal Growth Through Self-Reflection and Positive Thinking

Life coaching is a crucial process that requires commitment and discipline. This process involves setting and achieving personal and professional goals to make positive changes in one’s life. These changes include overcoming obstacles or improving many parts of lifestyles that are experienced. The coaching process focuses not on the past but on present and future changes. Life coaches should help their clients achieve improved self-confidence and self-awareness to enhance their communication skills, which affect their relationships and build. Life coaching has proven to enhance a person’s overall wellness and better clarify their life and the purpose they aspire to achieve. It reduces the stress level that people experience, which builds up their resilience and helps people develop a growing mindset.


The YouTube video I chose is titled “Being Your Own Life Coach,” posted on the TEDx Talks channel. The video features John Muldoon as the speaker from the United States of America; he is a history teacher and the principal at Shanghai American School Puxi. The speaker insists that everyone deserves a great coach in their life, and that begins with themselves (TEDx talks, 2018 min 26:40). John Muldoon speaks about the importance of being our life coach, which involves changing our patterns of thinking and how it is essential to give thanks on the good things in our life, and how it is necessary to think positively about ourself and our life.


I like how Muldoon interacts with the audience and makes jokes with them. I also appreciate that he follows what he advocates; this is evident when Muldoon appreciates the person who introduced him, complimenting that it was a good introduction (TEDx talks, 2018 min 00:20). The presenter did an excellent job in narrating his life experience and how he was able to achieve self-coaching and told of his setbacks and the people who help him in his journey. A part of the video that, if found, could need improvement is the audience’s engagement with the talk; I would have appreciated seeing snippets of the audience’s reactions throughout the presentation, not at the end.

The video shared visual/technical elements. The most vivid is the TEDx art post, which is in red, and the presentation at the back, which I think is the information about the venue of the talk; the presenter also outlines a visual effect, which is the red dot on the ground (TEDx talks, 2018 min 00:30) and based on his explanation I have also observed similar visual effects on multiple if not all TEDx talk videos. The video also shared good technical elements: good lighting, clear sound, appropriate length, and high-quality production. This video is a good selection for anyone interested in life coaching since it encourages self-couching as a method.

Coaching Implications

The course literature supports and shares the same views with Muldoon. The speaker’s core principle is that everyone deserves a great coach, which begins with themselves (TEDx talks, 2018 min 26:40). Franklin shares the same reasoning that the more a coach works on themselves, the better the coaching they offer. Learning from our client’s challenges helps us reflect on the challenges affecting us personally as coaches (Franklin, 2019). The speaker also shares that our brains influence how we feel about ourselves and that we should shape our brains to have positive thoughts every day (TEDx talks, 2018 min 2:50). Reynolds shares the same reasoning that the brain is a box full of stories that guide us every day and should be protected from outside influence. We should choose how we feel about effective coaching (Reynolds, 2020). Developing positive feelings and thoughts assists us in self-coaching and enables us to see and solve the challenges we share with our clients.

Personal/Professional Implications

I resonate with the speaker’s views. The part where I share a connection with the video is the point where Muldoon shows how our brains create voices that shape how we think about ourselves and the world (TEDx talks, 2018 min 9:40). I connect with this video professionally because of the outline of how to manage our brain which is identification, finding, objective, management (TEDx talks, 2018 min 25:00). This video has also informed my perceptions of the coaching process by introducing the concept of self-coaching. I intend to use self-coaching to boost my thinking patterns and to assist my clients in developing positive thinking patterns to appreciate things in their lives.


Self-coaching is a powerful coaching method since it involves hard work and self-introspection. Developing positive thinking is crucial because it affects how we feel about ourselves and the things happening in our environment. Understanding thinking patterns and how they shape how we interact with the world is vital because it influences how we operate in our environment. Achieving self-coaching requires self-investigation by identifying the problem to solve, finding why that is a problem, objectifying the desired outcome, and managing to ensure the objective is achieved.


Franklin, M. (2019). The heart of laser-focused coaching: A revolutionary approach to masterful coaching. Thomas Noble Books.

Reynolds, M. (2020). Coach the person, not the problem: A guide to using reflective inquiry. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

TEDx talks. (2018, July 11). Being your Own Life Coach [Video]. YouTube.


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