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Queer a Jewish Practice: Purim

Purim is one of the most celebrated Jewish practices in history. In English interpretation, it can be called “Feasts of Lots.” This festival or celebration is usually done to mark and remember the survival of the Jewish people who, in the early 5th century BCE, were marked and were supposed to be killed by the Persian rulers leading them then. This historical context can also be seen from the biblical perspective, especially from the Book of Esther. In fact, Esther is celebrated the most in this ceremony due to her bravery, which led to the savings of the Jews from the biblical point of view (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica). There was a long-standing rivalry between the Jews, especially Mordecai, and the chief minister of King Ahasuerus, Harman. Harman claims that Mordecai has been rebellious to them, disdaining the King and his leadership. The only solution to this problem is that Mordecai and all other Jews be killed in the land, and since the King had so much trust in Harman, a day for execution was set even though the queen to the King was Jewish herself.

The queen to the King heard what Harman was planning. She was the only one in the position who could save the rest of the Jews as she had close access to the King compared to any other Jewish person. But to get to the King, she had to risk her life since a queen could only see the King on specific dates or times. If she had waited for the stated date to arrive to see the King, the Jews would have long been killed. With this in mind, Esther risks her life and invites the King and Haman to a banquet (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica). While at the banquet, the queen impressed the King, and she was ordered to ask for a favor in that situation; he told the King how Haman had oppressed the Jews and reminded the King that herself is a Jew. The agony that the Jews will feel and Mordecai would be the same as Esther’s. Upon hearing this, the King becomes angry at Haman and orders that Haman be the one to be executed instead. This heroic act saved the Jews, and thus the feast of Purim is celebrated in the other for this day and the heroics of Esther.

This practice of Purim can be given queer interpretation. In this perspective, coming out as a member of the LGBTQ can be seen as the same act of Esther taking risks in making sure that she reveals her identity to the King to save her people. Coming out as a member of the LGBTQ community can be measured as a sign of affirmation and strength, as it is not easy to advocate for the LGBTQ community. This community faces the biggest challenge in society today since, in most parts of the world, people still refuse to accept them and their choices. The community is being treated differently, and most of the time, when one says that they are a member of the LGBTQ community, they are seen as immoral and something of sorts for going against the long-standing values of society. People under LGBTQ are subjected to discrimination, harassment, hate, and violence in various aspects of their life (Heinze). They are treated as fewer humans in many instances.

The history of Purim also tries to bring insight into risks associated with concealing identity. More harm can befall a person if they try to conceal their identity compared to when they become real. It is important to note that in Purim history, Esther managed to conceal her identity throughout her life, even when she was chosen as the queen to the King. She thought this was better for her in the long run, but it reached a point where she had to reveal her true identity. There were greater achievements when she came out as real than when she was hiding. This can be related to the LGBTQ community. Most of the time, the members usually hide their identities due to fear of discrimination and rejection from the community (Megarry). This, in a way, limits their potential and forces them to change how they live. Coming out and revealing themselves can give the members the power to be free and authentic. This will give them the ground to continue their normal life as others do without struggling. The problem with concealing their identity is that they must pretend, which takes some power from them. It is important to be free for the greater good to be achieved and to embrace the true self.

Celebration of Purim simply embraces inclusion and diversity among different people in society. The LGBTQ community has faced many challenges, and great strides have been made along the way. Many countries and people are changing their views on the community as it is becoming more acceptable across the globe, and this is a great stride toward achieving equality and freedom (Wolf). Purim simply indicates that differences can be embraced, and the community lives in harmony with each other despite the choices that each one made. The LGBTQ community can also come out and celebrate themselves, and this would make others consider them as important than before. The value the people would give to the LGBTQ community would depend on how much value they attach to themselves. The LGBTQ community can just be celebrated like Esther’s celebration during Purim. It is important to realize they have across the globe and stick with it.

Another indication that Purim can have is that society’s marginalized and lesser people should not be oppressed. It is simply a celebration that sends the message out there that no one should be oppressed, depending on what they do and their options. The celebration is keen on promoting social justice across the world. The LGBTQ community is considered different, which is why in most countries, the members are not given the right they should have. The community can use the such celebration to stand with others who are oppressed and marginalized in society as it sends the message that “we understand your pain, and you should be treated equally with other people who are considered to be superior.” This is important in positioning them as one of the most influential societies in the world. This would shift the attention from the LGBTQ to others who are oppressed and try to help where one can. This action alone is a win for the community as the society would no longer see it as different from the majority as their position is already established.

In conclusion, Purim can be well given the queer interpretation. This is a practice that is well-celebrated in the Jewish community. It reveals a society that overcomes oppression even in one of the most difficult times, just like the LGBTQ community. Sometimes the best way to win a game is by ensuring that the opposition plays the game that one has taken to them. The key reason for this celebration is to show that one can overcome any form of discrimination and oppression placed on their head; there are always risks that one has to take, but in the end, the rewards are always great.

Works Cited

Heinze, JL. “Fact Sheet on Injustice in the LGBTQ Community.” National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 24 June 2021,

Megarry, Daniel. “Over a Third of LGBTQ People Hide Their Identity at Work out of Fear of Discrimination.” GAY TIMES, 26 Apr. 2018,

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. “Purim | Definition, Traditions, & Facts.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 20 Dec. 2018,

Wolf, Marin. “Acceptance of LGBTQ People Has Risen Worldwide.”, 25 June 2020, Accessed 17 Apr. 2023.


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