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Nursing Innovation for Urgent Care Setting

This report is geared towards meeting this new CEO’s vision to design a viable strategy to promote effective patient care delivery through our nursing unit. As the nurse manager, I am aware that now is when changes should be introduced to health care delivery. This chapter will present the second strategy, concentrating on the thoughtful implementation of technology to enhance quality patient care. Innovation is the driving force behind our ambition to overcome contemporary threats, making nursing processes great again. The study is intended to provide an analysis of the state, with some particular challenges identified, and a comprehensive roadmap that offers detailed solutions outlining patients’ safety and top-quality care will be presented.


It is necessary to note all the current systems, applications, and devices used to assess our nursing department’s state of technology. This inventory will include EHRs, communication platforms, diagnostic tools, and other technology directly affecting patient care. The audit will also seek to establish any leaks or inefficiencies associated with the current technical environment (Sacca et al., 2023). We will consider the opinions of field employees by conducting surveys and interviews to find out about the usability, effectiveness, and limitations of contemporary technology. To better understand the current abilities of our staff, we should evaluate training programs, and familiarity with these technologies is an essential factor in choosing suitable options. Initially, these results will be ranked based on the importance of each technology for patient care delivery, the scope for improvement opportunities, and how closely they fit into departmental objectives (Sacca et al., 2023). This holistic assessment aims to discover the components that need innovating and provide a baseline knowledge of our technology ecosystem on which other strategic actions in patient care delivery will be built. The holistic evaluation method could help us adapt our innovation strategy according to the demands and challenges we face as a nursing department by tailoring it specifically for them.


The diagnostic phase stresses the shortcomings of our current patient-care delivery system, which demands revolutionary strategies. The present technology may play a crucial role, but it doesn’t integrate appropriately within our processes, which can put timely and quality treatment delivery at risk (Sacca et al., 2023). Moreover, challenges, including outdated interfaces, data silos, and inoperability, stand against the collaborative process through which healthcare is provided. Addressing these challenges ensures patients’ safety and the quality of their care. This diagnosis also highlights the need for technology that facilitates communication and information sharing between healthcare workers and the importance of patient-centeredness (Gupta, 2023). With further identification of such weaknesses, we can redefine our innovation strategy in response to them and create a technically empirical setting that addresses patient care issues as needed in advanced preparation for emerging challenges within the future health market.


Developing and implementing an innovative way to improve patient care delivery in our nursing department is a reasonable strategic plan. Hence, the extensive literature analysis in the field of innovation that we have chosen will give easily demonstrative and evidence-based recommendations for supporting our strategy (Sacca et al., 2023). In our suggestions for implementation, we will first provide the plans and methods that comply with present workflows to avoid obstruction of daily activities. The plan will also incorporate guidelines detailing the procedures of ongoing surveillance and analysis to detect any emergencies promptly, other than attaining patient safety and admirable quality healthcare provision (Gupta 2023). The deployment strategy will rely on a staged rollout plan, stakeholder communications initiatives, and engagement with key personnel. We are introducing training sessions to increase employee competency and confidence in utilizing this modern technology. In addition, our strategy will involve collaboration with IT specialists to ensure smooth integration of the new solutions into their technological environment. This comprehensive strategy aims to create a culture of flexibility and lifelong learning in the nursing department and make some dramatic shifts regarding how care should be delivered to patients.


An appropriate evaluation system should be a critical tool for evaluating our approach. In terms of assessing employees’ impact, workflow efficiency, and patient results in the area of efficacy factors, these will be KPIs (Gupta, 2023). Two critical questions will serve as our review’s guiding principles: To begin with, what is the impact of modern technology on patient care in terms of quality and safety? How willing are people to use these technologies as a part of their habitual everyday practice? Combining qualitative data from staff surveys and feedback sessions with quantitative data based on time efficiency indicators and improved patient outcomes will answer these questions. Moreover, constantly tracking unexpected outcomes or problems will allow for adjusting the innovation strategy over time. With iterative assessment, we can change and adapt our strategy during the feedback process (Gupta, 2023). Implementing a dynamic assessment system will enhance our nursing department’s responsiveness and efficiency as needs vary from student to student while striving towards an innovation culture in healthcare services.

In conclusion, such a radical approach to progressing the nursing department in patient care delivery points to a promise for revolutionary transformation and constant evolution. Therefore, we seek to meet modern challenges, improve patient outcomes, and consolidate the healthcare system by proactively embracing advanced technology. A comprehensive approach based on patient safety and evidence-based practices supports the systematic phased implementation. The evaluation methodology proposed below, which is based on a mixed basket of quantitative and qualitative standards, will provide us with valuable data about the degree of success of our recommendations. This gives us the desire to inform employees about being religious and spiritual in their lives, not because of ceremonies or rituals but due to people’s neediness.


Gupta, A. D. (2023). A Systematic Review of the Literature on the Development of New Concepts from the Perspective of Promoting Patient-Centered Care.

Sacca, L., Lobaina, D., Burgoa, S., Rao, M., Jhumkhawala, V., Zapata, S. M., … & Medina, S. (2023). Using Patient-Centered Dissemination and Implementation Frameworks and Strategies in Palliative Care Settings for Improved Quality of Life and Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®, 10499091231214241.


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