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Leading and Motivating a Team Effectively

Explain the importance of the team having a shared sense of purpose that supports the overall vision and strategy of the organisation.

I have worked for the HR department of the Greenwich Students Union, which represents the students’ views of the University through all levels to offer the Union’s members support services. The vision at Greenwich Student Union is to enable students to maximise their experience while studying at the University. Vision works like a ship’s lodestar, which enables the ship to navigate towards its preferred direction and achieve its desired aim. The vision promotes a shared sense of purpose of the Union in supporting students and empowering students throughout their journey at Greenwich. Thus, the team shares a similar purpose of representing the needs of the students, learning the needs of the students, and instituting changes that promote student well-being.

Additionally, a common understanding of goals, roles, and values is one of the most important processes a team should perform. It provides the team with a shared sense of direction and integrates individual team members for a unified purpose (Belbin and Brown 21). As the HR manager, I made members aware of their specific roles and how the role of each member drives us closer to the realisation of GSU Plan 2026. Having objectives such as the GSU Plan 2026 is crucial because it has enabled the organisation to establish specific objectives for achieving its long-term plans. The goals usually provide teams with reference points; success and progress can be measured against this specific goal. A successful teamwork process is only possible if the organisation supports it through the values demonstrated to the team members.

Explain the role that communication plays in establishing a common sense of purpose.

Organisational success is heavily dependent on effective communication. Thus, the organisation should create effective communication structures throughout the different levels of the organisation.

Realisation of Goals and Objectives

Communication is one of the most crucial elements that assist in realising organisational objectives and goals and thus create a common sense of purpose. The goals are usually achieved by stimulating and motivating the staff through organisational communication. How well managers know their employees will determine the method and choice of communication. Thus, GSU holds annual staff meetings where the goals and expectations of every team member of the organisation are established. At the same time, the goals and objectives of GSU are published online for the public to interact and raise awareness; this also promotes accountability as the Union will be held to task by the members in case of any issue.

Addresses Differences in the Workplace

Communication is a tool for addressing workplace contradictions in areas such as relationships, roles, values, and culture. Addressing contradictions will enable the organisation to think, work, learn, and progress towards a common purpose. Improved communication between managers and employees is crucial in enabling the organisation to promote workplace integration and equality.

Assess the effectiveness of your own communication skills on the basis of the above.


As demonstrated above, effective communication in the workplace involves not only sending instructions and communicating but also receiving them. As a manager, I listen to employees’ concerns, giving them input on their roles and places of work. The involvement of team members in organisational decision-making allows everyone to work towards the team’s vision.


I have observed that when employees feel valued by the organisation, they are more engaged and motivated to work towards the team’s common purpose, such as the realisation of GSU Plan 2026. I have learned that the team members are better equipped to meet expectations through clear communication. Clear communication results in enhanced productivity and performance of the whole team.

Constructive Feedback

I have also been able to offer guidance and feedback, which has allowed the team members to learn and develop their skills. In examining my own communication skills, I have learned that I am good when it comes to being a good listener. However, I need to improve my collaboration. Collaboration results in effective communication between managers and their employees. Success is easily achieved when everyone is on the same page and striving for the same purpose.

Describe the main motivational factors in a work context and how these may apply to different situations, teams, and individuals.

McGregor’s theories X and Y on human behaviour and human nature are applicable to management practice. Theory X assumes a relatively negative perception of human nature where individuals largely dislike work, are unwilling to take responsibility, and have little ambition (Singh 42). Managers holding the theory X assumption will motivate their employers through a rigid process of carrot and stick where good performance is rewarded, and poor performance is punished. Theory Y views human nature more positively and assumes that people are largely hardworking, creative, responsible, and with self-control at work. A manager who holds the theory Y philosophy promotes a more collaborative relationship with their employees and motivates them by enabling them to work on their own initiatives and empowering them (Mansaray 185). I believe that it is possible to use a mixture of Theory X and Theory Y. However, the use of each depends on the team’s needs and organisational objectives. Theory X will be best for new GSU team members who may need extra supervision, especially during events or peak activity seasons. Theory Y works best with our team because we espouse collaborative decision-making. Our team is also focused on developing the connection between team members so that the staff can achieve a state of self-actualisation.

Explain the importance of a leader being able to motivate teams and individuals and gain their commitment to objectives.

Motivation is a critical component of team and organisational success. Managers need to inspire and motivate teams to achieve the set objectives. Communicating a clear vision, coaching teams, recognising good work, and leading by example can enhance motivation and improve organisational and team success (Varma 11). According to McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, motivation involves particular assumptions about human nature, whereas Theory X and Y hold different assumptions about individuals. Leaders need to positively promote employee behaviours, which results in beneficial outcomes with extrinsic rewards, and negatively enhance staff action, which results in adverse outcomes with performance feedback (Fatma et al. 2).

According to John Adair’s leadership model, an effective leader has to be aware of three interconnected aspects of leadership: Team Needs, Individual needs, and Task needs (Munna 24). Task needs can be achieved when a manager establishes the roles for a particular task and comes up with a deadline for achieving a specific task. Through team needs, leaders can assist individuals in feeling valued by the organisation and thus build a strong, united team. An effective leader has to identify a balance among the three needs in order to fulfil organisational objectives.

Explain the leader’s role in supporting and developing the team and its members and give practical examples of when this will be necessary.

Collaborative work environment

A team leader is tasked with promoting a collaborative work environment by guiding a team of people towards a particular goal. Leadership revolves around an observable set of abilities and skills. According to Kouzes and Posner’s Exemplary Leadership model, exemplary leaders set an example, and others follow (Senekal and Lenz 534). Leaders focus on the future and require their followers to take part in achieving the vision.


Great leadership requires the individual to be innovative, challenge norms, and promote innovation in others. The exemplary leadership model promotes a positive collaborative culture and environment. Thus, at GSU, the shared vision of GSU Plan 2026 is a great indication of exemplary leadership where a shared vision rings all team members together in the quest to achieve the specified set targets. The GSU Plan 2026 indicates transformational leadership with a vision of the future and a picture of what the organisation can achieve. As a manager, I strive to set an example through my values that the team members may emulate. I will always motivate and encourage our team members to strive to achieve our set goals as espoused in the Exemplary leadership model.

Works Cited

Belbin, R. Meredith, and Victoria Brown. Team roles at work. Routledge, 2022.

Fatma Sonmez Cakir, Z. A. (2020). Analysis of Leader Effectiveness in Organization and Knowledge Sharing Behavior on Employees and Organization.

Mansaray, Hassan Elsan. “The role of human resource management in employee motivation and performance-An overview.” Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI) Journal 2.3 (2019): 183-194.

Munna, Afzal. “Strategic Management, Leadership and Staff Motivation: Literature Review.” International Education and Culture Studies 1.1 2021: 21–29.

Senekal, Quintin, and Renate Lenz. “Transformational Leadership: Enabling others to act.” International Journal of Business and Management Studies 12.2 (2021): 532-543.

Singh, L.K. “A Critical Analysis of Theory X & Theory Y In The 21st Century.” EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review. 2019: 42-45

Varma, Chandrakant. “Importance of employee motivation & job satisfaction for organisational performance.” International journal of social science & interdisciplinary research 6.2 2017.


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