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Healthy Aging for Poor People

Healthcare providers should emphasize the provision of geriatric to improve older citizens’ health and safety. Healthy aging entails the process of maintaining the quality and well-being of older citizens during their aging phase. World Health Organization recognizes health aging as a global concern in creating a society where older adults feel safe. This study is significant in resolving the social determinants to achieve dignity, equity, and healthy aging in the world. An estimated 20% of males and 30% of females in old age need assistance with the Activity of Daily Living (ADL). This epitomizes the notion that old age increases vulnerability due to dementia, frailty, and higher risks for chronic ailments. This article primarily focuses on the analysis of social determinants affecting health in older adults, especially those living in poverty. It will assess and provide the best interventions for improving older adults’ healthcare. Health providers should resolve social determinants and utilize the philosophy of healthy aging to create respectful and equitable healthcare.

Scope of Healthy Aging

The WHO agency defines health through the notion that health providers contribute to better and more fulfilling lives in the older population by avoiding discrimination against senior citizens. This definition is comprehensive since it covers the issues of mental, physical, and social well-being among senior citizens. Some of these key elements are environmental safety, health equity, and a safe environment (Abdi et al., 2019). Older adults can quickly achieve mental, physical, and social well-being through tailored healthcare services and the provision of autonomy during healthcare. Fulmer et al. (2020) state that more than 24% of older adults live in community settings, and 43% of all aged adults experience isolation. Other causes of their struggle are education, housing stability, social support, healthcare access, and social determinants. Health stakeholders can improve older adults’ well-being by solving the social determinants.

Social Determinants Impact on the Health of Senior Citizens in Poverty

The social determinants have a substantial impact on the healthcare provided to older adults. According to Fulmer et al. (2021), the United States should expect more strain on healthcare, considering that by 2030, it is anticipated that there will be more individuals over 65 years than above 5 years. This survey purposed to explore the future of the US in providing better healthcare for older adults. This study found that social determinants increase the risks of morbidity, mortality, economic cost, and suffering. Dobarrio-Sanz et al. (2023) advance that there is a correlation between living in poverty, malnutrition, and hospital readmissions. Nonetheless, there is an opportunity to improve healthy aging by redesigning end-of-life and palliative care.

Barriers to Proper Health Access

Older adults living in impoverished lives encounter multiple barriers in their search for proper healthcare. Fulmer et al. (2019) state that over 50% of people aged 65 years and above live with mental and physical disorders. This scoping review purposed to establish the support needed for the aged population by focusing on the older people living in the United Kingdom. It found barriers to health access such as poor social support, expensive healthcare, poor transport, physical disabilities, geographical barriers, stigma, and lack of awareness about geriatric services. Dobarrio-Sanz et al. (2023) advance that specific social determinants that affect older adults are poor housing conditions, social isolation, and food insecurity. Older adults encountered poor communication, an absence of expert guidance on self-care, and health poor care coordination. Healthcare providers should create awareness about the available homecare services for older adults.

Challenges Encountered by Older Adults and Social Support

Senior citizens living in poverty encounter multiple challenges in accessing healthcare, leading to early mortality. The impediments to proper health access include poor transportation, high costs, unaffordable insurance, and housing instability. Financial constraints lead to challenges in purchasing nutritious foods and medications and maintaining affordable healthcare. Dobarrio-Sanz et al. (2023) advance that poor older adults encounter issues of legal and social isolation, food insecurity, and inability to meet basic needs like water and unaffordable prescriptions. This study used an interview in data collection seeking to understand the encounter of the low-income population in high-income nations. It established that many older adults have mental health issues and health inequities. Comprehensive support and targeted medical interventions are crucial in improving geriatric care.


Health stakeholders should utilize a multifaceted approach while addressing the challenges encountered by older adults living in impoverishment. First, the government should establish community health centers and provide affordable medical insurance. Abdi et al. (2019) advance that support services are essential for older adults to improve care quality. The second initiative is improving social support services through the creation of senior companionship programs or affordable housing. This will aid in alleviating the issue of isolation that is impacting mental health in older adults. The third option is creating awareness and providing education to increase awareness about the available community services for aged care. Fulmer et al. (2021) assert that healthcare providers can solve the issue of social isolation using referrals to in-home facilities. This will increase healthcare access to homecare services and reduce the stigmatization effect through socialization among older adults. The last option is developing an age-friendly community and using policies to address the social determinants. A multifaceted intervention is crucial since it will cater to all unique issues in healthcare.

Summarily, dignified, quality, and equitable healthcare for older adults depends on healthy aging and solutions to social determinant challenges. Health stakeholders should develop target interventions based on the knowledge about economic, social, and health factors. The key focus should be resolving barriers like housing instability, immobility, physical impairments, financial constraints, and lack of social networks. Interventions are affordable insurance programs, education/ awareness programs, an age-friendly community, and carer services. This study implies that targeted intervention and social support is the key to enhanced care for older citizens. Future studies should examine the effectiveness of home care in improving senior citizens’ care. Collaboration between older adults, the community, and health providers is the key to improved geriatric care.


Abdi, S., Spann, A., Borilovic, J., de Witte, L., & Hawley, M. (2019). Understanding the care and support needs of older people: a scoping review and categorization using the WHO International Classification of Functioning, disability and Health Framework (ICF). BMC geriatrics19(1), 1-15.

Dobarrio‐Sanz, I., Chica‐Pérez, A., Martínez‐Linares, J. M., López‐Entrambasaguas, O. M., Fernández‐Sola, C., & Hernández‐Padilla, J. M. (2023). Experiences of poverty amongst low‐income older adults living in a high‐income country: A qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing.

Fulmer, T., Reuben, D. B., Auerbach, J., Fick, D. M., Galambos, C., & Johnson, K. S. (2021). Actualizing Better Health And Health Care For Older Adults: Commentary describes six vital directions to improve the care and quality of life for all older Americans. Health Affairs40(2), 219-225.


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