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“Global Political Demography: The Politics of Population Change” Book Review


It is an era where population distribution, growth rate, and composition would not be just numeric data but a natural force providing power, resource allocation, and policy making. The study is very weighty when political demography is focused, showing the complex functioning of the populations’ movements and the political scene. In “Global Political Demography: “The Politics of Population Change”, A. Goerres and P. Vanhuysse suggest that the populace is not the only component that forms the body politics, establishing power relations in the block. The book aims to evaluate the dialogue between politics and demography using the given example to demonstrate how governance occurs in the relationship between population dynamics, external relationships, and social development. This way, it provides policymakers with background information for thematic discussions developing various issues such as immigration, healthcare, sustainability of the environment, inequality, and poverty.

Background Information

The authors of “Global Political Demography The authors of the article “The Politics of Population Change: Human Resources and Gender in Political Parties,” A. Goerres and P. Vanhuysse, are renowned scholars specialising in political demography. André Krouwel is a comparative political science professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam who is currently focusing his research on political behaviour, electoral systems, and public opinion. Dr Peter v. Huysse is a professor of political science at the University of Southern Denmark, specialising in social policy, comparative politics, and welfare state reforms.

Summary of Chapter 4: Poverty and Religious Affiliation Worldwide 1970–2010

Chapter 4 shows the link between poverty and the country’s religious affiliation globally from 1970-2010, in which Skirbekk and Navarro are co-authors. The chapter’s primary focal point is that an individual’s religious situation can considerably decide their socio-economic status with possible implications for poverty reduction practices (Goerres and Vanhuysse, 2021). Religion and poverty are interconnected. The book chapter explores several main theoretical tools and paradigms associated with poverty and religiosity.

Skirbekk and Navarro apply different sources and approaches to analyse this phenomenon, such as demographic data from international organisations, survey data on religious beliefs and practices, and statistical modelling methods. They utilise statistical approaches to reveal and ascertain patterns and trends of poverty among different religious categories by regression and comparison (Goerres and Vanhuysse, 2021). Furthermore, the chapter interweaves thoughts and evidence from existing literature on religion and development into the discussion.

Critical Evaluation of Chapter 4

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Chapter’s Argumentation

The chapter uses a rigorous argumentation, using empirical findings and supported by concepts of theoretical frameworks. Excellently, the authors illustrate the problematic link between poverty and religious affiliation, providing helpful information on how social and economic outcomes interact with religious identities (Goerres and Vanhuysse, 2021). The book gives a comprehensive examination of demographic trends and their implications for socio-economic outcomes, drawing on a wide range of empirical data and theoretical frameworks. A potential limitation of the book is that it bases on the aggregate-level analysis, which does not consider the individual-level variations within the religious groups and hence may fail to capture the real complexity of the relationship between religion and poverty as illustrated on page 104 of the book.

Effectiveness of Sources and Methods

The authors use data sources, including demographic and survey results, to inform their analysis. The statistical methods, particularly regression analysis, offer a sound processing system for investigating the link between religion and poverty (Goerres and Vanhuysse, 2021). Overall, sources and methods are valid in delivering a collective comprehension of the subject, even though there could be limiting factors in data availability and reliability in some regions.

Coherence and Clarity of Presentation

The chapter is presented clearly and logically, and explaining significant themes and results is easy to grasp. The authors prove to be competent in communicating their arguments and do not only rely on their own opinions but also use evidence to corroborate their claims (Goerres and Vanhuysse, 2021). While some paragraphs may require refining to elucidate further for easier understanding among readers, there is a need for more clarification and elaboration during the interpretation of statistical results as part of the policy and practice implications.

Innovative or Insightful Aspects

The chapter is innovative in that it draws the intersectionality of religion and poverty, revealing that it is necessary to consider the religious identity of each person when making the interventions. The book’s authors offer complex descriptions of how different religious groups experience poverty in various ways and provide a profound insight into the issue. This book will teach Policymakers and practitioners how to find the best solutions (Goerres and Vanhuysse, 2021). Moreover, the chapter not only takes part in the ongoing discussions in the area of development studies but also questions several strictly accepted generalisation generalisations about the connection between religion and socio-economic performance, thus broadening the horizons of scientific research.

Contribution to the Field

The chapter “Poverty and Religious Affiliation Worldwide 1970–2010” adds valuable information on political demography, which studies the complex interaction between religion, poverty, and socio-political processes. The chapter examines the junction between religious identity and the poverty levels of separate regions and periods (Goerres and Vanhuysse, 2021). It reveals one of the demographic dimensions of political and social processes. This analysis points out that religion is an essential factor that must be considered in political demography studies.


In this review, we examined Chapter 4 of “Global Political Demography: The Political Economy of Population Change” by Vegard Skirbekk and Jose Navarro – the paper discusses the relationship between the earth’s world poverty and religious beliefs from 1970 to 2010. This book questions the traditional approaches that are based on the political demography by revealing the complex relations between population dynamics and socio-economic conditions. Religious affiliation becomes the medium through which the authors illustrate how demographic factors influence political processes, social system, and policy outcome. Through the emphasis of religion as the source and the dynamics of poverty and socio-political system, the book leads the readers to analyse what they know about the subject. It nudges scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to adopt more comprehensive and inclusive perspective on political demography, an approach that recognises the multitude of religious beliefs and practices as vital players in the game of population change and governance.

Reference list

Goerres, A. and Vanhuysse, P. (2021). GLOBAL POLITICAL DEMOGRAPHY: the politics of population change. S.L.: Springer Nature.


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