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Exploring the Societal Constructions of Fatherhood: A Critical Reflection on Two Articles

In human science, the elements of life as a parent and the cultural developments encompassing it are crucial in molding individual characters and encounters. This essential reflection dives into two articles: “Men Always Adopt” by Florencia Herrera and “Losing a Child” by Michael Johnson. The two articles give special bits of knowledge into the encounters of men exploring non-regulating multiplication methods and adapting to bombed newborn child appropriations. Through an engaged focal point, this reflection means investigating the intricacies encompassing parenthood and the cultural assumptions put on men regarding propagation.

Herrera’s article enlightens the encounters of men confronting barrenness issues and their processes through helped multiplication and reception. The focal contention spins around men situating themselves distinctively in accounts about helped proliferation contrasted with reception. In helped multiplication, men frequently portray themselves as auxiliary and non-dynamic figures, while in reception accounts, they position themselves as co-or equivalent entertainers (Herrera, 2013). The article highlights the continuous battle for men to approve their parts in the regenerative cycle in Chilean culture. Then again, Johnson’s review digs into the encounters of gay men adapting to bombed baby appropriations. The review, in light of top-to-bottom meetings with eight people, features the exceptional difficulties faced by gay men in such circumstances, including the shortfall of legitimate security, social shame, and profound pain. The requirement for additional examination and emotionally supportive networks for gay men managing bombed newborn child selections arises as a significant point from the review.

One convincing thought from Herrera’s article is the nuanced depiction of men’s jobs in propagation stories. The qualification between helped propagation and reception reveals insight into cultural assumptions and impressions of manliness. While participating in helped propagation, men appear to adjust to conventional jobs of resignation and non-decisiveness, conceivably reflecting profoundly imbued orientation standards (Johnson, 2023). Notwithstanding, the change in self-discernment in reception stories recommends a craving for uniformity and dynamic contribution to the nurturing system. This unmistakable contrast prompts a reflection on cultural assumptions and developments of parenthood. For what reason does the multiplication method impact how men see their jobs? How do social standards and assumptions add to this separation? Coordinating course material on orientation jobs and cultural assumptions becomes fundamental in disentangling these intricacies and figuring out the more extensive ramifications for the development of parenthood.

Continuing toward Johnson’s review, the accentuation on the one-of-a-kind difficulties faced by gay men in bombed baby selections delivers another fascinating viewpoint. The shortfall of legitimate security and the social disgrace encompassing gay being a parent adds to their profound misery as well as highlights foundational issues. This raises issues about the inclusivity of lawful systems and cultural perspectives toward different family structures. The reflection on Johnson’s work additionally supports considering the more extensive cultural ramifications of bombed receptions among gay men. How might the laws be changed to help different families more? Which job does cultural acknowledgment play in forming the encounters of gay dads managing bombed appropriations? By drawing on these inquiries, we can investigate the crossing points of sexuality, life as a parent, and cultural standards.

In conclusion, the primary reflection on Herrera and Johnson’s articles uncovers the multifaceted embroidery of cultural developments encompassing parenthood. The juxtaposition of men’s parts in helped multiplication versus reception accounts prompts consideration of profoundly imbued orientation standards. Moreover, the extraordinary difficulties faced by gay men in bombed newborn child receptions feature the requirement for foundational changes and backing structures. By being fundamentally captivated by these articles, we gain significant knowledge into the intricacies of life as a parent and its cultural developments, preparing for investigation and grasping the area of humanism.


Herrera, F. (2013). “Men Always Adopt” infertility and reproduction from a male perspective. Journal of Family Issues34(8), 1059–1080.

Johnson, M. (2023). Losing a child: A grounded theory of failed infant adoptions among gay men. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services35(3), 313–329.


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