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Did Germany Instigate the First World War?

The presented chapters shed some light on the key diplomatic and military developments aimed at initiating World War I. Considering this information, it is possible to notice how states acted and understand various leaders’ and nations’ sentiments toward their involvement in warfare. The issue of whether Germany instigated the war was a controversial one that scholars have argued about for many years, and it continues to trend.

The chapters reflect how Germans acted based on their perceptions and feelings about the increasing tension because of what they feared and the associated effects[1]. Major players like Kaiser Wilhelm II, political experts, and military strategists like Moltke are shown fighting through the labyrinths of alliances, mobilizations, and diplomatic morasses[2]. These observations can be an overview of the issues and German internal debates and how they responded to outside pressure. Though it is crucial to have splendid awareness of activities on the regional level and other superpowers, more focus is required on a broader geopolitical scene. For evaluating the place, new threats to which Germany was exposed, and its state’s position, it is needless to consider this complicated and dynamic alliance system. The effort is vital and aims to probe Germany’s involvement in those events that led to the First World War.

In support of this, the concept of a blank check allegedly presented by Germany to Austria-Hungary is undefinable. Regarding German support to Austria-Hungary in handling Serbia, an institute for regional warfare may arise when two or more countries are involved. The support can, therefore, be perceived as a provocative act for Germany aimed to provoke responsibility from the ally’s side and bring no reconciliation but a tough policy regarding Serbia.[3]. However, the important thing to recall is that the text does not specify which of these antecedents predicted a world war as one of its outcomes, usurping Germany in favor.

Moreover, the text’s run also stresses the obscured contradictions of alliances and the rapidly progressing global political environment. This fear of encirclement was the basic attitude from which the German strategic outlook, especially since their fears were heightened during the formation of allies against them called the Triple Entente, which included France, Russia, and Britain, was based.[4]. The concept regarding the fight with two fighters’ battle industries from inside the present-day unions was fundamental in addressing choices that Germany should make. The story implies that although Germany contributed to the resultant effect of World War I through politics and strategy regarding diplomatic affairs, it went beyond doing so through its efforts and never alone. In that sense, a superficial view of this nation cannot be used as an example for understanding World politics.

It also reveals the anger of the Germans at accusations that there was various plotting in and a blatant Polish mistrust of English impartiality. In strategic behavior, Germany was consigned to limited choices, which may have had a negative effect from their perspective of reaching and defending its interests. One of the claims in this text is that England, Russia, and France agreed on their unity to fight against Germany. Still, they perceived the Austria-Serbia conflict as an ideal catalyst for widespread war. Such a vision could have worked as a fuse of winds because of German fears of encirclement that affected its decision-making process.

However, the chapters provide a distinct homing without any physical demonstration of Germany’s envisioning of starting a world war[5]. Contentedly, the material focuses on understanding the realities of a plausible foreign policy environment, undercutting as were threats for given and constructing operative safeguarding obligations. The apocalyptic speeches that came from the lips of leaders may have appeared deadly. Still, it is not necessarily arbitrary because it could suggest a calculated move to start a global war.

In conclusion, the text of the chapters suggests that Germany had a major impact on the background of the First World War, supporting Austria-Hungary and navigating a complex alliance system. The security was undeniably the leaders in Germany; they were leading a secluded country, and still, it was questioning its presupposition. In contrast, the text does not prove that Germany intentionally caused war for itself to become a new great power. The period was complex, reflected in the historical circuit of influencing actors moving quickly and widely, among other circumstances.


Lecture Notes. The July Crisis, (n.d).

[1] The July Crisis 170

[2] Ibid 212

[3] Ibid 214

[4] The July Crisis 216

[5] Ibid 295


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